Have you ever searched Google for a really specific question and weren’t quite confident that it would have an answer?
The last time I did that was with something like, “What’s the history behind the sign ‘Every second counts’ in the kitchen in the series ‘The Bear’? I don’t remember because I watched the entire last season in one afternoon and forgot everything.”
With no surprise, I must confess, I stumbled upon a subreddit brimming with comments and perspectives on this topic (this one, to be more precise).
If you’re a little bit lost: Reddit is a unique aggregation of forums where users from around the globe gather to discuss a diverse array of topics.
In short, from breaking news and scientific discoveries to lifestyle tips and meme culture, Reddit’s community-based structure allows users to explore and contribute to subjects that match their interests, hobbies, and passions (aka: everything).
Each subreddit serves as a dedicated space for like-minded individuals to share information and engage in discussions, making it a hub of active and informed communities.
The site has been gaining popularity since the beginning of 2024 (at least in our little SEO and content world): if you keep up to date with Google news, perhaps you’re aware of the recent complaints about Reddit appearing more frequently in Google Search (mostly after Google’s March update) and the $60 million deal between Reddit and Google.
And if you like numbers, I’ve gotten some of them for you too: as of February 2024, Reddit has an estimated 1.2 billion monthly unique visitors. And 49.79% of Reddit’s daily active users are based in the US, so 36.4 million daily active users in the US alone. Not bad, right?
Okay, cool, but why are we talking about Reddit? Why should you, as a marketer, keep a closer eye on “the front page of the internet”?
Throughout this article, we’ll delve into the factors driving Reddit’s growing influence (especially among Gen Z), including a significant new partnership with Google, and discuss what this means for businesses, marketing professionals, and the broader landscape of digital content discovery.
- The Beginning: Google-Reddit Deal
- First Step: Impact on Reddit’s Visibility and Organic Traffic
- Reddit and Content Quality in Google SERPs: What’s the Connection?
- And Now: How Reddit is Changing the Landscape of Online Search and Brand Discovery (at least to Gen Z)
- Reddit’s Role in Modern Content Discovery: What People Have to Say About It
- Envisioning the Ideal Search Experience for Gen Z: What Do They Want?
- Challenges and Opportunities for Businesses and Marketers
The Beginning: Google-Reddit Deal
Let’s revisit the significant news from February 2024: Google and Reddit entered into a groundbreaking licensing agreement that captured the attention of the tech community.
According to a Reddit publication, this deal granted Google real-time access to the wealth of conversations and data on Reddit, reflecting over 18 years of authentic and constantly-updated human-generated conversations and experiences.
This partnership was not solely about enhancing the visibility of Reddit threads in search results; it was also strategically aimed at deepening the tech giant’s grasp on human dialogues, essential for advancing AI technologies. Financially, the agreement was a breakthrough, with Reddit reportedly securing $60 million annually.
And, of course, there were a ton of subreddits talking about it, such as this one.
With this partnership, and through Reddit’s Data API, new ways were introduced for Reddit content to be displayed across Google products, offering programmatic access to fresh, constantly evolving, and dynamic public posts and comments.
This enhanced collaboration provided Google with an efficient and structured way to tap into the vast corpus of content on Reddit.
It helped Google improve its products and services, including new methods to display Reddit content and more effective ways to train models.
Reddit’s work with Google aimed to make it easier for people to discover, and engage with content and communities on Reddit that are most relevant to them. It was aligned with their belief in an open internet and striving to better serve existing users while reaching new audiences.
This expanded partnership did not alter Reddit’s Data API Terms or Developer Terms, which stipulate that content accessed through Reddit’s Data API cannot be used for commercial purposes without Reddit’s approval.
First Step: Impact on Reddit’s Visibility and Organic Traffic
With no surprise, the collaboration between Google and Reddit has had a tangible impact on how visible Reddit is on the internet’s most popular search engine.
