Attract, convert, and retain your audience with content development outsourcing

Content development outsourcing is a strategy companies use to reach as many people as possible with different types of content — blog posts, social media posts, videos, email marketing, etc. It allows you to keep up with volume and quality without compromising the marketing team's time.

Updated: April 26, 2021
Scale your production with content development outsourcing

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Content development outsourcing is a choice usually made when the business realizes it is no longer capable of producing content within the time they have and with the quality, frequency, or scale they need — or want.

Many companies outsource content production as a chance to attract, convert, and retain as many people as possible.

In this world of content we live in today, you need to be where your audience is, talking about what they talk about, and as frequently as they do. Do not be mistaken: if you are not doing that for your business, your competition already is. 

It sounds exhausting, right? It does — because it is. As you will clearly see in this article, content development is not by far a one-person job. That is why outsourcing this part of the job can improve your business without compromising the marketing team’s time and actually saving money. 

Carry on and glimpse answers to the following questions:

Why should I outsource content development?

In-house content development can be time-consuming and even frustrating once you are not capable of achieving what you set up to. So what are the upsides of letting other people talk about your brand? Can they really get to know your company and be as invested as your team is? Keep on reading to find out! 

Freeing up the marketing team’s time

It is a cliche but it remains true: time is money. When you have your marketing team digging up possible content topics, writing, designing, and publishing this material on your blog or landing page, you are probably neglecting some other strategic aspects of your business

Also, content development outsourcing allows you to work on tighter schedules. This means your brand can still be on top of current trends without the need to reallocate personnel at your company to produce content about the latest news on your field.  

Scaling content production

Growing a business is the ultimate goal of every manager. In order to do that, you need to reach as many people as possible. This means you will probably reach a volume limitation quite soon down the road if content producing is at the hands of a few people from your marketing team.

Working like that there is also the possible matter of quantity vs. quality. If you want to increase productivity, you will need to increase the workforce.

Outsourcing this part of the job is a good solution to scale content production and still counting on talented people working for your brand.   

Maintaining consistency

Aside from frequency and quality, there is also the need to offer consistency to your clients. Every interaction they have with your brand matters and will reflect on their experience with your business. 

They expect to identify and recognize your brandthroughout all stages of the buyer’s journey — and that is why your content should always have the same tone of voice. But how will even you be there if you cannot scale your content production? 

Keeping it fresh

Brands from every possible market are each day more invested in developing good, relevant content to attract, convert, and retain their target market.

However, Inbound Marketing is constantly evolving. What is hot today may not be trending tomorrow. You blink for a second and there is a different social media channel available, a new way to record, edit, and publish videos, and just like that you stopped being relevant.

Outsourcing content production is a way to overcome that, keeping up to date with whatever is going on.

Saving money

Last but not least, content development outsourcing is also cheaper than the next option, which would be to hire multiple full-time employees to handle such great demand. 

You must be asking yourself by now where you find these hidden talents that will devote hours and knowledge towards expanding your business. We say there are a few possibilities to find all of them.  

Where can I outsource content creation?

There are three main possibilities to outsource content development. The first one is to hire freelancers directly. The benefit here is that you can negotiate rates — which are commonly paid per hour or per word.

There are a few downsides to it, though. You will have to find these experienced, expert people on your own and possibly manage a large group of people since we have already covered that this is not a one-person job.

The second track would take you to hire an agency, which usually charges a monthly fee. However, if you are only looking to improve your Content Marketing ROI, this is not the clever option since they usually offer — and charge for — different services such as branding, planning, and so on. 

This leaves you with the third option, which is basically a mix of all the good in the two above. You can hire a company that offers on-demand creative talent and marketing solutions. In order words, you will acquire a team that is in fact a flexible extension to your team.

Visually offers fast and affordable high-impact visual content, delivering infographics, videos, ebooks, interactive microsites, and much more. We currently count on more than 1,000 hand-picked creative professionals and we are positive we can match your business within our great talented network.

As you can see now, content development outsourcing can bring a variety of benefits to your company. The biggest one being the fact that you will not neglect your audience, being there with relevant content every time they look you up.  

Are you interested in outsource your content production? So do not waste another minute and get a quote right away. We are glad to help you!

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