What Is a No-Code Marketing App and How Is It Changing Marketing?

No-code marketing apps are applications that empower people to use their features in a simple way that doesn’t involve knowledge of programming language. They went from mere trends to extremely popular tools — and this growth has to do with the increasing demand for solutions that enable marketers to develop campaigns in a quick and cost-effective manner.

Updated: July 5, 2021
What Is a No-Code Marketing App and How Is It Changing Marketing?

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Creating content that truly engages the audience is one of the main activities in a marketing strategy. 

If successful in this endeavor, a company will have the opportunity to attract visitors to its channels and, better than that, create relationships that will represent an increase in business results in the medium and long term.

As you know, however, the competition in this sector is tremendous. 

A myriad of content is published on the internet every day in the most diverse formats, making the task of marketers even more challenging. 

On top of that, internet users will only engage with materials that they believe to be really authentic and that can create unique experiences.

So, it is key to stay on top of the most prominent trends. One of them is the use of interactivity as a tool to improve the value of content. 

For that, many companies are turning their attention to the so-called no-code marketing apps. 

These technologies play an important role in the development of truly valuable materials.

Eager to learn more on the subject? Keep reading to find out!

    What Is A No-Code Marketing App?

    The name tells it all.

    A no-code marketing app is an application that enables users to use its features without requiring any prior knowledge of coding. 

    Using one of those tools, a marketer can develop different content formats even if they don’t master any programming language. 

    The tool automates the whole process, making development and designing stages as easy as dragging and dropping.

    The surge of these marketing apps has to do with the growing demand for quick and cost-effective applications, as traditional platforms are often considered too expensive and slow. 

    Of course, most developers are not big fans of this trend, claiming it limits the resources that can be used to develop content or even a website. 

    However, it is undeniable that conventional apps may not meet the agility desired for most projects.

    Facing this context, the no-code industry is expected to keep growing at least for the coming years.

    According to a report from Forrester, this particular market will be spending $21 billion by 2022.

    In another study, conducted by Gartner, data reveals that, by the end of 2024, tools that use low or no-code should represent no less than 65% of all development carried out through marketing apps.

    All this projected success suggests that people are finding these tools to be really important to their strategies. 

    In fact, they do provide many advantages, as we will describe in the next topic. 

    What Are The Advantages Of No-Code Marketing Apps?

    Whenever we talk about automation, you can expect that we will talk about the first item on our list.

    Better time management

    One of the main benefits no-code marketing apps bring to a company is the possibility to execute tasks in a much quicker manner.

    That saves important time that can be invested in more meaningful activities.

    Don’t just take our word for it.

    A study conducted by Appian found that 80% of marketing developers consider those tools extremely important to avoid spending time on repetitive and consuming tasks. 

    Besides, the people interviewed stated that this reality results in developers being able to focus on high-level work that can’t be completed without their presence. 

    So, no-code marketing apps optimize the whole company’s internal processes.

    Easy to learn, easy to use

    Much of the agility described is due to a smaller learning curve. 

    If an application does not require knowledge of coding, it can be mastered by any professional in a much simpler way. 

    Because of that, the workflows created by the marketing team become much more cost-effective, eliminating the need to hire IT professionals/tools every time a new demand arises.

    Imagine, for example, that you run an e-commerce business and you are preparing campaigns for Black Friday. 

    To improve your digital sales, you decide to include a banner on your website, calling visitors to action and displaying the most relevant offers.

    If you don’t rely on a no-code app, the simple act of creating this banner may consume a lot of time and money. 

    The same is true for every content included in a broader Digital Marketing strategy, especially interactive ones.

    On the other hand, by using a good no-code app, you are enabled to create not only static banners but whole interactive content in the most varied formats, such as:

    More satisfied customers

    You know these interactive pieces we just mentioned?

    They are highly attractive to any visitor, which increases the odds of conversion.

    So, by using a no-code application, you can provide excellent experiences to your audience — and this may well be the biggest advantage here.

    After all, this is the only way to attract and capture your personas’ attention while educating them and collecting relevant data about their interests, pains, and behavioral patterns. 

    To do so, you need to understand the next section of this post.

    How Can You Use No-Code Marketing Apps In Your Content Marketing Strategy?

    As you already know, a Content Marketing strategy aims at providing a quality experience to the persona. 

    By doing so, a company can assist its potential client through all the stages of the buyer’s journey, ensuring a more efficient sales funnel.

    The use of no-code marketing apps is perfect to create different pieces and direct them to the right people, creating customized approaches to achieve different goals.

    If your objective is to educate the persona on a particular subject, such as the functioning of your solution, you may opt for the creation of interactive quizzes

    This format provides a ludic and informative experience that benefits both the customer and the company. 

    While the users answer questions and test their knowledge, marketers gain valuable information on the persona’s main doubts, clearly seeing where they stand in the buying journey.

    Now, creating a quiz without a specialized tool is a task that will require not only time but also dedicated developers. 

    However, a no-code app will accelerate the process and ensure that anyone with a basic understanding of technology can develop, design, and publish an extraordinary quiz.

    It is important to keep in mind that applying this kind of solution to your strategy depends on the goals you are trying to reach. 

    So, it is likely that before creating a quiz to test your persona, you will want to create a good landing page to generate more leads.

    Again, a no-code marketing app will help you to publish rich and valuable interactive pages, expanding the number of conversions.

    As for the last stage of the funnel, where the buyer is ready to make a purchase, one of the most popular formats is the interactive calculator

    Guess what? They can also be easily developed with no-code apps. 

    Customizable calculators are the perfect way to let a lead discover for itself how your solution can help them overcome their pains and challenges.

    What Are Some Good Options Of No-Code Marketing Apps?

    After understanding how a no-code marketing app influences your results and how you can insert it into your strategy, you may be wondering which alternatives you can use. 

    Well, in this topic, we will introduce some of the most relevant solutions out there. 

    Check it out!


    Editing photos on the Canva platform.

    Canva is a very popular application for designing everything from website banners to social media posts. 

    With drag-and-drop features and several templates, the application enables anyone to create unique pieces of content. 

    In addition, the platform offers a myriad of colors, fonts, icons, and images that you can apply to strengthen your visual identity.


    Picking themes for an online store on Shopify.

    Shopify is a no-code platform that facilitates the creation of digital stores. 

    It is prevalent in the world of e-commerce, as it allows businesses of all sizes to catalog and sell their products through the internet. 

    The application can be integrated with several other tools, being the perfect solution to create a complete shopping experience. 

    Besides, companies can easily automate their checkout process in a quick and safe way.


    Ion is a no-code marketing app focused on the creation of interactive content. 

    With its quick-start features, which include templates and pre-fabricated content, it is possible to design and launch a material in less than one hour. 

    Among the formats available are quizzes, landing pages, ebooks, solution finders, and assessments. 

    The platform is extremely easy to use and gives you complete creative control without any need for code.

    Wrap Up: No-code Marketing Apps Are Unavoidable

    Invest in them if you want your digital strategy to move on to the next level. 

    They make the process of designing and launching pages and content much faster and more manageable, allowing you to explore your creativity without harming your time management goals. 

    If you are not using one yet, it may be time to start re-thinking the way you conduct your Digital Marketing strategy.

    Considered the world’s top interactive content platform, Ion is an example of a no-code marketing app that has a lot to offer to your company. 

    Don’t waste any more time: get started with Ion and bring your brand to life!

    Request an Ion demo

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