Since the agreement, Reddit discussions have started climbing the ranks in Google search results, making the platform more accessible to a broader audience.
The numbers speak for themselves. According to analytics firm Similarweb in a Search Engine Journal article, Reddit has experienced a remarkable 39% increase in traffic year-over-year.
Reddit’s growth can be attributed to several factors. A recent algorithm update by Google, which prioritizes helpful content from discussion forums, has likely played a significant role in boosting Reddit’s search rankings and overall visibility.
This change aligns with Google’s ongoing efforts to enhance the relevance and quality of search results for users (aka EEAT and the main base of the March Core Update 2024).
Moreover, data from Business Insider in Search Engine Journal suggests that an increasing number of people are discovering Reddit through Google searches rather than direct visits to reddit.com.
Google denies the connection between these facts, but it would be really naïve of us to not think about it.
Reddit and Content Quality in Google SERPs: What’s the Connection?
Roger Montti, a staff writer for Search Engine Journal, talks about the expertise and trustworthiness of Reddit content. In the article Let’s Be Real: Reddit In Google Search Lacks Credibility, Montti says:
“Opinions shared on Reddit by people who lack expertise and are sharing opinions in anonymity qualify as dubious. Yet Google is not only favoring Reddit in the search results, it is also paying millions of dollars for access to content that is lacking in expertise, experience, authoritativeness and trustworthiness.”
It makes a lot of sense, right? However, many Gen Z Reddit users don’t quite agree — especially when it comes to product information.
A recent survey conducted by Reddit in collaboration with GWI and AmbassCo sheds light on this transformation. Involving over 3,140 internet users from the UK, U.S., and Germany, Reddit has emerged as a remarkably trusted resource for product research.
Garnering trust from 78% of respondents, Reddit ranks as the fourth most trusted platform among Gen Z, trailing just behind friends and family at 88%, review websites at 86%, and store employees at 83%.
Impressively, in this group, Reddit’s credibility surpasses even Google and all other social platforms, highlighting its unique position as a go-to source for genuine, user-generated insights.
This level of trust underscores Reddit’s significant influence on consumer decision-making processes, making it a crucial platform for businesses to consider in their digital marketing and engagement strategies.
And Now: How Reddit is Changing the Landscape of Online Search and Brand Discovery (at least to Gen Z)
The platform’s ascent in search results reflects a broader shift in how search engines value and prioritize genuine, user-generated content. As Reddit becomes a go-to source for information and discussion, it solidifies its role as a critical player in the digital search landscape
As Reddit’s content becomes more visible on Google, the dynamics of what users find—and how they find it—are evolving. This change is particularly evident in the shift towards platforms that prioritize genuine, community-sourced insights.
Gen Z users are at the forefront of this shift. This tech-savvy generation is increasingly skeptical of traditional search methods that often prioritize sponsored content over authentic information.
Instead, they gravitate towards platforms where they can access real-time, unfiltered insights from actual people.
Reddit, with its myriad of communities and discussions, fits this bill perfectly, offering a treasure trove of opinions, experiences, and advice.
The findings reveal a significant decrease in the relevance of traditional search engines as primary discovery tools. In contrast, social media platforms and personalized discovery channels are gaining ground. Recall the fact that Gen Z increasingly uses TikTok as a search engine?
The data shows a clear trend: search engines are slowly losing their grip as the go-to discovery tools, with a notable decline from 34% in 2018 to 29% in 2023 in their use for brand discovery.
Meanwhile, brand discovery via social media has surged from 36% in 2018 to 49% in 2023 (in North America), highlighting a dramatic shift in how consumers engage with brands.
Reddit’s Role in Modern Content Discovery: What People Have to Say About It
Reddit’s growing influence in the realm of online search and discovery can be attributed to its foundation of trustworthiness and community engagement.
Unlike traditional search engines that rely heavily on algorithms and paid advertisements, Reddit provides a platform where content is driven by user interest and authenticity.
