Tech Alert: Datawrapper

Updated: May 20, 2022

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Every day, journalists have to shoot and edit video and audio, take photos, write a story (or stories!) and do live TV hits (all while tweeting, of course!). With all of these demands, journalists in newsrooms around the world are always looking for new ways to tell compelling stories.

One field where more people are turning their attention to is data journalism. This is likely because of the need to tell in-depth stories that no one else is telling, and is helped in large part by new, often free, software made specifically to help people parse large amounts of complicated data.

Good data visualizations allow you to see patterns that weren’t visible before. Rather than go cross-eyed by staring at an Excel sheet, trends in your data can pop out with a chart.

One of those great (free!) tools at your disposal is Datawrapper, which can easily be incorporated into Rock Content’s platform.

According to their site, Datawrapper is a free open-source tool to create charts for the web. One of Datawrapper’s tantalizing promises is that it reduces the time needed to make correct charts. Its CSS is also customizable, so organizations can make the chart match their own style.


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