E-E-A-T Content Unwrapped: The Recipe for SEO Greatness

Updated: March 12, 2024
eeat content

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E-E-A-T isn’t just one of Google’s many updates. It’s the criteria by which Google will analyze content long-term.

“In determining page quality, Raters must consider EEAT.” These are Google’s exact words.

What does this mean for your content? Simply put, anything you write should adhere to E-E-A-T standards.

    What Is E-E-A-T Content, And Why Does It Matter For SEO?

    E-E-A-T stands for experience, expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness. These four words tell you everything Google is looking for when rating content.

    Content that meets E-E-A-T standards will meet your audience’s needs. People will link to it, share it, and even come back to it. Industry experts will link to it, giving your site valuable backlinks.

    Even more importantly, because E-E-A-T content is quality content, it will perform well in the long term. It won’t drop off a cliff with Google’s next algorithm update. Google will always reward unique, quality content that offers value to readers.

    Crafting E-E-A-T Content: Tips For Showing Your Experience And Expertise

    Picture yourself reading a blog post about a particular product. Would you like a technical explanation or a story of someone’s first-hand experience building/using the item in question?

    There are several ways to show Google you’re an experienced expert. You can tell a story or use your author’s bio section. You could also quote people with relevant experience.

    Experience shows expertise. However, the two aren’t the same.

    Do you have a degree in the field you’re writing about? Has your company won industry-related awards? Tell your audience about it to show you’re an expert in your field.

    For some fields, you may even want to have an expert review your content before publication. Medical sites such as WebMD and Medical News Today take this approach. It not only showcases expertise but also builds trust.

    Building Authority: Strategies to Enhance Your Content’s Credibility

    Authoritative content doesn’t have to be full of jargon that only experts can understand. Casual or even humorous content can be authoritative if it’s properly written.

    To start, research your topic thoroughly. You want to provide value to your audience and show that you know what you’re talking about.

    Organize your content, so users can find what they need easily. Topic clusters are ideal for this purpose.

    Back up any claims you make, using only authoritative sources. Differentiate between facts and your opinions, and be honest if you’re not sure about something. Dishonesty and embellishing facts will not only tank your search engine rank but also your reputation.

    Proofread your content to ensure it’s free of spelling and grammatical errors. Articles with lots of mistakes tend to have a high bounce rate. They also fail to get the links you need to improve your standing on Google.

    Fostering Trust: Creating Content That Resonates with Your Audience

    It’s important to have experience and expertise while also showing you’re an authority in your field.

    However, it’s not enough if your readers feel they can’t trust you.

    How do you engender trust? One of the best ways is to help people get to know you, and telling a story is a good start.

    Do you run a mom-and-pop business? Talk about how it started and why you enjoy doing what you do.

    Do you sell products online? Share interesting facts about how they were invented and how they were made.

    Make sure people can contact you easily. Share your email address or build a contact page. If you have a physical location, share your address and phone number.

    Create a terms and conditions page for your site. Tell people how you will (and won’t) use their personal information.

    You can also use your existing customer base to build trust. Include positive product reviews on your site. Nearly three-quarters of customers say reviews increase trust in a brand.

    E-E-A-T in Action: Real-World Examples of Content That Delivers

    What does E-E-A-T in action look like? Consider the following examples.

    Digital Émigré did extensive research and analysis to find a unique topic that offered excellent value to its clients. The company then went to work creating a comprehensive post on the subject. The post got over 17,000 clicks and generated over $65,000 in revenue.

    Gadget Flow decided to put a premium on creating relevant, high-quality content. It made a site-wide content model and created structured data. Organic traffic grew by nearly 200% for the site’s news articles.

    Tharawat Magazine cleaned up all its content. It structured over 1,000 articles to improve their E-E-A-T levels. The result was a whopping 321% increase in traffic.

    Staying Ahead: Future Trends In E-E-A-T Content And SEO

    New tools and technologies will likely affect future Google algorithm updates. However, nothing will affect Google’s primary mission of delivering the best search engine results to consumers.

    If your content meets user needs, it will get links and shares. It will have a low bounce rate. Google will see it meets E-E-A-T standards and rank it well.

    If your content does not meet E-E-A-T standards, performance will range from mediocre to poor. It may bring some results. However, it won’t perform well in the long term.

    This is the reason why E-E-A-T content is so important. It’s not just about meeting current Google standards. It’s about creating content that will perform well now and in the future.

    Creating winning content sounds daunting because it is. Thankfully, you don’t have to do it all on your own.

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