For Gen Z, the appeal of Reddit lies in its ability to offer curated, personalized experiences that resonate with their values and interests.
This generation values transparency and authenticity above all, making them particularly sensitive to the quality of information they encounter online.
Let’s take a look at some insights from the interviews presented in the recent survey conducted by Reddit, GWI and AmbassCo that we mentioned in the beginning:
“…When you end up searching for something on the Internet, you’re filtering/searching through like 20 whole articles, blogs, whatever from random journalists who most likely might not have any experience in what you’re looking for…. But Reddit, you can see like that it’s real people. It’s real people who know the advice that they’re giving you” (Piper, 19) Source: From Search to Research)
The survey shows that Gen Z is about twice as likely as older generations to prefer passive discovery of products, such as clothing, through suggestions rather than active search. This aligns perfectly with Reddit’s mechanism of surfacing content based on community engagement and relevance.
Of course, these benefits prompt the question: how can one ensure that the advice on Reddit is reliable, and not merely the opinions of individuals without proper knowledge or worse, those spreading misinformation?
This is where Reddit’s karma system plays a critical role. Karma on Reddit is a score based on the upvotes and downvotes a user receives, reflecting the community’s trust and appreciation of their contributions.
However, the effectiveness of this system can vary widely depending on the context.
For instance, while an opinion about an episode of The Bear might be harmless and engaging, seeking advice on health-related issues such as diabetes requires a higher level of scrutiny.
In these cases, the credibility of information should be carefully evaluated, underscoring the diverse needs and the critical thinking required when navigating platforms like Reddit.
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Gen Z is not a big fan of traditional search experiences…
Consumer frustrations with traditional search experiences further illuminate why platforms like Reddit are becoming more popular.
A significant portion of Gen Z — 47% — expresses dissatisfaction with the prevalence of ads and sponsored content in search results, which they feel undermines trust and clutters their search experience.
This frustration is compounded by the necessity of navigating through multiple pages to find relevant information, a task that 44% of Gen Z finds tedious.
Envisioning the Ideal Search Experience for Gen Z: What Do They Want?
Their preferences could very well dictate the future of search engine functionalities and user experience design. Let’s take a closer look at it.
Quality and Trust
First and foremost, Gen Z craves quality and trust in their search experiences. They desire content that is both detailed and genuine—be it product reviews or other information.
This generation has grown skeptical of the usual fluff and overt promotional content that plagues many search results today.
Take a look at this insight and why Reddit has proven itself as a great platform to achieve this desire:
“{Reddit} was really helpful for me to connect with other tall girls, because there are a lot of threads where girls will post links to their favorite work, pants or jeans, and they’ll also post exactly where the pants hit them on the ankles, their inseam, their waistband measurements… I know that I can click on that exact link and go and order a size medium and have it fit me perfectly, which is super super rare when online shopping”. Steph, 20 (Source: From Search to Research)
“Another thing that I really like about Reddit is the upvote and downvote feature. I look at those quite a bit, just to see like what like the general consensus is on a topic… So we just got hardwood floors in our house… and we’re trying to figure out like the best floor cleaner to use… without damaging them… Reddit was the one that I ended up using to actually make my purchasing decision. And I just like looking at the upvotes and looking at similar questions that others had asked to finally make that decision”. Ashvvath, 21. Source: From Search to Research.
Precision and Specificity
Gen Z users show a strong preference for search engines that can deliver highly specific and relevant results.
This need for precision reflects a broader desire for personalization and sophisticated filtering capabilities, which are not just about finding anything but the right thing.
Simplicity and Accessibility
When it comes to the user interface and overall search experience, simplicity rules. Gen Z favors a streamlined, user-friendly approach that minimizes clutter and maximizes accessibility.
They are turned off by the barrage of ads and sponsored content that often distract from the core search experience.
