SEO Marketing Services You Shouldn’t Be Without in 2023

As we enter 2023, take a leap and bring your site's SEO to new levels with this guide to SEO marketing services. No matter what size of business you have, SEO marketing services can help your site to grow in authority, generate more leads and rank higher in search engine results.

Updated: May 11, 2023
seo marketing services

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When thinking about SEO marketing services, you may wonder how this differs from digital marketing services. 

In a nutshell, digital marketing is more akin to what you may remember as traditional marketing. 

SEO marketing is focused entirely on online marketing and on the business of helping to make your website stand out among all others.

    What Are SEO Services In Marketing?

    SEO services in marketing encompass a variety of digital marketing services that are intended to optimize a business’s or individual’s website and online presence in order to improve the site’s visibility, rankings, and online authority. 

    SEO marketing services may be offered by companies, agencies, freelancers, or consultants.

    Most entities that offer SEO marketing services either specialize in one particular area or offer a combination of marketing strategies, such as keyword research and implementation, on-page and/or off-page SEO, technical SEO, and local SEO

    Note that SEO marketing needs to be ongoing since search engine algorithms change on a routine basis.

    What Are Examples Of SEO Marketing?

    SEO marketing takes many shapes and forms, especially as search engine algorithms change and online consumer behavior shifts. 

    In general, some examples of professional SEO marketing include:

    • website audit
    • SEO-optimized content
    • keyword research and strategy
    • on-page optimization
    • off-page optimization
    • local SEO
    • ongoing SEO maintenance

    Why Use SEO Marketing?

    There are over a billion websites on the internet as of this writing. 

    Of course, not all of them are vying for your market share. 

    An estimated 82% of websites are inactive, but 18% are active. No matter what kind of website you have, for whatever purpose, there are almost certainly at least a handful of other websites that are competing with you.

    That’s a very generous estimate because, in truth, there are probably hundreds or even thousands of websites competing with you. 

    It’s impossible to make an informed guess without doing some analytical work, which falls under… SEO marketing.

    In this day and age, every website owner needs SEO marketing in order to make an impact on the internet, in order to get highly ranked on search engines, in order to drive traffic, in order to gain authority, and, finally, in order to succeed. 

    Whether you have a one-page website that offers your community tips on ways to spend a weekend or a giant website that publishes important statistics about global opinion polls, you need SEO marketing of some kind.

    What Is SEO Marketing Strategy?

    SEO marketing strategy is a type of marketing where search engine optimization is utilized in order to make it more likely that a certain website will appear when an individual conducts an online search.

     There are many “tools” in SEO marketing strategy including, but not limited to, the following:

    Keyword Research And Strategy

    Keyword research and strategy refer to identifying and analyzing precise keywords and phrases that individuals use when they search for things online. 

    The goal of keyword research is to understand the language that a target audience uses when conducting a search so that these keywords can be implemented in marketing efforts.

    Link Building

    Link building is the process of acquiring backlinks (also known as “inbound links” or “incoming links”) to a website from other quality websites. 

    The number and quality of backlinks are one of the most important factors that search engines like Google use to rank websites in their search results, which is why link building is an SEO marketing service you shouldn’t be without in 2023 and beyond.

    Technical SEO

    Technical SEO means optimizing the technical aspects of a website in order to improve the site’s visibility and rankings in search engine results. 

    Examples of technical SEO include but are not limited to:

    • Ensuring that the site has a clear and logical structure
    • Using “clean” code that is mobile-friendly
    • Properly using sitemaps and robots.txt files
    • Optimizing URLs and meta data with keywords

    Remember, search engines are “blind.” Technical SEO enables search engines to understand, crawl and index a website. 

    Without technical SEO, it’s hard or impossible for search engines to understand the purpose of a site and its content.

    Local SEO

    Local SEO means ensuring that a business’s website and online presence rank high in search engine results for specific geographic locations. 

    Local SEO is an important strategy for businesses that have a physical location and serve customers within a specific area. 

    By optimizing for local search, businesses can increase their visibility to potential customers in their area and can drive more traffic to their physical location.

    On-Page SEO

    On-page SEO refers to optimizing the on-site content and structure of a website. On-page SEO includes several factors such as:

    • title tags and meta descriptions
    • headings and subheadings
    • images and videos
    • URL structure
    • internal linking

    Note that on-page SEO is one-half of a comprehensive SEO content strategy; the other is off-page SEO.

    Off-Page SEO

    Off-page SEO means optimizing a website’s visibility and rankings by increasing the site’s authority. Off-page SEO helps search engines to understand the popularity and authority of a website.

    The following strategies fall under off-page SEO:

    • Getting backlinks from high-ranking websites
    • Building a strong social media presence
    • Creating a brand and reputation
    • Guest blogging
    • Growing a strong online presence
    • Nurturing relationships with online communities

    Essentially, SEO strategies that take place “off-site” of the website fall under the category of off-page SEO.

    What Is An SEO Service Provider?

    There are several different kinds of SEO service providers. 

    Each type offers a selection of services to help websites with rankings, online visibility, and authority. 

    Some examples of SEO service providers and the services they offer include:

    SEO Agencies

    These are agencies that specialize in providing a wide range of SEO services, including most of the strategies listed above in addition to others. 

    Some agencies also offer extra services such as website design and development, content creation, and social media marketing.


    These are creatives who typically offer specific SEO services, such as content creation, keyword research, and on-page SEO.

    Digital Marketing Agencies

    These agencies provide a wide range of digital marketing services, including SEO, PPC, social media, email marketing, branding, and design work. 

    They can help businesses with a comprehensive approach to their digital marketing strategy.

    Specialized SEO Service Providers

    These kinds of companies typically specialize in a specific area of SEO, such as technical SEO, e-commerce SEO, or local SEO. 

    Choosing the right SEO service provider will depend upon a business’s specific needs, goals and budget constraints.

    If you are ready to get serious with your SEO marketing in 2023, your first visit should be to WriterAccess. 

    WriterAccess has a bevy of freelance writers whom you can leverage to provide you with on-page SEO, link-building content, and much more. 

    Your biggest challenge once you take advantage of the WriterAccess free trial will be to figure out which expert writer to use first!


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