9 Common SEO Myths that you Need to Avoid [2024]

An SEO strategy costs a lot of money; keywords need to be included in every paragraph; the more links in a text, the better — don’t believe in these sentences. They are SEO myths that we will debunk now.

Updated: May 15, 2024
9 Common SEO Myths that you Need to Avoid

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When it comes to the best way to do Search Engine Optimization (SEO) these days, there’s a lot of information out there. 

The only problem is, not all of it is correct. SEO myths abound, and keeping up with what works and what doesn’t can be a challenge.

But it’s important not to get discouraged!

After all, perfecting your SEO skills is key to increasing visibility, making you easier to find for potential customers seeking what you offer.

SEO also helps by increasing the amount of qualified traffic that comes your way and by positioning you and your website as an authority.

It’s a valuable strategy and you need the right information to do it. 

That is why debunking the biggest SEO myths can help you move forward, rising in rankings and increasing conversion rates.

Here’s what we are going to cover in this blog post:

    SEO Myth #1: High Keyword Density Will Improve Page Ranking

    While you may have a few keywords you want to rank for, search engines will not reward you for seeing how many times you can include them in your content.

    Crowding your webpage with the same keywords over and over is referred to as keyword stuffing, which can actually lead to search penalties.

    A few well-researched and optimally-placed keywords can work wonders instead. Search engine algorithms will easily find these also.

    In this context, keyword research continues to be essential to your Content Marketing plan and your Digital Marketing strategy.

    Knowing what users are searching for along their buyer’s journey and what specific words or phrases they use most often will be beneficial to you.

    For keywords to be most effective, find the ones that connect with your customers and drive more qualified traffic to your site.

    SEO Myth #2: Quantity of Links is More Important than Quality

    While having more links might seem like a good SEO strategy, that is no longer the case.

    In fact, too many low-quality links may be dragging you down and threatening your trustworthiness.

    With too many links to other sites, your customers can grow weary. Website visitors are smarter these days and may discount you altogether if they see you are providing excessive links.

    Instead, lower the quantity of your links and concentrate more on quality. 

    This process will help you hone in on what will benefit your customers, building authority in the process.

    Linking to highly reputable sites you trust and that viewers can trust is a good direction to follow. 

    SEO Myth #3: The Type of Links Doesn’t Matter

    Thinking that the type of links doesn’t matter is a myth you can’t afford to fall for these days.

    One of the important goals of SEO is to build authority, creating trust among potential customers, which can lead to a higher conversion rate. 

    One way you do this is by the type of links you share.

    Your buyer persona is looking to you to provide beneficial information. If you link to irrelevant or untrustworthy sites, they may discover you are wasting their time or potentially disrespecting them.

    Instead of linking to various random sites and pages, do your research on what is best to link to and gain the trust of viewers and customers. 

    Include both internal and external links, and avoid a random linking strategy. 

    The goals are to add value to your site, add value for your potential customer, and maintain the loyalty of those customers you already have.

    The type of links you build into your content will reflect your authority and matter greatly to viewers. 

    By seeing you link to only authoritative and trustworthy sites assures them you know what you are doing.

    SEO Myth #4: Link Building is Not Relevant for SEO

    Thinking link building is not relevant for SEO can lead to lower success in achieving higher rankings and gaining traffic.

    Search engines understand that link building hierarchies occur inside content.

    Any improper link structure may cause the search engine to fail to crawl and index your site properly. In turn, this can affect your ratings.

    Instead, spend time developing your link building strategy.

    Brainstorm to find ways for others to backlink to your site, building your credibility and authority. 

    Examples of how to do this include creating infographics others will want to share or mentioning an influencer’s blog post or event.

    Understanding the value of link building is essential to a successful SEO strategy today.

    SEO Myth #5: SEO is a One-Time Job

    One illusion many may have concerning SEO is once you set it in place, you’re done and can just sit back and watch the results roll in.

    SEO is not a set-it and forget-it one-time job. 

    Instead, it is a constantly evolving task that must be monitored, tested, analyzed, and modified as you go along.

    Staying on top of whatever is and isn’t working with your Digital Marketing strategy is a beneficial way to get ahead of your competition. 

    Tweaking your SEO strategy to fit your needs and reach potential customers is a continuous process.

    Search engines continue to be a mystery overall, so effort is needed to find what will make you stand out.

    Plan to invest time and resources to keep your content fresh, your links relevant, and your competitors at bay.

    SEO Myth #6: Page Speed Isn’t Important

    Visitors to your website want access to everything quickly. 

    When a page loads too slowly, they can swiftly lose interest and move on, dispelling the myth that page speed isn’t important.

    Not only is page speed crucial to your website visitors, but it is also essential to your ranking in search engines. 

    This makes increasing page speed an indispensable part of your SEO strategy.

    Viewers will find you easier and then spend more time on your website, which can lead to higher conversion rates.

    Understand how speed impacts your site.

    SEO Myth #7: SEO is Extremely Expensive

    The variety of digital marketing tools and options available today help to debunk the myth that SEO is extremely expensive.

    Besides, expensive is a relative term, depending on the size and assets of your company.

    A small to medium-size business may have a smaller marketing budget than a larger one, but there is still a cost-effective way to achieve the right level of SEO for everyone.

    Today an SEO package can be customized to fit your particular needs and what you wish to achieve. 

    You can pick and choose the product and services you need then add on when necessary.

    SEO Myth #8: There Is Only One Way to Implement SEO

    When many people think of SEO, they think it involves a rigid set of steps that must be taken to reach success. 

    This is an SEO myth.

    The true reality is that there are so many ways to implement a successful SEO strategy. You just need to identify the ones that work best for you.

    Avoid limiting your options when it comes to SEO. Research what you can do to attract your target audience and gain higher visibility.

    Improving content quality, diversifying your content types, utilizing link building, and researching optimal keywords are just a few of the ways you can differentiate your SEO strategy.

    SEO Myth #9: Interactive Content Does Not Improve SEO

    Content matters, and when it comes to creating a better visitor experience, the type of that content also matters.

    More and more, we are seeing interactive content winning visitors over and improving SEO.

    Interactive content increases engagement and the time visitors spend on your website. 

    As a direct result of this, search engines take notice, and this can benefit your rankings.

    From interactive infographics to interactive videos, you have several ways to engage more visitors to your website and improve your SEO.

    With interactive content, you make yourself more memorable to users. You also entice others to link to your content, increasing traffic to your site.

    Wrap Up: Debunk These SEO Myths Once and For All 

    Your SEO strategy is essential for reaching both short-term and long-term goals. 

    Knowing what works and what is a myth can take you a long way in improving your rankings and gaining more customers.

    Navigating SEO myths can be challenging, but with WriterAccess, you have access to over 15,000 professionals, including writers, designers, and strategists, ready to help you create accurate and effective SEO content.

    Experience the benefits for yourself with a 14-day free trial. Start your free trial now!


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