How Rock Content helped Gallas & Disperati’s site go from 0 to 8500 visitors in 90 days

When a company chooses digital media to reach its audience and succeed on the internet, many challenges and difficulties arise. Gallas & Disperati met several of those but moved on to achieve their goal. Check it out!

Updated: November 11, 2022
case Gallas & Disperati

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“If we don’t exist in the digital world, we are no longer relevant”. So said Fernanda Disperati, one of the partners at Gallas & Disperati, and, of course, we at Rock Content agree. Therefore, here at the Tech Blog, we always stress the importance of having a website to build your online visibility.

However, many people and companies encounter obstacles when creating their websites, such as:

  • unprepared developers;
  • site is constantly down;
  • slow page load speed;
  • broken links;
  • and the worst of all: zero visibility on Google.

Gallas & Disperati was going through all these issues, which is why they sought out Rock Content and Stage in order to optimize their website’s performance. The result: an increase of 1733% in organic traffic!

Download the free infographic to understand how speed impacts your site hbspt.cta.load(355484, ’47f60a2c-ba01-437b-a5b5-dff3a81a6f58′, {});

We interviewed Fernanda to create this article. Continue reading until the end to learn this incredible success story!

What is Gallas & Disperati?

Gallas & Disperati is a company that operates in the tourism industry. Its partners, the couple Fernanda Disperati and Alfredo Gallas, decided to found it based on their love for visiting new places and experiencing the culture of each location. They are known as slow travelers.

Their goal is to enable access to content produced during trips and help other travelers to have satisfying experiences on their trips.

That way, from their website, in addition to learning more about the couple’s story, visitors can also buy the books and travel guides they wrote, access an image database, and even make a budget for tailor-made travel itineraries.

Today, Fernanda and Alfredo split their time between producing content for the blog, posting photos on social media, and making the necessary adjustments on the site so that it continues to grow to the point of becoming a reference channel for everyone who seeks travel information.

But it was not always like that. In the beginning, the site had many problems.

What were the problems with the Gallas & Disperati website?

The Gallas & Disperati website was created in 2016 and focused on the company’s books. There was also a blog but it ended up being left behind because it did not have many readers.

Three years later, after the Instagram profile debut, the idea of ​​creating a new website was strengthened and the developer took more than 4 months to deliver it. This wait ended up being good, as Fernanda and Alfredo were able to dedicate themselves to learn more about Digital Marketing.

When it was ready, the site was beautiful but had many problems, such as slowness, error pages when visitors tried to download an e-book, and constant downtimes. “A real nightmare”, says Fernanda about that period.

Before the site was ready, Fernanda had already taken a Digital Marketing course and understood that without a working website, not even the best content can save it. By the way, to make good content, it would also be necessary to change the company’s way of writing. In short: much help was required!

The previous experiences, because they were negative, gave rise to a fear of finding other unprepared professionals and that were not engaged with the business objectives.

Then, when on vacation with Alfredo, Fernanda took a reading material to continue with her learning — the book “Obrigado pelo Marketing” by Vitor Peçanha —, which was essential to consider Rock Content as a good option.

Gallas & Disperati

How did Gallas & Disperati manage to solve their website and marketing problems?

After identifying that it was necessary to dive into the world of Digital Marketing to learn all the paths to success, the first step was to start Rock Training, the practical training in Marketing and Sales taught by Rock Content specialists.

As a civil engineer specialized in Art History and with experience in the cultural field, all that learning was a completely new world for Fernanda, so it took a lot of dedication.

The Rock Training team was instrumental in this stage when clarifying doubts and recommending complementary training, in addition to offering support materials.

All of this made her digital knowledge level up but there is another important point of this journey: the website.

Migration to Stage

As frequent crashes and slowness were the main problems on the Gallas & Disperati website, a decision was made to migrate to Stage, the WordPress solution developed by Rock Content.

Like Rock Training, Fernanda was also in contact with the team of consultants from Stage in order to solve these problems. After all, fast and stable sites are factors that Google considers for ranking, so they needed to be fixed.

After migrating to the Stage server, the programming flaws were fixed and the website started to load faster, as well as the blog. In addition to being split from the website, the blog gained a more intuitive layout after applying one of Stage’s exclusive themes.

With that, the first results began to appear, even considering how the pandemic affected topics such as travel, culture, art, and architecture.

Gallas & Disperati

What were the challenges, solutions, and results?

When the first contact with Rock Content was made by Gallas & Disperati, their website had no traffic at all, much less an idea of ​​how to change this situation.

Because of that, it was necessary to raise the main challenges faced so far to develop a solution with Stage and see results. Shall we check them out?

Challenge 1: site with errors and invisible on Google

To solve the first challenge, the solution was to migrate the site to the Stage provider, in addition to correcting errors and optimizing the content.

As a result, the site started to gain visibility and have its pages indexed.

Challenge 2: zero traffic

It was necessary to learn the need for a content strategy that is produced according to SEO standards for ranking on Google.

The results were impressive: an increase of 1733% in organic traffic, going from 0 to 8500 visitors in 90 days!

Challenge 3: generate leads

In addition to traffic, setting up the sales funnel was also part of the strategy to start generating leads.

The result was also effective: in the same period, dozens of subscribers and 60 leads were collected.

Gallas & Disperati testimonial about Rock Content

To wrap it up, check out the testimonial written by Fernanda herself, which highlights the experience of learning Digital Marketing and migrating the site with Rock Content.


“In the first month, while the website and blog were maintained by the people at Stage, I became familiar with the terminologies and followed all the most basic tracks in the Foundation category of Rock Training, for example:

  • how to produce optimized content;
  • building your persona;
  • what to do after publishing my content;
  • content routine;
  • social media (we didn’t even have a Facebook account).

As soon as the site was ready, I followed the guidelines I learned and finally understood the importance of SEO. I tried to optimize all content and minimize the problems that we were encountering weekly. For this, the Visibility training category was essential:

  • link building;
  • on-page SEO;
  • off-page SEO;
  • Facebook Ads;
  • how to audit SEO;
  • keyword study and analysis.

With each small step implemented, I had a small feeling of success and that made me want to take more steps, learn more, and move on.

There were times I did not get it right the first time (like when I tried to install the tracking pixel myself). You just need to be patient, review the training, and trying it again.

Our website has no more errors, we have new leads being generated daily, we started selling more books and our Instagram has almost 4500 followers.

Of course, we have a lot of work ahead and a lot of training to follow. But it is very good to know that we have found a company that truly cares about the success of its customers. And that the employees do their best for everyone’s growth.

Congratulations, Rock Content! And thanks for the Marketing!”

This success story from Gallas & Disperati is incredible, right? The next case can be yours! Get in touch with one of our experts and find out what we can do for your company’s website!

Or try Stage for free now!

Test Stage now and see the results by yourself! hbspt.cta.load(355484, ‘77903bea-057f-45df-ad4b-d630d028ed83’, {});

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