How to choose the SEO content tool that is right for your goals

The right SEO content tools can help you improve your optimized content and become a contender for top spots on the SERP. Here are a few of our favorite tools.

Updated: November 29, 2022

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When people search for content related to your area of expertise, you want them to click over to your website. SEO content is the cornerstone of achieving this goal.

An estimated 27.6 percent of the clicks from a given search will go to the result in the first position. If you want to bring in clicks off the search engine, you need to increase your rankings for important queries.

With the help of an SEO content tool, you will find it easier to improve your rankings on the SERP and thereby increase the clicks over to your site. We will walk you through what you need to know about SEO content and tools so that you can find the tools that will benefit you the most.

    What is an SEO tool?

    An SEO tool helps you track and analyze the performance of your site in terms of SEO best practices. There are several different types of SEO content tools available, depending on how they analyze your site and content. They all help you find areas where you can improve your optimization so you can increase your site rankings and visibility. 

    How do you do SEO for content?

    When it comes to optimizing content so that it shows up more readily on search engines, you want to remember the end goal of the optimization process. Optimized content should be easy for search engines and search engine users alike to understand. It should also clearly align with the user intent of the person making the query.

    You have a few strategies at your disposal to accomplish these goals.

    1. You want to create a title for your page that naturally incorporates your keywords.
    2. You want to have a URL for the page that includes the keyword.
    3. Your content should contain the keywords throughout the content, but not at a saturation level that sounds forced or awkward.
    4. Your content should also include semantically related keywords. This just means keywords related to your main keyword that the search engines would expect to see in quality content related to that term. For example, it is hard to write about SEO without mentioning ‘optimization’ or ‘search engines’ or ‘SERP’. These show the search engine that your content is thorough. 
    5. Pair your content with a meta description that lets people know what they would click on and the value the page offers.
    6. Write content that is authoritative on the topic. It should have depth and live on a site that overall demonstrates its expertise in this particular field.
    7. Your content should have images with keyword-rich alt tags to enhance the page.

    An SEO content tool helps you target these core strategies for optimization.

    Who writes SEO content?

    SEO content can be written by anyone at a company, but generally, the best content is written by SEO content professionals. There is a balance needed to write effective content that incorporates the key elements of SEO while also providing information that buyer personas appreciate. Those who have extensive experience writing this type of content can produce high-quality material that will entice customers and encourage them to learn more about your brand.

    What types of content might writers develop for SEO?

    Writers develop a wide range of different types of content for SEO. The various types of content all have different roles to play in the sales funnel. Here are a few of the most common types of content professionals might produce:

    • Blog posts
    • White papers
    • Ebooks
    • Social media posts
    • Articles for outside publications
    • Landing pages
    • Case studies

    Each of these types of content will use SEO best practices to encourage customers to learn more and move on to the next stage of the buyers’ journey

    SEO Content writing tools for beginners

    To help writers interested in developing better SEO writing, there are a number of tools available to assist with different parts of the process. To find the right one, you will want to consider where you struggle the most with SEO and which tool will benefit you the most. Here are a few that we like best.

    SEMrush Writing Assistant

    (Image courtesy of SEMrush)

    The Writing Assistant from SEMrush will evaluate your content as you produce it. You enter the keywords you want to track and then enter your content. It will analyze your content according to four different categories:

    • The level of SEO
    • How original the content is
    • The tone of voice you use
    • The readability of the content

    The platform then offers you suggestions about how to improve in each of these areas. 


    (Image courtesy of KWFinder)

    The KWFinder specifically targets the keywords that you want to build content for on your site. 

    The finder makes it easy for you to find a number of keyword suggestions. It also gives you information about the keywords, including the search volume, the CPC, and how the popularity of the keyword has risen and fallen over the years.

    You gain valuable insight into the current SERP for that keyword as well, so that you can see your best opportunities to rise in the ranks and bring in customers. When you have this information, you can quickly select the terms that fit your content and brand the best. 

    WebSite Auditor’s Content Editor

    (Image courtesy of WebSite Auditor)

    With WebSite Auditor’s Content Editor, you will get regular updates on the SEO for the page you are writing. You can see how the page will appear on the SERP, so you can make sure it aligns with your marketing strategy. 

    If your content has on-page SEO problems, the Content Editor will let you know so you can make corrections. Finally, you can track particular keywords you want to target so you can gauge your progress in improving rankings for these important terms.

    Wrap-Up: Build your business with SEO

    If you want to help your business grow, incorporating SEO content is an effective strategy to achieve your goal. You will increase your brand awareness, your presence on the SERPs, and the clicks that come to your pages from the search engines.

    Your next step is to find writers who can help you produce this high-quality content that will let you shine. With Writer Access, you can access top writing talent with a two-week trial. See how you can help your brand thrive through content.

    Social: With the right SEO content tool, you can take your brand even further.

    If you want to increase the number of clicks your content gets, you need to rank highly on the SERP. The best way to do that is build your SEO.

    Fortunately, some tools can guide your content creation. We will walk you through some of our favorites.


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