8 Best Landing Pages to Convert in 2023

The key to the success of a digital marketing strategy is lead generation and qualification. By working with qualified leads, your company will deal with an already advanced audience in the sales funnel, which increases the conversion rate and enhances the sales team's performance. In this process, there is a vital element: the landing page.

Updated: March 3, 2023

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The key to the success of a digital marketing strategy is lead qualification and generation. By working with qualified leads, your company will deal with an already advanced audience in the sales funnel, which increases the conversion rate and enhances the sales team’s performance. In this process, there is a vital element: the landing page.

It is the destination page used to retain the visitor’s attention and stimulate action. In content marketing strategies, the landing page is usually the space used by the company to offer some valuable content, such as an e-book, in exchange for the consumer’s contact information.

Regardless of its specific purpose, the fact is that a useful landing page needs to convert. To do so, it needs to be simple, informative, reliable and, to maximize results, interactive. Ready to create yours?

To stimulate your imagination, we made this list with the 9 best examples of landing pages.

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1. Shopify

The Shopify landing page is simple and straightforward. Its objective is clear: to make the visitors register their e-mail and start using the platform. Instead of writing paragraphs to describe the service, the company chose to insert three small but informative texts.

In a short time on the page, the visitor receives essential information such as price, features, or the number of customers who already use the tool. This is an agile and enlightening experience, necessary to encourage lead decision-making.

2. Muzzle

Unlike the previous one, this is a much more elaborate landing page, starting with the interactivity element. Muzzle is an application that silences on-screen notifications and, to show its usefulness, has opted for a very creative display.

When accessing the landing page, the user faces a myriad of embarrassing notifications on the top right of the screen, simulating text messages and e-mails. “Sweetie, it’s ok. It happens to every guy sometimes” and “I think she is cheating on you” are just some of the examples, which are accompanied by a “delete” button.

The message is clear: it’s better to download the Muzzle than go through the simulated situations and have to delete everything manually. This is a fun and innovative way to inform and engage.

3. TransferWise

TransferWise is an application that simplifies the transfer of money in different currencies. It is a business that only works with the confidence of the public and, therefore, the landing page focuses on passing credibility.

A button with the words “Is TransferWise safe?” directly addresses the primary concern of most consumers. By clicking on it, the visitor is directed to a page detailing the service’s regulations in each country in that it operates.

Besides, the main page features testimonials from clients and reviews from specialized sites such as TrustPilot.

There is also a link to an institutional video telling what TransferWise does and an updated graphic showing variations of the currencies accepted by the platform. It is a complete interactive landing page, which at the same time informs the visitor and encourages them to register.

4. Airbnb

One of Airbnb’s major goals is to turn guests into hosts to maintain the relevance and growth of the business. And what better way to convince someone to use the service than to show how much the person could profit from it? That’s the idea behind the Airbnb landing page.

Since Airbnb is already a well-recognized brand, we can assume the visitors already land on the page with some knowledge on the subject. So the approach is simple and straightforward.

No wasting time on bureaucratic information, Airbnb provides an interactive calculator to estimate how much someone can earn by renting their property.

To calculate, you only need to enter some information such as the city, the apartment size and the number of guests that can be accommodated.

5. Teambit

Teambit’s landing page quickly catches your attention for its visuals. Although the product is a software for human resources, the company left aside any bureaucratic approach and created cartoons to illustrate the pieces of information. The lighter colors also help to create a more pleasant experience for the visitor.

The visual aspects also serve as motivation for the consumer to keep scrolling down. Next to each section, there is a cartoon of an animal performing some professional activity.

The Wistia landing page presents a simple design but brings more information than it seems at first sight. The page uses the contrast between colors to separate two sections.

The first one, with a light blue background, brings the service’s registration form and nothing else. If you want to know more, however, scroll down.

The blue background turns into white to introduce the second section, which offers answers to the most frequently asked questions. 

6. Wistia

The Wistia landing page also presents a simple design but brings more information than it seems at first sight. The page uses the contrast between colors to separate two sections.

The first one, with a light blue background, brings the service’s registration form and nothing else. If you want to know more, however, scroll down.

The blue background turns into white to introduce the second section, which offers answers to the most frequently asked questions. 

7. Nauto

Nauto is a B2B company focused on customers who manage self-drive fleets of vehicles. To position itself as an authority on the subject, the brand works with an active content marketing strategy, publishing success cases, whitepapers, videos, and other resources. The landing page offers more advanced material.

By inputting the contact information, the visitor receives an e-book teaching how to prevent traffic accidents. In addition to the form, which can be quickly filled out, the landing page has a brief description of the material.

It also presents statistics that serve as proof of the content’s relevance.

8. DHL Express

At the beginning of the text, we mentioned that your landing page should be interactive to maximize results. Created on the Ion platform, the example of DHL Express is perfect to illustrate this statement. It is complete content, which gives the visitor the freedom to navigate between different types of information.

The vibrant yellow and red colors, present in the visual identity of the brand, draw attention to the page. Also, the lead can play a video of just over a minute produced by the company.

The interactive design stimulates the visitor to keep going down the page. In the end, a striking “Open My Account” button performs the conversion.

Now that you know the best landing pages to convert in 2023, you are ready to enhance your company’s results. Such resources are fundamental to the success of any marketing strategy, especially those focused on attracting and qualifying leads. It is crucial, however, to be creative and build engaging and interactive pages. The Ion tool can be quite an ally in this process.

Are you curious to know more about interactive landing pages? Here we talk more about the benefits of this kind of content and present success stories for you to be inspired by. Check it out!


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