4 Essential Features for Content Marketing Managers

Discover essential tools for effective content marketing management. Streamline projects, track KPIs, and optimize team performance on a budget.

Updated: September 29, 2023

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Working as a content manager requires you to not only be strategic but also to ensure that the gears keep turning.

Within the content team, we need to manage multiple projects, track various KPIs, and support multiple teams, all while staying within budget.

Fortunately, there are several tools available that you can rely on to manage everything and ensure team performance. That’s what I’ll explore in this blog post: four tools that you can use in your content marketing management.


Yes, the first tool is one of the best friends of any marketing professional.

It’s the tool where we back up and control our KPIs, create our content calendar, and perform every single export, content audit, and data analysis.

Spreadsheets, after all, are a highly flexible tool that can solve multiple problems.

Of course, they don’t solve everything, and as your business matures, you can replace the use of spreadsheets with more sophisticated software.

Still, spreadsheets will prove valuable on many occasions.


It’s no secret that WriterAccess is the most essential tool for Rock Content’s content marketing strategy.

This is the platform where we find the best talents to help us scale our content production.

In addition to content production, the dashboard the tool offers really makes a manager’s life easier:

In a single screen, I have access to valuable information about the team’s productivity and budget control.

Read also: Rocking Content Scaling: Our Step-by-Step Process

Google Analytics

If you are a marketing manager truly concerned about the performance of your strategy, opening Google Analytics and checking the results of your blog and website should be second nature to you.

No matter how beautiful the content produced by my team is, at the end of the day, what matters is how many results we can generate with our content marketing strategy.

Read also: Unveiling Insights: Our First Experiences With Google Analytics 4

CRM and Marketing Automation tools

Well, if in the above item I talked about the concern for the performance of your content strategy, here is where you go further.

The level of importance and impact of your content team will take a step forward when you start looking beyond traffic and begin to analyze the business results influenced by your content strategy.

How many conversions is your blog generating? How many MQLs? How many deals? How much of the sales pipeline did the blog impact?

Working closely with the demand generation team will propel you and your team to the next level.

Bonus: Why You Should Declare Independence from the IT Team and Developers

Okay, that title may have been a bit exaggerated, but I do have a point.

As a content manager, it is essential that you and your team have the autonomy and agility to create and launch new and innovative content.

Something quite common in companies is the marketing team becoming dependent on developers who are not part of the marketing team. Don’t get me wrong; I like developers. However, if you don’t have a developer on your marketing team (which is normal since these professionals can be expensive), marketing needs may never be a priority.

That’s why, if you want to create content experiences in your marketing strategy, the bonus tip is Ion, our interactive content creation tool.

Before working at Rock Content, I saw countless content ideas like calculators and quizzes end up in the graveyard due to a lack of prioritization by the development team.

With Ion, you can empower your team to create and innovate in rich content creation without having to write a single line of code.

Read also: How to create interactive content even if you don’t know what HTML is

Furthermore, by creating interactive content, you can seamlessly blend creativity with demand generation.

The bonus tip is not essentially a management tool but can make a difference if you are a leader looking to innovate in your content strategy.

Speak with one of our consultants to discover how to use Ion in your marketing strategy.


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