The preference is clear: they want information that is easy to find and straightforward, with trusted reviews and without the hassle of navigating through promotional material.
Relevance and Customization
Advanced features that filter through the noise and enhance relevance are also on Gen Z’s wishlist.
They expect search engines to come equipped with better filters that align with their savvy use of technology. Additionally, customization is a key aspect of their ideal search experience.
This is something that we’re talking about in our State of Marketing 2024 report. If you want to read more, check this article: [New Report] Why Your Audience Doesn’t Care About Your Efficiency (and How Personalization Can Save You)
This generation wants the ability to control how results are displayed and interacted with, suggesting a move towards more adaptive and responsive search technologies.
Challenges and Opportunities for Businesses and Marketers
For platforms like Reddit, these insights are invaluable. As a community-driven platform, Reddit is uniquely positioned to meet these expectations by emphasizing content authenticity, community verification of information, and personalization in content discovery.
Its structure allows for a natural filtration of quality content through community engagement such as upvotes and in-depth discussions, which aligns well with Gen Z’s expectations.
Moreover, Reddit’s potential to adapt its search capabilities to be more intuitive and less ad-intrusive could make it an even more preferred platform among this demographic.
Emphasizing features like personalized feeds based on user interaction and providing clear, concise, and directly relevant content could see Reddit becoming a primary discovery tool for a new generation.
As Reddit’s influence in the digital landscape grows, businesses and marketing professionals face unique challenges and opportunities.
Leveraging Reddit’s Growing Influence
Reddit’s ascent in the digital world presents a unique opportunity for businesses looking to engage with highly specialized, engaged communities.
Beyond merely viewing these communities as target audiences, businesses can see Redditors as amplifiers who can broadcast their brand message authentically and persuasively.
This is particularly effective because Reddit’s users are deeply invested in communities that they trust and are passionate about, making them more receptive to messages that resonate with their interests.
Opportunities with Reddit Pro and Sponsored Content
The introduction of Reddit Pro, a new suite of organic business tools, marks a significant development for businesses aiming to tap into Reddit’s ecosystem.
This free toolset simplifies the vast amount of data generated by Reddit’s conversations, providing actionable insights that businesses can use to discover relevant communities, join discussions seamlessly, and contribute meaningfully.
Moreover, Reddit offers unique advertising solutions such as Sponsored AMAs (Ask Me Anything) sessions, where brands can take center stage in engaging directly with the community.
This format allows businesses to address their audience’s most pressing questions, enabling a transparent and direct dialogue that can enhance brand credibility and trust.
Conversation Ads represent another strategic tool provided by Reddit, designed to insert a brand naturally into relevant discussions.
These ads place brands at the forefront of conversations, especially in threads where their products or services are already being discussed, ensuring that they remain top of mind during critical discussions about related topics.
Furthermore, recent data from Reddit reveals that combining feed ads with conversation ads results in significant outcomes, boosting brand awareness by 83% and increasing action intent by 5.46% compared to using feed ads alone.
Strategic Engagement: Becoming Part of the Conversation
To maximize the impact of these opportunities, businesses must approach Reddit with a strategy that emphasizes genuine engagement rather than overt promotion.
Contributing valuable insights, answering questions, and participating in discussions can establish a brand as a credible and valuable member of the Reddit community.
The goal is to add value first—this establishes trust and builds a reputation as a brand that truly understands and respects the community’s dynamics.
Engaging with Reddit’s communities in this way requires a nuanced understanding of each subreddit’s culture and norms, as well as a commitment to maintaining the authenticity that Redditors value so highly.
By respecting these principles and using tools like Reddit Pro strategically, businesses can effectively leverage Reddit’s growing influence to enhance their visibility and engagement in meaningful ways.
Unlock the power of Reddit for your marketing strategy! But remember it’s just part of your efforts.
Discover how to optimize your content for every stage of the buyer’s journey, create impactful marketing campaigns, generate qualified leads, and close more deals.