How to start freelancing with no experience

A full-time job can bring peace of mind and a steady income, but it rarely brings freedom. So, have you thought about being a freelancer professional instead?

Updated: June 24, 2022
How to start freelancing with no experience

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On the other hand, freelance work can be an exciting web-based, independent job you choose or offer – on your terms.

According to the research group Future Forum, Slack CEO Stewart Butterfield reported on CNBC that 79% of workers mentioned they “wanted flexibility in where they work.” A whopping 94% “wanted flexibility in when they work.” Where and when with flexibility. Life should be good.

Freelance and freedom sound familiar because a segment of the working population has always wanted both. Perhaps you’re one of them. If you’ve wondered how to start freelancing with no experience, you’ve come to the right place!

Getting your mojo back starts by doing something you love and then feeling your spirit soar as you do something daring and provocative. Are you ready for the rest of your life? Does it sound exciting?

Independence and non-traditional gigs seem to go hand in hand, and there’s been a massive growth in part-time income through companies like Lyft and Uber. But freelance work is predominantly geared toward online interaction.

So, whether you want to write for Writer Access, sell your graphic design services through Fiverr, or have something more specific in mind, such as a career in freelance marketing, you must have internet access and a viable business and sales plan. So, follow along, and we’ll explain how to jump-start your freelance career.

    How to Start Freelancing with No Experience

    You absolutely won’t need any freelancing experience to narrow your search for the perfect job or get started immediately. More than anything, you’ve got to believe in yourself. Go ahead, be bold and innovative!

    Maybe you want a new career without the hassles of a work commute, or you’ve got artistic abilities that rival the masters’ or killer digital skills – the future is yours to command.

    Even if you’re unsure, take the first step. Freelance gigs can be single jobs, a temporary thing. Learn what you need and then expand. But don’t get the idea it’s an easy go. More likely, the opposite is true.

    Yes, you’ll be your boss and set the hours that work for you. But you’ll also need to interact with potential clients, understand your expenses, set your fees, meet your deadlines, and be objective about your work to ensure you provide great products for the correct fees.

    But we’ve gotten ahead of ourselves. So, let’s get started in a sensible order. What do you want to accomplish?

    Step #1 – Choosing the Perfect Freelance Career

    We’d guess that one of your main goals is to get that freedom we’ve discussed while promoting your strengths and creating work you can be proud of. It’s alright that your career is all about you! But first, let’s answer a critical question.

    What is a Freelancer?

    A freelancer is an independent, non-employee who survives on their abilities, their ingenuity, and often on their wit. How else can you conquer a world you’ve been told is only possible with a 9 to 5 job? People lie.

    Yes, it would help if you had a lot of drive and talent to make it as a freelancer, but most everyone has some talents they’ve ignored, hidden, or overlooked.

    What Freelancing can do for you:

    • Give you hope and motivation – especially if you’re out of work or looking for a change
    • Supplement your current income – freelancing doesn’t have to be a full-time job
    • Provide a hobby that pays –get paid for something you love
    • Leads to more creativity – you’ll improve your work-craft as you do more gigs
    • Boost your resume – every job gets you more proof you know your trade
    • Offering additional education – training and certificates improves your chances of success
    • Lead to better jobs – freelancing can be a stepping-stone to your dream job

    You see the possibilities, so narrow down your choices by considering the many things that must be included in a successful freelance choice. Make a list of your options by considering these factors.

    Important Choice Factors:

    • What turns up your dials and makes you happy?
    • What would you like to do?
    • What need can you fulfill?
    • What can you continue to do for years?
    • What growth can you expect?
    • What are buyers paying for niches you can fill?

    Let your imagination run wild since there are thousands of niches that make good freelancing work. Just a few (each with dozens of possibilities) include medical and health, learning languages, writing, website design, search engine optimization, digital marketing, copywriting, graphic design, art, photography, travel, and so many more.

