So maybe you over-indulged on barbecue or couldn’t resist the cupcakes this holiday weekend — and with the end of summer, the scary prospect of jiggling around the beach in your swimsuit no longer taunts you. That doesn’t mean you should shelve your healthy eating habits and forget about them until next Memorial Day! To rekindle your interest in healthy eating (we know those brochures at your doctor’s office can be boring), here are five infographics on nutrition. 1. Your health and the food you and your family eat are worth investing in year-round. And you can definitely learn to balance frugality with quality and conscientious choices. They aren’t mutually exclusive. This infographic depicts the evolution of the American diet and how recommendations have changed over the years.
2. Adopting a vegan diet can improve your weight and help prevent certain diseases and cancers. This infographic shows how adopting a vegan diet isn’t as dramatic as you may think.
3. The nutrition wars over carbs during the last 10 years have led to some serious confusion about carbohydrates, their effects on our bodies and their place in a balanced diet. Are carbs good for you or bad for you? The real answer is there are good carbs and bad carbs. This infographic helps you to distinguish between the two.
4. This infographic depicts a Redesigned Food Pyramid that is heavy on fruits and vegetables. It’s a good guide for choosing the ingredients of your next meal.
5. Spending some time exploring how foods compare is a great way to find good things to eat. This parallel coordinates visualization has a huge set of foods to explore.
Adam Breckler is VP of Product Development at When not coming up with product features to delight customers, Adam can be found posting his snapshots on Instagram, eating organic fruits and vegetables, and blogging on his website.