Beyond Nails and Boards: What Makes Your Construction Company Unique?

Updated: February 20, 2024

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When your business is 2x4s, concrete, steel, nails and engineering specs, it can be really hard to figure out how to market your company in a way that is unique to you while still covering the universal basics. It’s not just construction! Professional content writers spend a great deal of time determining what exactly makes a business that is similar to others have its own unique flair and branding. Let’s spend a little time talking about the facts, features and fun stuff that makes your construction company unique, and how that can carry over to your social media marketing strategy:

How did it start?

Is your company the new kid on the block that specializes in green construction techniques or is it a five-generation tradition that has provided exceptional finish carpentry for over 100 years? Telling your story is the first step in making your company stand out from the rest. This can include where the original idea came from, whether it’s a partnership or family-owned business, if you’ve moved from another part of the state or country and other tidbits of company history that may be of interest of people. Mentioning anniversaries of company events as part of your social media marketing strategy is helpful as it draws people’s attention to how long you’ve been in business, big projects you’ve worked on and awards you’ve received.

What makes your company special?

Have you won awards or are you a certified LEEDS contractor? What about the top level recognition you’ve received from the professional associations you’re part of? Beyond that, do you provide free labor for wheelchair ramps in your community, take on apprenticeships from the local teen home or provide volunteer work for the local Habitat for Humanity chapter? The work you’ve done that helps the community or wins recognition or awards shows that you’re a cut above the rest.

What have you done?

Is your company responsible for the amazing new art gallery or did you handle the new stadium the college had built? The really great, huge or mind-boggling projects you work on shouldn’t only show up on your website, but be part of your social media marketing strategy as well. Ask the company you’re contracted with if you can take regular pictures and make posts on progress with their job; if you talk to their marketing people, they’ll probably be fine with it if they’re given a mention and a backlink.

By telling your audience about these types of happenings, you help set yourself apart from the crowd. Implementing them into your social media marketing can only provide benefits in terms of additional contacts, awareness and work.


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