Benefits of a Resources Page – And How to Build This Asset

Updated: February 20, 2024

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If you are looking to boost the success of your content marketing program, (and really, who isn’t?), then you will need to build a dedicated resources page. Through its optimized layout, this web page allows you to compile all your resources in a single place for quick and easy access by your readers. With this step, you can start to position your company as a leader in the industry — and drive traffic to your site and loyalty to your brand.

Still not sold on the idea?

Use this guide to learn more about the benefits of building a strong resources page — and how to get started — to see why you should even bother.

Amplify the Credibility of Your Site

A resources page allows you to cater to all the needs of your client base, amplifying the credibility of your site as a result. As you give your visitors the content they need to make purchase decisions, and get the most out of your products and services, search engines begin to recognize your site as a source of credible information. With this increase in credibility, your SEO elements can better drive new traffic to your site — and your helpful resources will keep visitors coming back for more.

Improve the Customer Experience

Search engine algorithms tend to prioritize elements that improve the customer experience above all else. This focus perfectly aligns with your own as you optimize your products, services, and operations to speak to your customers’ needs. A resources page brings this all together by ensuring your website can fully answer all industry questions and elevate the customer experience beyond anything your competitors might offer. Your customers will think of your site first whenever they need information, boosting site traffic and engagement with your company. And even if they don’t, search engines will send them your way once again.

Build Trust and Loyalty to Your Brand

With resources pages, you can position your brand as a thought leader in the industry, making your website the go-to place for information related to your niche. As your site visitors recognize this connection, they are more inclined to turn toward your brand whenever they need industry-specific information. Over time, their trust in your information will extend to your products and services as well. This helps to boost loyalty to your brand, inspiring them to turn to your company whenever they need support.

Follow These Steps to Create an Effective Resources Page

Now that you know what a great resources page can do for your company, it is time to get started in building one. Follow these five steps to make this page an integral part of your site.

1. Research Competitors’ Resources Pages

In order to go one better than your competitors, you have to know what they are offering your customers. Use your preferred search engine to find all the resource pages in your industry. If you are an RC car brand, for example, you might search for “RC car resources” to find these pages. You can also browse your competitors’ websites directly to see what pages they have available to their customers. Take notes on the information provided on those pages, plus ways you can improve on their design and content.

2. Use Buyer Personas to Build a Helpful Toolbox

Your resources page should act like a digital toolbox full of answers to all the questions your customer base might ask. To build this page for your target audience, you will need to take a close look at the buyer personas that represent your target audience. You will then be able to stand in the shoes of your customers to find all the different types of content they will find helpful and relevant to their needs.

3. Assess Your Existing Content

You can use your resources page to link to the content you believe will best serve your customers. To determine which assets make the cut, you must perform a full audit of your existing content. Break down your content into categories, such as buyer’s guides, tutorials, and reviews. This will allow you to clearly see where you are hitting the mark along with the areas that need improvement.

4. Create Your Ideal Layout

With your content categories in hand, you are ahead of the game in creating your ideal layout. Whether you are working with a webmaster or building your own site, you will want to create a static page for your resources page. Use image grids, headers, and compelling font styles to break up your content and make it easy for your visitors to find the information they need.

5. Fill in the Gaps in Content

Your resources page will likely look exceptional in some areas and rather thin in others. You can easily rectify this problem by filling out the areas in need of improvement with fresh content. Even if you find your page perfect as-is, regularly adding new content can go a long way in further improving your marketing results.

Without a resources page, you now know that you are missing out on the chance to optimize your customer experience, boost the credibility of your site, and build loyalty to your brand. Thankfully, the team at WriterAccess is here to help make this asset an integral part of your website. Set up an account today and allow us to create the content you need to make your resources page truly shine. We are also here to help you create and follow an effective content strategy plan that will help increase the success of all your marketing efforts.


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