    Discover the 8 Best Tips to Become a Freelance Technical Writer

    Step #2 – Researching your Industry

    To stand out among freelancers, you’ll need to understand what buyers are looking for. If you want to be a freelance graphic designer, spend time on websites and message boards that discuss your specialties.

    You’ll learn some free tips, get an idea of which way the industry is leaning, and connect with successful freelancers. Then, pick their brains. LinkedIn can be very informative.

    Researching a buyer/seller portal such as Fiverr will give you tips on who’s selling your style of graphics design, current prices, delivery times, and popularity. See what the leaders offer and devise ways to match and exceed their best.

    There are a host of popular freelance gigs that concentrate on social media content, posts, images, videos, blog posts, GIFs, and customer interaction. Sites like Facebook feature hundreds of group pages for social media reps, freelancers, and jobs.

    Step #3 – Getting Started Today

    Taking the first step takes courage, but you can start immediately after finding your perfect freelance niche or category.

    Many freelancers do not have websites of their own, but it never hurts to have a place to blog, share ideas, feature your portfolio, and attract new buyers. Otherwise, if you’ve got an idea about what your first freelance gig should be, head to a freelancer marketplace like GURU, 99Designs, or Freelancer.

    Signing up at most sites is quick and painless. Although you may have to pass a quick test to verify your language skills, there are no mandatory costs. Once you’re signed up, spend time seeing what your competition is offering. Who’s successful, and why?

    Then, bulk up your social media presence. Although you may not need to tell clients exactly who you are (sometimes an excellent freelancer benefit), offering them the opportunity to see your work on your blog, Facebook page, Instagram, TikTok, LinkedIn, Pinterest, or other social media groups can help you.

    Freelance Websites

    although you can join most gig and freelance sites for free and even start a blog at no cost, the slightly-upgraded choices may suit you better. Free options have no frills.

    In addition, if you use a freelance marketplace to list your services, fees come from your contracted payment schedule. Some sites charge you for added features, like the ability to speak directly with a seller before negotiating and accepting a gig.

    Freelance marketplaces like to make a profit and collect from buyers and sellers. Read their terms and conditions, and don’t be surprised or disappointed to learn that 25 to 35% of your negotiated fee goes to the website owners.

    They provide the forum and traffic and handle the money coming in and going out. They’ll ask for tax information, keep your sales records, and send your share of the money directly to you. Everyone pays, so set your prices accordingly, and you’ll do well.

    Step #4 – Expanding Horizons through Certification

    No matter how great you are at your freelance specialty, there’s always a chance you might want to combine skills and expand your horizons. A budding photographer might want to spin some travel-savvy in with their photography to widen their reach and appeal.

    While you’re thinking about complementary products and subjects, you also might want to take a few courses (many are free) online to improve your abilities. Several writing marketplaces offer short courses and certificates to help differentiate sellers.

    A certification process will boost your credibility if you handle more complicated projects such as IT security, project management, or even graphics.

    Step #5 – Building a Portfolio and your Reputation

    Having an impressive portfolio is often a dealmaker in the freelance world. The more work you’ve done, the more likely you will continue to attract offers. If you are a newbie, don’t fret. There’s nothing wrong with showing off your work, even if it wasn’t commissioned.

    And that’s another reason for hitting social media and your blog to create a brand and prove you are a living, breathing person concerned about your reputation.

    The best way to improve your reputation is to offer a high-quality product at a reasonable price and always meet your deadlines. Don’t ruin a hard-earned reputation with a single lousy job!

    Free portfolio websites for you to work better your freelancer career

    The Wrap

    Now you know how to start freelancing with no experience. There’s money and a new career available to freelancers, and we’ve covered what freelancing is and how to start freelancing with no experience. You can choose a new freelancing path and get started today by following our expert advice!

    For more success, don’t forget to make your new venture even better by learning the best freelancer tools to spark your work and drive more business.


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