What is the Value of Posting Native Videos on Social Media?

Using native videos is a strong social media marketing strategy that can often lead to more likes, shares, and comments. However, it isn’t always the best method for every digital marketing platform or in certain situations where you’re sharing someone else’s content.

Updated: October 1, 2021
What is the Value of Posting Native Videos on Social Media?

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When it comes to posting content to your brand’s website and social media pages, video marketing is super important.

Not only does your audience expect it, but it also gives them an immersive element that’s far more effective in projecting your message than just a still photograph or basic text.

However, there’s a right and a wrong way to post. 

And that’s where the debate between native versus embedded video becomes an important decision.

In this guide, we’ll dive into why native content is still a good idea for social media, but embedded offers better value for other applications. 

Let’s jump in.

    Why Use Video Content on Social Media?

    Before we can discuss what native and embedded content entail, let’s back things up for a moment. 

    Why use video content on social media in the first place?

    For starters, video content commands more attention than static posts. It’s just easier for your audience to spot when scrolling through their feeds.

    Furthermore, it is also a better way to share a message from a neurological standpoint.

    Most people see and hear faster than they read text, meaning if you’re trying to give information in your video, you have a higher chance of someone understanding what you’re attempting to communicate.

    And that’s why it is better to go with video marketing as the better social media option.

    What is Native Video Content?

    Native video content is media that you upload versus just linking to another platform.

    For example, if you upload a video to Facebook and then share it with your followers, then you’re using native content.

    In contrast, if you share a YouTube video link on a Facebook post, this is considered embedded video.

    See the difference?

    In some cases, embedded video is a better option. However, social media is a little different.

    Platforms like Facebook and Instagram have spent a ton of time and money creating features that make it easy to host your videos with them. 

    This is why their algorithms often place an emphasis on showcasing native content.

    To put it bluntly, they’ll show your video more often to more people if you use their native video tools.

    Does Native Content Mean Viral Content?

    This is a question that a lot of people ask. 

    The answer? They’re simply mixing up two different terms.

    Native content is a video that is hosted on the platform where it is shared.

    Viral content is popular content that has a wide-reaching audience and is gaining traction in terms of number of views, likes, shares, and growth.

    Further, native content can become viral content, but not always.

    Understanding the difference between the two terms is important and can make it easier when planning your video marketing campaigns.

    Why Choose Native Videos for Your Social Media Marketing Strategies?

    Choosing native videos for your social media marketing campaigns is often the most preferred method.

    Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are all platforms that prefer users to upload video content to their platforms directly. 

    In turn, their algorithm works harder to get that media in front of a more widespread audience.

    As a company, this means native video offers you far more opportunities for likes, views, shares, and even the chance to go viral.

    But that doesn’t mean there isn’t a place for embedded videos as part of your social media strategy.

    Sharing Someone Else’s Content — Native or Embedded?

    When it comes to sharing someone else’s video, there’s a good rule of thumb to follow.

    If you do not own the content, you should always opt for an embedded video. 

    For example, let’s say you’re sharing a great review of a specific product that you sell by someone who does reviews on YouTube.

    In that case, share the embedded link in a new post on Facebook. 

    Since you do not own the copyrighted content, it needs to be clear that it isn’t yours.

    This is an area that’s still a bit of a grey area for most digital marketers, but it really comes down to basic courtesy.

    If you’re uploading a native video from someone else’s content channel, they’re missing out on building their own audience.

    Have courtesy and use an embedded video in this instance. 

    (And send them a little note saying that you’re sharing their hard work. They would probably love to hear from you!)

    How Do You Create a Native Video?

    There are several different ways you can create a native video.

    The first method is to create something that is live and unedited. Audiences love this type of content, because it feels real and unpolished.

    It also allows your viewers to feel as though they’re included in the moment or part of your company’s daily operations.

    Most platforms like Facebook and Instagram offer the ability to use their in-app programs to film your content. Or you can simply opt for your smartphone or laptop camera as an alternative.

    Then there’s edited content. This is content that you create off-platform, edit it to add text or music, and then upload it to the social media platform as native content.

    There are also tons of apps out there that make this super simple and allow you to use their templates for upgraded filters, layouts, and so much more.

    However, the most important thing to remember when creating native video either live or edited is to have a plan.

    Whether that’s the goal of telling a story, sharing information, giving tips, or offering a behind-the-scenes glance, you want to start by first having an idea to follow with your content.

    The end result? 

    A beautiful and professional video that gives your audience meaningful, interesting, and valuable content.

    Native Video Content vs. Traditional Television Advertising

    It is also important to note that many companies are opting to use their television advertising budgets to create native video content.

    With more consumers turning to streaming services and watching media in bite-sized chunks online, this is not much of a surprise.

    And the segue between the traditional and modern platforms isn’t all that different.

    You can still always hire a videography team or interactive content production company to create stellar commercials and digital video ads for your brand.

    Once the media is complete, you can then upload it as native content to your favorite platforms.

    Native vs Embedded Videos: Which is the Best?

    So, if native videos are the better option for social media, why would you ever consider using an embedded video?

    Generally, it depends on where you’re posting the video.

    As we’ve already touched on, native videos are the better option for social media platform sharing.

    But, if you’re adding the video to a blog post or an evergreen page of your own website, you should consider using embedded video.

    Generally, this means uploading it to YouTube or Vimeo and sharing it via a bit of code.

    The benefit to this is that videos are large and take up a lot of space on your server. And, if you have multiple viewers at once, this can put a strain on the load time for your website

    To recap: embedded video on your own website, but native video for social media. Unless you’re sharing someone else’s video, of course. 

    Got it?

    Wrap Up: Using Native Videos for Social Media

    Video marketing is an excellent way to reach your target audience and grow your following. 

    This content is incredibly popular and almost expected on social media platforms these days. 

    Creating your own native videos is a good way to improve your reach and get a better response from your efforts.

    Of course, producing content that looks professional and offers value is important, too. That’s where interactive videos can be a great option.

    To learn more about how to hit a home run with every single campaign, check out our post covering why your marketing strategy needs interactivity!


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