5 Website Copywriting Techniques to Convert More in 2023

Website content writing is a must for any business' digital strategy. Learn how to optimize your copy for maximum results.

Updated: June 28, 2023
website copywriting

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While both content and website copywriting are essential for your business, there are some differences between the two.

Copywriting usually refers to sales copy meant to drive the audience to purchase your product or services, including ads, emails, social media posts, landing pages, and more.

Content, on the other hand, is usually more general information meant to educate or provide useful insights for your audience.

This includes blog posts, social media posts and longer pieces of content like white papers. These posts or articles may or may not have a call to action, but they can function as copywriting in and of itself if it’s compelling enough to attract your customers and convince them to take action.

Whether you use content or copywriting, there are a few key techniques you can use to convert more leads in 2023.

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    How to Structure Your Website Copy

    Copywriting is vital for any digital marketing campaign. Website copywriting that is well thought-out, engaging, meaningful, and compelling can do wonders at helping convert leads into sales.

    To create compelling copy, you’ll need to understand how to structure your website copy and define your homepage, commercial and content pages.


    The homepage is the first thing your customers see when they arrive at your website. It needs to be inviting and informative, so it should include elements such as:

    • Your company’s mission and values (a great opportunity to hire professional website copywriting services)
    • Memorable logos and eye-catching designs
    • Success stories
    • Partnerships
    • A brief summary of what you do (this is also where good copywriting should go)
    • Tabs for navigating and exploring other areas of your business
    • Compelling call-to-action and way to schedule services or contact your business

    Commercial Pages

    Commercial pages are the pages that will help you convert your customers and show them why they should choose your company over others.

    These pages can include landing pages, pricing pages, plan comparison pages, and other pages related to purchasing your products or services. Your commercial pages should include elements such as:

    • A compelling headline (hiring a headline website copywriter is not only a great way to increase conversions, but it can also increase your conversions by 24%)
    • Benefits and features of your product or service
    • Testimonials or customer reviews
    • Specific pricing information
    • Contact forms
    • Shopping cart button for customers

    Content Pages

    Content pages can include blog posts, videos, articles and other informational pieces that showcase your company’s knowledge and expertise in a particular industry.

    These contain useful insights for the customer and can include a call to action. Some helpful things to include in your content pages include:

    • Strong hook and concise title
    • Quality images and visuals such as graphs and data
    • Informative and educational content (you might benefit from using AI)
    • Links to external authoritative sources
    • Internal links to other pages on your site
    • SEO keywords
    • Social media sharing links

    Website Copywriting 101: The Basics

    Before we tell you how to improve your website’s conversions, you’ll need to understand what makes good website copywriting in the first place. Some tips to help include:

    Have Clear Goals in Mind

    From knowing your audience to understanding the message you want to convey, knowing your goals before writing your copy is essential.

    This will make all the difference between creating a compelling and informative post, or one that rambles and is difficult to read.

    Consider having a clear goal, such as informing customers or increasing sales, before writing your website copy.

    Don’t Bury the Lead

    In journalism, “burying the lead” means burying the story or headline.

    You don’t want to do this with your website copywriting, because you’ll only be confusing your customers and turning them away instead of capturing their attention.

    The best copywriting leads with the main point, whether it’s an About Us snippet, a product feature, educational content to answer a question or the mission and values of your company.

    Focus on Readability

    Although you might feel the urge to make your website copy complex and authoritative, keep in mind that some of your leads might not be familiar with industry jargon.

    Writing in a conversational tone and using simple language can keep your viewer’s attention and not push them away from your website.

    Appeal to Your Audience

    Always keep your audience in mind when writing website copy. Be sure to focus on their needs and interests, and make sure your words are speaking directly to them.

    For instance, instead of focusing on how successful your company’s products have been, remind them of how your products and services can help them directly.

    5 Copywriting Techniques to Improve Your Website’s Conversions

    Now that you know the basics of website copywriting, let’s discuss five copywriting techniques to help you improve your website’s conversions.

    Integrate SEO Keywords

    SEO keywords are words or phrases that your customers might use when searching for your product or service.

    Incorporating these into your website copy can help you rank higher on Google’s SERP (Search Engine Result Pages) and make it easier for customers to find you.

    Hire a Professional

    Professional website copywriter services can take your website’s copy to the next level.

    Whether you need help crafting a compelling About Us page or optimizing product descriptions for SEO, hiring a professional can help you create higher-quality content that speaks directly to your audience and ranks higher.

    Use Active Voice

    Active voice helps keep your customer’s attention and makes your copy more engaging. Active voice also allows you to cut down on word count while making your content more clear and more concise.

    Use Short Phrases and Paragraphs

    Short phrases prevent walls of text that can negatively impact your viewer’s attention span.

    Paragraphs should be no longer than four to five sentences, and, if possible, they should include visuals, such as graphs and images, to break up your website copy.

    Track Your Performance Regularly

    KPIs, or key performance indicators, can be used to measure customer engagement and track the impact of your website copy.

    They can help you understand which techniques work best for your target audience and help you make informed decisions when further optimizing your website copy.


    By following these tips and techniques, you can create engaging website copywriting and content that drives customers and boosts sales. 

    WriterAccess offers high-quality copywriting services, so you can create content easily and efficiently. Sign up for a 14-day trial and find your next website copywriter to boost your website’s visibility!


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