Differences between Domain, Hosting Server and Email Server

When you start creating a website for your company or service, you are faced with a series of confusing terms and acronyms. The online world has several services that help you manage your business and in this article we will explain the basic difference between each one.

We'll also give you a summary of what each service offers and how to know the right settings for products that offer all the services together. Let's get started!


The domain is nothing more than an exclusive registration name for your website. It is the “translation” of the IP address of the server where the page is hosted to a written address that is easy to remember. Through it, we can access your content via the web.

It's difficult to run into issues when buying a domain. Once the availability of the domain is verified on sites such as registro.br, you can register the domain by filling out a registration form and making the payment. Once the domain is registered and the payment is confirmed, you will need to renew this registration annually or quarterly, depending on the company you decide to hire.

Domain Management

Once you own the domain, the company from which you purchased it will provide a space where you can enter the necessary records to "point" your domains or subdomains to a specific location. These locations are usually the hosting server or the email server, if you decide to use one for your domain.

Email server

An email server is an email hosting service in which your messages are stored and processed. They are responsible for directing an email from a sender to its recipient.

There are several e-mail server providers available on the market, such as Google's GSuite, or others such as Zoho E-mail, UOL Host, Office 365, among others.

Hosting Server

A hosting server is a “virtual place” where the multimedia content, scripts, CSS files and HTML, JavaScript, and other files that make up a web page are stored. There are free and paid services, and the main differences between them are their control characteristics and resources.

Nowadays, there are several servers on the internet, and they differ in price, allocated space, management resources, page speed and maintenance, among others.

It's very easy to find services and companies that provide all the services in one place, and, in a way, make it easier for you to create a new website in the digital world. However, be very careful not to get the services mixed-up, or to think that they are the same and should only be managed through a single location.

To get a good set up for your website and to avoid issues between these services, you must choose the best providers on the market. That way, you'll stand out in the virtual environment. The best hosting, in combination with a good domain management site and a dedicated email server will save you lots of work and issues with your products.