Becoming a freelance writer provides you with many benefits, including being your own boss, choosing your own clients, and the work you accept.
It also requires you to find your own paying writing projects, and this can be a stumbling block for many.
You know you are creative and can write, but how do you convince others that you can create the content they need or want?
That is where the pitch comes into play.
As a freelancer, you need to sell yourself to clients and publications in a manner that captures attention, showcases your skills, and makes you the one to choose.
For these reasons, learning how to write stellar pitches can get you in the door and keep you there, boosting your freelance writing career to new realms.
Whether you are only starting out or you’re already a seasoned professional, creating these highly effective pitches is your ticket to success.
- What are Freelance Writing Pitches?
- The Importance of Pitching for Freelance Writers
- Pitching Tips for Freelance Writers
- Examples of Freelance Writer Pitches
- Wrap Up
What are Freelance Writing Pitches?
Freelance writing pitches are brief, concise, and engaging messages to publications or other content clients and used to convince them to consider hiring you to write a story or article idea you present.
These pitches most often include a brief summary of your idea, how it fits with the publication or client and its audience, and your contact information.
You can think of it as your way to reach out to editors directly.
The Importance of Pitching for Freelance Writers
Pitching for freelance writers is an essential action in order to find new clients and earn money for the work you love to do.
Every writer is unique, and the ideas you come up with may not be something the editorial team includes in their suggestions.
Your uniqueness and creativity will go unknown unless you take that step and pitch your idea to them.
You will also gain recognition. The publication you pitch to may not need you at the moment or may not agree your topic is a fit, but they may refer you for other work now or in the future.
A pitch can also showcase your writing abilities and earn you a spot on a publication’s preferred writers list if they have one.
Pitching Tips for Freelance Writers
To ensure each pitch is effective, follow these tips.
1. Conduct Thorough Research
Before sending out any pitch, be sure to conduct thorough research.
If you don’t already know which publication to pitch to, start by researching journals and magazines to find the ones you are most interested in.
For each one you find, gain an understanding of:
- What the publication is all about.
- Who the specific audience (or targeted audience) is.
- The tone of voice used in the publication.
- Story and article topics in previous issues.
- Any editorial calendar they may have available for future issues.
You want your topic and pitch to be relevant to that publication’s specific audience while also fitting in with the unique style and approach of the publication itself.
After thoroughly going through their website, check out their social media channels such as Facebook or Twitter.
Also, once you choose the publication to pitch to, you will often need to select a section.
Publications often have these different sections, so find which one fits your idea the best in order to increase the likelihood of your pitch’s acceptance.
2. Identify Who the Pitch is Going To
Don’t neglect researching and confirming who it is you will actually be sending your pitch to.
You need the right name and the right email address for the editor.
If you’re not sure, even after reviewing the publication website and any submission guidelines they offer, call them up directly and ask who to send your pitch to.
You can also search on LinkedIn to find names and contact information.
By knowing exactly who you are pitching to, you have a better chance of reaching the right person and having it actually read.
3. Capture the Editor’s Attention as Quickly as Possible
Focus on capturing the editor’s attention right away in your pitch.
Start with an attention-grabbing headline, making them curious and also compelling them to learn more by clicking on your email.
Also, include a strong hook. Your first few lines need to compel them to read more.
It also should show that you understand the publication, its audience, and the content needs. As a bonus, let it show that you have something unique to offer.
Once you pique the interest of the editor, it becomes apparent that the publication’s audience also will be interested.
4. Be as Brief as Possible
Like you, editors and marketing teams are extremely busy today. They don’t have ample amounts of time to spend figuring out what your story or article idea is all about.
So, keep your pitch as brief as possible and let them know what you offer quickly.
Be focused in your writing. Get to the point swiftly and keep it relevant.
Briefly tell them why you are the ideal person to write this particular article.
Link to samples, including those you self-publish on LinkedIn or Medium, or unpublished samples in Google docs to show them your writing style.
Keep it somewhere around two or three paragraphs.
Let every word you use work for you, including in the proposed headline for your story or article idea. Give them an eye into where you stand and what point of view you will be writing from.
Also, tell them why your idea matters and what it can provide the publication’s audience.
Examples of Freelance Writer Pitches
There are different types of pitches, and the one you choose will depend on your topic idea, the publication you are pitching to, and your particular writing preferences and abilities.
1. Story Idea Pitch
Storytelling is a unique skill and one used throughout the information and marketing world today.
Begin by letting them know how you learned of their publication and how you came across the idea you are pitching.
From there, go into specifics about the story you want to tell.
Create one paragraph that introduces the proposed title and points to be covered.
In the next paragraph, let the editor know your plan of action, such as who you will interview or what interactive content you’ll use to gain information.
This plan of action shows you have thoroughly considered the topic and in what direction you plan to take it, along with beneficial resources to help get you there.
Wrap this section up with how it will benefit the readers.
By reading the body of the pitch, the editor should already be able to formulate an idea of the story you want to tell.
End the pitch by briefly introducing yourself and your qualifications.
2. General Introduction Pitch
A general introduction pitch is a way to give the editor or other recipient a way to learn about you in an engaging way.
You won’t be pitching a particular idea to write about, but instead let them know you are interested in writing for them and showcase the skills you have.
This type of pitch makes them aware of you, your talent, and your interests.
While they may not have anything specific for you right away, if they like what they see (or read) in your pitch, future projects may come your way.
Begin by acknowledging something particular to the publication, like a recent cover or article you find impressive or a new business or marketing approach they’ve recently undertaken.
Introduce yourself as a freelance writer and directly ask if they outsource content creation.
Proceed to list out your experiences, such as with writing web content, blog posts, or articles. The pitch is not the place to include your full freelancer’s resume, however.
When possible, mention clips of published works and other interests you have that relate in some way to the industry the publication represents.
End with a note that you would like to work for them, and then provide your contact information.
3. Article Pitch
An article pitch is more specific and is an attempt to convince the editor that your idea fits with the publication and its’ audience.
- A brief summary of the proposed article.
- Why the topic is a good fit for their audience.
- Your bio along with contact information.
Always check submission guidelines, which are often found online, and consider what is required.
If the editor will accept completed pieces, you may want to send the full version of your article to save them time and potentially win them over.
4. Proposal Pitch
A proposal pitch is a way to show how the editor or content client can benefit from the services you offer.
Start by reviewing the publication or website. Look for any hints as to what you can offer in your proposal pitch.
If you see that their blog has languished, propose to get it up and running again.
Could one or more of their web pages use an update? Maybe the client could benefit from case studies or white papers.
Essentially, your proposal pitch needs to identify a relevant problem in a non-critical way, provide a step-by-step solution, and discuss the benefits.
Your goal is to give them an overview of what services you can provide and how these can help the organization overall.
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Wrap Up
As a freelance writer, you are the one responsible for your own success.
Research and find the publications or other entities needing content that you wish to write for, and craft a pitch that gets you noticed.
Keep your pitch brief, engaging, and timely, and show off your writing skills in the process.
Perfecting your pitch is just one step to reaching success. You also need to ensure you are charging the right amounts for your services.
To help, find out how to calculate freelance writer rates simply and rock your career!