What is Attraction Marketing? Definition + How it Boost Sales

Attraction marketing is the process of showing customers through demonstration why they can’t live without your product. It is often better received than straight sales talk.

Updated: September 1, 2021
What is Attraction Marketing? Definition + How it Boost Sales

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Have you ever wondered why influencers and celebrities are so good at selling products?

It’s because they work to build trust with their audience and aren’t always trying to hard sell products.

Instead, they take a softer inbound marketing approach called attraction marketing.

In this guide, we’ll break down the basics of attraction marketing and explain why it is such an effective method.

Then we’ll go into a few tips and examples on how you can use a similar approach to drastically improve your results.

Let’s dive right in and get started.

    What is Attraction Marketing?

    Attraction marketing is a process that utilizes audience trust coupled with product education to ultimately convince a consumer to make a purchase.

    For example, when a famed YouTube makeup artist like Jaclyn Hill or celebrity chef like Jamie Oliver does a virtual demonstration and uses a specific tool or product, they’re practicing attraction marketing.


    The audience that they’ve built up to trust them sees how a specific item helps make the celebrity or influencer’s life easier.

    Thus, they decide to make a purchase of the same product to help improve their own personal experience.

    The process is incredibly powerful and has been used in marketing for decades. 

    Even television shows in the 1950s and 1960s bet on attraction marketing, such as when a sitcom housewife would use a particular brand of soap or point to a new appliance in the kitchen.

    How is Attraction Marketing Different Than a Testimonial?

    When it comes to comparing attraction marketing with testimonials, they’re only slightly different. 

    In fact, you could almost view a testimonial as a type of attraction marketing.

    However, true attraction marketing includes an education or value element in some way. For example, watching someone actually use a project to complete a task versus just taking their word for it.

    Both are still super powerful parts of social proof in your digital marketing and should not be ignored.

    Is Attraction Marketing Really Relevant?

    If attraction marketing has been around a long time, is it still entirely relevant?

    The answer is a resounding yes.

    Influencers today still make large incomes off sharing the products they love (or are paid to endorse) on social media.

    And this strategy translates to thousands of different niches effectively. Need an example?

    Kids around the world love watching toy unboxing videos.

    In this content, the viewer watches as another child around the same age literally opens and plays with a toy that’s currently on the market.

    The end result is that the little one that watched the video sees how much fun the kid in the video had, causing them to ask their parents for that specific item.

    For adults, there are all sorts of YouTube videos on the market about which vacuum cleaner gets the best results, the right tool to buy from a contractor’s perspective, or the best area rugs for active families.

    Attraction marketing isn’t just video content, either. Blogger endorsements through written guides and posts are quite effective, too.

    And social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook are full of those willing to share experiences with a certain item.

    In a time when content is so readily available, attraction marketing helps cut through the noise by showing why a product is useful instead of just telling a person that it is.

    How to Start Using Attraction Marketing

    Now that you know what attraction marketing entails, let’s get into how you can use it for your business.


    First, you’ll want to decide the best way for presenting your product or service to your audience. 

    Consider aspects like educational demonstrations, influencer or celebrity endorsements, or whatever makes the most sense for your niche.


    Next, create content around the focus you’ve chosen. 

    Make sure to include imagery showing how someone would use the product to solve a problem or how the service you offer makes your customer’s life easier in some way.

    Be sure to make it more of a soft approach that is simply explaining the benefits and not a hard sell perspective.


    Finally, test out your content. If one campaign doesn’t work, don’t be afraid to poll your audience to find out why. 

    Make a few changes and get ready to try your next attraction marketing strategy. 

    If it goes well, consider scaling up the campaign to a larger segment of your audience.

    5 Tips for an Effective Attraction Marketing Campaign

    Wondering what elements make this type of strategy boost your sales? 

    Here are five tips for an effective attraction marketing campaign:

    1. Understand Your Buyer Persona

    Attraction marketing is only successful if you know who your customers are as completely and wholly as possible.

    Creating a buyer persona that includes who this person is and any challenges in their daily lives is a good way to find the right messaging angle.

    Let’s say you’re selling a meal kit product that makes it easier for busy moms to make dinner in a short period of time. 

    Your ideal buyer would probably be a parent, have a busy schedule, and possess a moderate amount of cooking experience but isn’t an expert.

    However, you also need to look at other angles like:

    • Do they live in an area with access to ingredients? 
    • How much do they care about nutrition values?

    Be as specific as possible so that you can create an attraction marketing message that resonates well.

    2. Build Trust with Your Audience by Being Present

    Creating a large and trusting audience who is willing to take your word for whether a product is beneficial takes time.

    If you’re only occasionally posting to social media or not really present in their feeds, it is going to be harder to get someone to buy a product you’re claiming makes life easier.

    Thus, take the time to build out your profile and grow your follower count before ever embarking on an attraction marketing journey.

    3. Know When to Use Influencers and Celebrities

    If you have a bigger budget, you could consider using influencers and celebrities as part of your attraction marketing campaign.

    These people are the ones who already have a well-established audience that they’re willing to share with you in exchange for free items, monetary compensation, or both.

    If you haven’t been able to build your own audience up to this point, using someone else’s is often a good place to start.

    Not only can it lead to more product sales, but it is also good for brand recognition and growing awareness of your company in the marketplace.

    4. Always Craft a Genuine Message Based on Providing Value

    Here’s the part that so many companies fail at when trying to utilize attraction marketing.

    They forget that the key ingredient in the process is creating a genuine message based on providing value.

    The main focus of whatever content you create as part of your attraction marketing campaign should always be to give away something of worth to your target buyer — whether that’s knowledge, samples, free trial periods, or whatever else is necessary.

    When you switch your primary goal to giving to the masses versus selling more products, your audience is more likely to trust you. 

    In the end, this can equate to an eventual boost in sales.

    5. Understand Using Facts vs. Emotion

    The tricky part about attraction marketing is that a lot of companies want to use an emotional response message versus one based on facts.

    While there is a need for both sides, factual information is often received better than angles that provide an emotional connection.

    Simply put, consumers want to know that your product or service is going to provide a specific result. 

    They don’t necessarily care if it tugs on their heartstrings or makes them feel a certain way (unless, of course, that’s the desired solution that your item provides).

    Know when to use each one based on the unique intricacies of your buyer persona.

    Wrap Up: Using Attraction Marketing to Grow Your Business

    Attraction marketing is more than just a gimmick or a sales tool. 

    It is a highly effective form of sales that uses trust to convey why your customer needs a specific product in their lives.

    When done correctly, attraction marketing can help boost sales, grow your business, and increase overall brand recognition.

    Are you ready to learn how to plan content so that it better aligns with your overall attraction marketing strategies? 

    We can help with that, thanks to this downloadable marketing kit!


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