Quick Tips for Interesting Content Concepts

Updated: February 23, 2024

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When putting together your content schedule, finding interesting topics can be challenging. Even if your industry is complex, getting to the promised land of engaging content can be achieved. How? It’s all about tweaking your concepts. Having the tools to assist when developing your content is key. Here are a few suggestions:

Diversify your writers

If your goal is to be recognized as a thought leader, the content you choose must not only be engaging, but should breathe life into other ideas. It’s best to hire writers that can hone your thoughts and come up with brilliant topics that make a difference.

Use an idea generator

Using a content idea generator can help your content strategy add humor, insight, and variety to your topics to develop interesting titles and points of view.

Start from within

Your content marketing team should have a strong relationship with other departments of your organization to find out what makes the company run. Even if it’s a small company, getting input from team players can help in determining what types of content will be interesting to your target audience.

Tell a story

One of the best content concepts for industries is to tell an engaging story that not only pulls the reader in, but demonstrates how to do something, whether it’s solve a problem, put something together, or deal with others. The story should be interesting enough where your audience deems it worthy of sharing.

Provide shock value

Starting your content off with a “Did you know?” or topic that could be considered risqué could work well in providing an interesting start to your content pieces. Controversy and shock value does well when engaging your audience. This is a perfect time to address those areas and topics that no one else in your industry wants to touch. Studying infographs and other statistical information for your industry can assist in providing all the content you need to make this work.

Step away from your industry

Your content does not always have to be centered on your specific industry. Diversification is one of the best things you can do to not only shake things up, but give your audience something different. What other industries do you work with? Are there any specific products you use that are not manufactured by your company? Is there something of relevance going on globally that is thought-provoking enough to give you credibility with your readers? All of these things work to your benefit and can keep your readers on their feet. The more diverse content you introduce, the more they will want to see what you have to say.

These are just a few ways you can come up with interesting content concepts that will engage your readers and help position you as an authority that has more to offer. Keeping things light, interesting and “different” will provide a captive audience every time.


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