SEO Titles That Rank: 7 Proven Tips for Click-Worthy Headlines

SEO titles are essential to improving your website’s optimization, yet few companies understand how to use them effectively. Let's go through seven proven tips to help you create an SEO title that will not only draw in more readers but also help your site rank higher in Google’s SERPs.

Updated: April 5, 2023
seo titles

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SEO titles are a little-known factor that can greatly improve your website’s optimization.

Unfortunately, few companies understand how to harness the power of SEO titles, what an SEO page title is, or how to modify titles to attract more viewers.

With the following seven proven tips, you can create an SEO title that will not only draw in more readers but also help your site rank higher in Google’s Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs).

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    What is an SEO Title?

    SEO titles are the words that appear in the header of a page, or as the SEO title tag in HTML. They are important for several reasons, including:

    • They tell search engines (and your readers) what content they can find on your page
    • They appear on user open tabs
    • They are the first thing people see when searching online for an answer
    • They can help improve your CTR and drive traffic to your website

    To find the SEO title of a page, look at the tab of the page you are currently on. Or, you right-click on a page then click the “View page source” button, and look at the <title> HTML tag on the page.

    SEO Title vs. Page Title

    While SEO title and page title are each critical for SEO content creation, a page title doesn’t necessarily show up on Google’s SERP or in user tabs. Instead, the page title is the H1 on the page.

    For example, if you have a blog post on best SEO practices, your page title might be “Top 10 SEO Best Practices for 2023,” while your SEO title might be “10 Proven SEO Tips in 2023 (That Will Help You Rank High).” Both capture attention and encourage higher click-through rates, although the page title is a bit different and has different elements than your SEO Title.

    Issues When Writing SEO Title Tag

    While you might think that writing a click-worthy SEO title is easy, there are common mistakes people can make when creating these titles. Some include:

    • Too many buzzwords: Keyword stuffing your SEO title tag is one of the more serious mistakes since it won’t rank in SERPs, will confuse readers, and could even penalize your site.
    • Too long: While there is no limit to an SEO title length, Google cuts off titles at around 60 characters. If your title is longer, it won’t show up as expected in SERPs.
    • No keywords: Not doing keyword research and including relevant SEO keywords in your SEO title tag is a significant mistake. Search engines won’t be able to understand what content you’re ranking for, and competitor pages with correct tags will rank higher.

    Why Does CTR Matter?

    SEO titles matter because of the click-through rate (CTR). Your page’s CTR is a measure of the number of people who click on your result when it shows up on Google’s SERP. If you have an eye-catching and relevant SEO title, you can improve your CTR and draw in more viewers.

    In addition, Google notices when more people are clicking on your title and will rank your site higher with more clicks. Even if your SEO title isn’t the most optimized, having a catchy title that attracts clicks makes a big difference in improving optimization.

    How to Write SEO Title Tags For Maximum Results

    Now that you know why SEO titles are important and what mistakes to avoid, how do you write an SEO title that draws in clicks? Here are seven tips to use in future blog posts.

    1. Use Primary Keywords

    Primary keywords are the main keywords relevant to your topic. Make sure they’re included in your SEO title tag. This will ensure you reach your target audience and that your content is clearly described.

    For instance, “SEO tips” would be a primary keyword to include in your title. There are various SEO tools to help you find both primary and long-tail keywords.

    2. Use Longtail Keywords

    Similar to primary keywords, longtail keywords can help attract a more targeted audience and increase the click-through rate. Long tail keywords are more descriptive than your main keyword.

    To illustrate, when writing a post about “Best apples for baking,” a longtail keyword might be “best apples for baking pies.” Adding longtail keywords can help you rank in a more niche area, which will improve CTRs and get your title noticed by Google.

    3. Keep SEO Title Length and Width in Mind

    Google has a cutoff based on pixel length for all SEO titles. However, a good rule of thumb is between 50 and 60 characters for SEO title length. Anything longer will get cut off in SERPs

    . While it won’t directly impact your site’s rankings, it will impact CTRs and a viewer’s ability to get the full scope of your content.

    4. Include Branding

    The more times you mention your brand, the more people will notice and the more likely they will click on your page, even if they didn’t click on another relevant article.

    5. Use Power Words

    Power words drive emotion, and include inspiration, amazing, outstanding, and so on. Include at least one power word in your SEO title tag to create intrigue and draw attention to your page.

    Yoast SEO optimized its titles (including adding power words) and noticed a 30% increase in traffic.

    6. Consider Numbers and Lists

    People love listicles since they’re easy to digest, which is why you should include a number of tips in your SEO title. Make sure to add a power word to stir curiosity, such as “15 amazing apples for baking (that are award-winning).”

    7. Measure CTR

    Finally, don’t forget to measure CTRs. Use Google Analytics or other data analytics tools to track how well your titles are doing, and then adjust accordingly.

    For instance, if you notice that one of your titles with a front-loaded title isn’t don’t well (Baking apples: 25 best baking apples) switch strategies and see if you can get better results.

    Wrap-Up: SEO Strategy That Drives Results

    Writing an SEO page title doesn’t have to be difficult, but creating a well-rounded SEO strategy can be time-consuming.

    Fortunately, WriterAccess has a team of talented SEO strategists and copywriters to help you create eye-catching and click-worthy SEO titles that help your website rank in no time! Start your 14-day trial to see what our writers can do to help your site rank higher!


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