Tips On Using Vine For Content Marketing

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For some brands, trying to fit all of their information into a 500-word blog post is complicated enough, never mind a six-second video. However, brands brave enough to attempt the Twitter-owned video app, Vine, are seeing great success from it as a form of marketing.

A Content Marketing Institute and Marketing Profs’ report discovered that 74% of content marketers say they plan to use video to reach their consumers. Similarly, an infographic from SurePayroll claims video will make up 55% of the internet content 2016.

According to the same infographic, branded Vine videos receive 400% more shares than other branded videos.

In other words, if you’re posting Vine videos, you’re on top of the game. If you aren’t here are some tips on using Vine for content marketing:

1. The How-To Video

In order to create an effective how-to video for Vine, you have to establish what kind of issues your brands target audience might face. If your brand has a solution to this problem, make a quick stop-motion animation and post it to Vine. These videos are a short six-seconds, which makes them much less expensive than regular videos and arguably, much more fun.

For an example of a well-executed branded how-to video on Vine, look no further than “Lowe’s Fix In Six” campaign:

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2. Creative Product Use

If you target audience already knows the standard way of using your product, here’s your chance to show them something different. Come up with some interesting ways that your product can be used or implemented into their daily routine, then shorten it into a fun and simple Vine for them to follow. Doing this will help hold consumers interest and will distinguish your product from others.

Household cookie brand, Oreo, successfully uses this form of video in their Vine campaign, “Snack Hacks”, where they show alternate ways of using their cookies:

3. Recreate An Event, Movie Or Book With Your Brand

The title sounds more complicated than it is, but these Vine’s are alway an audience favourite. Essentially, you take something someone else has done and use your own product to recreate it. What you choose to recreate is up to you, but you need to relate it to the audience you are trying to reach. Also, if this is the type of Vine video you choose to create, make sure the ‘something’ you are recreating is well-known and will be recognizable in a six-second video.

To help you better understand, here’s a great example of a re-creation Vine campaign from Dunkin Donuts, called the “Dunkin Replay”:

Regardless of the type of Vine you choose to create, make sure you aren’t trying to fit too much information in. An overload is overwhelming, keep it simple and have fun.


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