ion interactive Joins the Rock Content Content Experience Platform

I’m thrilled to announce that Rock Content has acquired ion interactive, the leading enterprise SaaS interactive content platform.

Updated: February 12, 2021

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The customer buying journey is no longer a straightforward and linear experience. With buyers entering complex webs of micro moments and touch points throughout their journey, companies struggle to deliver effective, relevant content aligned with customer expectations.

To help brands win with content at every stage of the buying journey, I’m thrilled to announce that Rock Content has acquired ion interactive, the leading enterprise SaaS interactive content platform.

What is ion interactive?

ion is the foundational interactive technology that complements your website CMS by providing highly interactive content experiences that engage, convert and profile your audience. It’s the only interactive content platform that provides the scalable foundation to grow from one interactive experience to one thousand interactive experiences. Essentially, ion is the interactive content CMS for everything your CMS can’t do.

Why Are We Acquiring ion interactive?

At Rock Content, we’re focused on building a platform for marketers and content-focused teams that supports the complete content lifecycle – from ideation, to planning, creation, distribution and measurement.

With ion interactive now part of our Content Experience Platform, we’ll be offering even greater content creation capabilities. In addition to Visually, which offers access to over 1,500 specialized creative talent, organizations will now be able to develop one-of-a-kind interactive collateral. This type of content will help brands create stronger and more engaging experiences to attract the right audience, retain them and accelerate revenue opportunities. See how ion is helping leading companies with their interactive capabilities today.

Want to Learn More?

On Wednesday, October 11th, we’ll be hosting webinars that give you a more detailed look at ion interactive can help build your interactive capability. Register to get a proper introduction:


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