Rock Content Writer

Content writer

Content writer at Rock Content.

1703 Posts published

4 Tips on Using Dual Y-Axis Charts

The dual Y-axis charts raise many eyebrows in the data visualization circles. They are often considered to confuse and l(...)

alt Rock Content Writer
| 3 min read

Stamen’s Map Stack

For a long time, making highly stylized maps has been an extremely manual process with tedious Photoshopping or drawing (...)

alt Rock Content Writer
| 2 min read

Stupid Things Infographic Designers Do

Now that you know about many of the creative things that designers do to pie charts, bar charts, line charts, maps, and (...)

alt Rock Content Writer
| 2 min read

Writing Colourful English

If you are a writer, anything you can do to improve your writing will give you opportunity for more jobs—increasing yo(...)

alt Rock Content Writer
| 2 min read

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