Marketing has been a rapidly developing area, leaving behind those who do not have the resources or skills to keep up with its changes.
It is common, then, that certain channels and tools become less relevant as time goes by. Identifying in what moment that happens is the great challenge of marketers.
In this debate, some believe that landing pages, for example, became obsolete thanks to the ease with which the public access information in social networks.
Well, it is true that, in the traditional model, these pages might not be so effective in lead conversion.
However, this resource has not reached the end of its relevance, but the moment in which it needs to evolve.
How? By adding interactive content to enrichen the visitor experience.
Want to know more about interactive landing pages? In this text, we will address:
- How important is a landing page in a strategy?
- What is the role of interactive content in the growth of the conversion rate?
- How to use interactive landing pages to enhance conversions?
- Wrap Up
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How important is a landing page in a strategy?
Content Marketing is a strategy that has been democratizing the dispute for space on the internet.
More than the budget invested in ads and paid links, the approach values the creation of qualified content suitable for the target audience, enabling its attraction and eventual conversion.
One of the essential pillars in this type of investment is the use of techniques related to SEO.
As you already know, the Google algorithm acts in the ranking of SERPs, prioritizing pages that show elements considered more relevant to the public’s experience.
If done well, a strategy in this sense can lead the buyer persona to the landing page.
These pages are responsible for getting the visitor’s contact data, usually in exchange for some valuable material.
However, contrary to what happened some time ago, it is not enough to create a value offer to the user and hope they be convinced about the benefits.
That’s because the 4.0 consumer is increasingly demanding.
Therefore, landing pages are still relevant for converting visitors into leads with great qualification potential.
However, it is necessary to adopt techniques that act persuasively, creating an excellent experience, and conveying confidence in relation to the brand. That’s where interactive content comes in.
What is the role of interactive content in the growth of the conversion rate?
In the last topic, we mentioned the increasing demand of 4.0 consumers as a catalyst for the evolution of landing pages.
It has to do with the interactivity tendency, which is an element already considered fundamental for any user’s internet experience. More than informing, now it is necessary to dialogue.
Considering that all marketing should be based on offering the consumer the best experience, it is not difficult to conclude that, if they want interactive content, you must invest in it.
But let’s not focus only on superficial conclusions. These statements can be proved by a series of studies focused on comprehending the public’s preferences.
The Demand Metric Report, for example, concludes that materials with elements that make interaction possible are efficient in lead conversion in approximately 70% of the cases, while passive content reaches only 36%.
In the same study, marketers point out that they consider educating the consumer is moderately or highly effective in approximately 93% of the cases that use interactive content, against only 70% when they give up investing in interactivity.
Ok, but what does all that have to do with your landing pages?
To better understand, imagine that you are making an efficient attraction campaign, whether it is paid or organic.
You note that the visitors enter your page, but leave without giving their data.
There is something wrong, isn’t there?
The reason for that divergence is, frequently, the lack of richness and interactivity in the landing page.
Even if they are interested in the offered material, the potential lead may not recognize in your brand the authority or the credibility that they seek.
After all, in many cases, they have already accessed several other landing pages before getting to yours, which generates a lack of interest.
The solution to such a situation? You will find out about the next topic!
How to use interactive landing pages to enhance conversions?
Finally, we come to the most important: what can be done to keep up with the evolutionary movement of landing pages and use interactivity to increase conversion rate?
To develop this idea, do the exercise of thinking like your buyer persona.
What can help them in the process of getting familiar with your brand?
An interesting practice is to set aside the idea that the landing page should be extremely simple, without layers that allow access to other information.
Including a testimonial section from other customers, for example, might answer the visitor’s doubts and, at last, gain a little more of their trust.
Besides that, try to soften the form for data gathering, since, as we have pointed out, internet users have already familiarized themselves with the traditional landing page model.
Adapting your questions to a quiz format, for example, can make the experience lighter and encourage the visitor to hand out the information that you want.
In fact, the great advantage of using a quiz is that it works on two fronts.
In addition to generating the data necessary to transform the visitor into a lead, it can be designed in a way that really tests their knowledge about a particular subject.
It is a highly engaging approach that also allows you to have a better sense of the stage of the funnel in which the customer is. If they show little insight into the topic, for example, they can be an excellent target for a personalized nurturing strategy.
In addition to all the benefits brought by an interactive landing page, its implementation is not a complicated task.
Using a specialized tool, such as the ion platform, you gain access to templates and several resources for intuitive use, allowing you to create your first materials in less than an hour.
Wrap Up
Investing in interactive landing pages is a necessary action so that your Digital Marketing efforts follow the most important trends in the area.
The interactivity element encourages visitor engagement and facilitates the mapping of their journey and naturally increases the conversion rate.
Want to get to know more about other types of interactive content? Then check out how you can create interactive infographics!
Start creating interactive content with Ion and increase your marketing results!
Start creating interactive content with Ion and increase your marketing results!