10 Chiropractic Marketing Ideas for Wellness Businesses that Want to Grow

Simple chiropractic marketing tips can help businesses find new customers and grow into wider markets without needing expensive campaigns or advanced software.

Updated: April 13, 2022
Chiropractic Marketing Ideas for Wellness Businesses that Want to Grow

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Chiropractors offer effective alternative treatments for musculoskeletal and nervous system disorders. 

However, chiropractic medicine is a competitive market, which can leave some businesses struggling to bring in new patients and stand out in the community. 

Chiropractic professionals who want to create a trustworthy image need to find better ways to connect to prospective patients. 

Digital marketing helps chiropractors stand out from their competition and highlight their businesses in a way that allows new clients to find them easily. 

Chiropractic marketing tactics can help doctors:

  • Organize their offerings.
  • Maintain successful ideas and methods.
  • Create effective strategies. 

In this article, we’ll go through 10 easy chiropractic marketing tips that chiropractors can implement that don’t require massive budgets or organizational shifts in order to complete. 

    1. Spend Time on Keyword Research

    Keywords are the specific terms that users will put into a search bar when looking for answers on Google and other search engines. 

    If you have matching keywords on your website pages, then your pages will appear higher on the search engine results pages and help new prospects find your business and services. 

    Each of your pages should have keywords that you want the page to rank for. 

    However, keywords are incredibly competitive, making it harder for small businesses to get their pages to rank against more established companies. 

    Spending time completing keyword research can help you find search terms that aren’t as competitive and that can help your own pages stand out. 

    Long-tailed keywords that are short phrases are much more likely to benefit your business than the more competitive short keywords.

    2. Update Your Google My Business Account

    Your Google My Business account is incredibly important for helping your practice be found, especially by local prospects who are looking for a chiropractor in their exact area. 

    Unfortunately, many people make the mistake of thinking that once their account is set up, they can leave it alone and still receive the same benefits. 

    A Google My Business account is a valuable tool that needs to be treated with care. 

    It should be regularly updated with new images, reviews, hours and information, and other details that are useful for customers. 

    When you update your account regularly, Google notices and places more authority on your website. That can help you appear higher in Google searches and Google Maps results.

    3. Building Client Relationships

    The relationships you have with clients are important in the marketing of any industry, including chiropractic marketing. 

    Clients are your source of revenue, and making sure that they are happy can help keep you in business for many years, as well as ensure that your professional reputation in the community is maintained. 

    If clients have a good time at your practice, they are more likely to return and tell others about your services. 

    Think about every touchpoint in your marketing from the perspective of a new client. 

    Is it easy for them to navigate their way around your website, or find your social channels? How quick are you to respond to requests or questions? How do you follow up with clients after a visit to make sure they enjoyed their experience? 

    Asking yourself these questions can help you build better client relationships and improve the customer experience.

    4. Using Video and Content Marketing

    Content marketing is another great type of chiropractic marketing that you can use to your advantage.

    Regular blogging can help bring in new clients and help your clientele understand more about your business. 

    Blogging lets you showcase your expertise and knowledge about chiropractic topics and rank for a wider variety of keywords than what can be found on your website pages. 

    Another form of content marketing is video marketing, where you utilize video in order to gain more traction and appeal to more customers. 

    Customers are very receptive to video, as it’s more interesting for them to watch an engaging video than to read a dense paragraph of text. 

    By using video and regular written content in your marketing, you can reach a wider audience and increase your brand’s authority on Google.

    5. Ramping Up Social Media Presence

    Social media is another way that many businesses can be found by new users. 

    Think about your client base and consider what platforms they are the most active on. 

    If you work with younger clients, you might want to think about a TikTok account for video, but if you work more with older patients, you might want to invest more time in Facebook. 

    The more frequently and regularly you post on social media, the more likely you are to connect with new prospects and increase visibility in your business. 

    Social media can be used for many things, like showcasing your knowledge, sharing your expertise, or even having fun with clients and making interesting videos or images to post with your followers that highlight the staff and atmosphere of your practice.

    6. Sponsoring Local Events

    A great way to get the word out about your practice is to get involved with your community and sponsor local events

    Participating with your community gives you a chance to connect with your core customer base while you support great causes and events. 

    When you donate to local charities, sponsor sports teams and races, or give money to different community causes, you can improve your professional standing with your community. 

    You can even showcase all of the different events and causes you support on your website with an events page. 

    That can help those who find your business learn more about you and rank higher for community keywords on search engines.

    7. Creating Unique Offers

    No two businesses are the same across any industry. 

    Your chiropractic practice is different in some way from your local competitors, and that unique business proposition can be a major selling point in your chiropractic marketing strategies. 

    Whether you have a special type of equipment you use, a specific adjustment that isn’t available elsewhere, or additional services that add to the atmosphere of your practice, those differences should be highlighted. 

    When you can create special, unique offers, it allows you to stand apart from your competitors and stand out in customers’ minds. 

    Creating a message that centers around your unique offer and using that at the core of your marketing can make the specialties of your office an important differentiator that provides value to customers.

    8. Making Partnerships with Other Wellness Businesses

    Chiropractic medicine is often categorized under wellness categories of business. 

    The services you provide are different from a traditional doctor’s office, but still provide proven benefits to your patients that require skill and training to perform. 

    By partnering with other wellness businesses, you can create your own community of businesses that support each other and share a client base. 

    If you create partnerships with wellness businesses like acupuncturists, spas, or massage therapists, you can refer your customers to them and they can send their patients to you. 

    You can also work together to sponsor community events, create business packages, or host giveaways on social media.

    9. Adding Patient Testimonial Videos

    Word of mouth is one of the most important types of marketing that you have available. 

    New prospective customers are much more likely to be swayed to try your services after seeing a testimonial from another customer than from just your marketing alone. 

    Testimonials prove to new patients that the services you offer have helped others and that your customer experience provides results. 

    Combining testimonials with video marketing can give you an additional boost of engagement from new patients. 

    When a prospect can see a previous customer talk about their experience and the benefits they got from your business, they are more likely to believe the review than from just a paragraph text testimonial on your website.

    10. Implementing a Referral Program

    Customer referrals are another great way to get new business. However, referrals are often out of the control of the chiropractor. 

    By creating a referral or rewards program, you can encourage your patients to refer new businesses to your practice and grow your brand. 

    There might be different laws in your state about what types of incentives or monetary rewards you can give, but you might want to consider adding discounts or free services for each referral that a customer gives. 

    That gives your customers a good reason to tell their friends and families about your business and your services.

    Chiropractic marketing doesn’t necessarily require businesses to invest heavily in new technology or spend their entire budget on paid advertising

    Simple tips can be just as effective for bringing in new business and creating a marketing program that strengthens your reputation in the community and endears your practice to new clients.

    Having helpful tools on hand can help busy practitioners make the most of their time and grow their businesses more effectively. 

    Our business proposal template can help you win more clients and increase your revenue without having to create your own marketing proposals from scratch. 

    Click on the link above and check it out!


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