7 Client Reporting Tools Your Agency Needs to Try Today

Client reporting tools help gather data, automate the creation of charts and graphs, and tell you what you need to know about your clients' campaigns. These reports may be detailed or simple, keeping all SEO and marketing campaigns on track.

Updated: May 11, 2023
Client Reporting Tools Your Agency Needs to Try Today

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As the CEO of a large content marketing agency, you need to stay on top of the latest tools and technology to help your business grow and work with more customers.

One thing that you should look into if you haven’t already is using client reporting tools. 

Client reporting tools help your agency create comprehensive reports for your clients, so they see how their money spent with you has been well-spent on boosting their own companies’ growth.

We have gathered more information to help you better understand these tools and find some of the best options on the market to further your business’s goals.

    Before presenting them, we must answer: what are client reporting tools, after all?

    They fall under the category of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tools. These are used to manage your clients, new and old.

    What makes client reporting tools special is that they make it easier to pass on data and reports to your clients. You can better tailor your reports to specific clients, too, making it easy for them to see the benefit of continuing to work with you.

    In terms of helping your company grow, having excellent client reporting tools may give you exactly what you need to bring on more clients and continue to expand.

    At the same time, creating client reports has the potential to be tedious, which is why finding ways to automate and make the process easier is essential.

    We want to help you grow your business. Here is a collection of seven reporting tools that have the flexibility and detailed reports that you need to continue on this path with your agency.

    1. Whatagraph

    Whatagraph is one good choice for a client reporting tool, because it recognizes the importance of quick, organized reports. 

    Best of all, Whatagraph automates these reports, so you don’t have to worry about working on spreadsheets or manually inputting data.

    As a tool for a marketing agency, Whatagraph frees up your time and automates work on daily, monthly, or quarterly time periods. 

    Just set your clients’ deadlines, and you can forget about manually inputting information.

    If you want to add in some of your own integrations, you’ll be happy to know that Whatagraph does allow over 40 integrations, allowing you to link up sources of data for quick transfers.

    2. Megalytic

    Megalytic is a client reporting tool that provides you with much-needed templates that you can import data from. 

    Import your data from sources such as Facebook, CSV files, AdWords, and Google Analytics.

    If you have preferred widgets or want to add depth to your reports, this is a good platform because it connects through a library of widgets to build reports with the details you want.

    With its automated processes, you don’t have to worry about manually inputting data. Instead, it can actually send reports to specific people, whether they are your clients or employees, guaranteeing that they arrive on time.

    What are the greatest benefits of Megalytic? One is that it’s so cost-effective (it starts at around $29.99 a month), and it’s flexible enough to allow you to export reports in one of several formats.

    3. RavenTools

    RavenTools is a unique piece of software. 

    It is useful because it has so many reporting features. You can analyze competitors or schedule updates for your clients’ social media all in one place. 

    Then, when you pull reports, you can use them to build campaigns and go over how well the SEO campaign is working for the client.

    Beneficially, RavenTools adds in the ability to analyze your clients’ websites compared to their competitors. With that information, it’s much easier to make adjustments that help them reach their business goals.

    Not familiar with technology or systems like this? RavenTools makes it easy to pull reports, because there is drag-and-drop functionality.

    4. TapAnalytics

    You probably already have your own tools that you’re using to collect data. Even if those tools aren’t all linked up yet, TapAnalytics can help.

    The tool can be used with over 100 service providers, which means that you can just log into accounts and quickly connect to pull data from all the sources where it’s being collected.

    With clever options like customizable widgets and a functional design, it’s easy to use this platform even if you’re not particularly tech-savvy.

    An added benefit with TapAnalytics is that it has security features to keep your clients’ data safe. For example, you can set permissions and roles, making it less likely that people will view your clients’ data when they shouldn’t.

    You can also create a helpful overview dashboard quickly and easily, which makes it simple to find each and every one of your clients’ information in one place. 

    Think of this like a “start” screen; everything you need is in one place to keep you organized and to make it simple to continue your work.

    5. DataHero

    Doing more than simply marketing for your client? That’s where DataHero comes in as an excellent client reporting tool. 

    Unlike some, it integrates with cloud services like Eventbrite, HubSpot, and ZenDesk, letting you upload data from sources other reporting tools may not accept.

    DataHero gives you more control over what you do or do not import, allowing you to select the data you want before importing it all. 

    It provides you with suggestions, which means that you can quickly decide what you don’t need or catch something that you actually do.

    DataHero charts your data for you, but you can still manipulate it or add additional data in manually. For someone who likes to be hands-on with marketing reviews, this gives you a major opportunity to stay apprised of everything happening with a campaign.

    The big positives of using DataHero include access to stunning charts and visualizations, suggestions for different charts based on data, and being able to integrate with dozens of services.

    6. Google Analytics

    No client reporting tool list would be complete without adding in Google Analytics

    This is one of the most commonly used tools and is a necessary tool for those wanting to quantify results for their clients accurately. 

    Some of the metrics that are currently integrated include:

    • All-traffic Report under Acquisition (ARA)
    • Average engagement
    • Audience overview

    Each of these has its own purposes, but they all give you the insight you and your clients need. 

    For example, it allows you to set up goal conversions and analyze traffic to see how to adapt a website to your client’s audience.

    Beneficially, Google Analytics is completely free to anyone who wants to use it. So, even if you don’t have a budget in mind, this is a quality tool at the best price you can get (free).

    If you’re trying to discover what you need out of a reporting tool, starting with this option is a good choice. Once you see if Google Analytics offers all you need, you’ll be able to look at integrating with other tools.

    7. Dasheroo

    One of the final tools that we want to talk to you about is Dasheroo. It creates a clever dashboard where you can build client teams with varying levels of permissions. 

    Security comes first, making it possible to keep data safe and secure even when multiple accounts are established.

    With Dasheroo, you have the chance to create charts from templates, saving you time and energy. With the “Mashup” feature, you can compare two different sets of metrics to see if there are issues or trends that need your attention.

    Dasheroo places a focus on cutting down on the chaos and making it less time-intensive to go over your clients’ reports. 

    Interestingly, Dasheroo offers a single billing relationship, which means that you pay once for the service, but you choose what to charge your clients.

    If your clients want direct access, you can charge them a fee for it. If not, you can simply share dashboards via email at a scheduled time.

    Why does being in a single-payer situation matter? Of course, you’re trying to help your company grow, and any additional avenue in which you can seek revenue is worth investigating.

    The above client reporting tools help you keep your clients’ data organized and accessible.

    Doing this makes it much easier to manage the clients you have and to earn their respect and repeated business.

    Are you interested in learning about how you can get even more clients to manage? 

    In this blog post, we’ll tell you how to get new clients without spending too much money. 

    Grow your business by attracting new customers and wowing the customers you already have, and you’ll continue to see your agency’s success!


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