33 SEO Optimization Tools to Improve Your Ranking on Google in 2024

SEO tools make SEO optimization easier and more efficient for website owners. Use the tools on this list to drive more traffic to your website to achieve your online goals.

Updated: February 22, 2024
seo optimization tools

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SEO optimization tools make SEO infamously challenging, even for professionals. If you’ve been trying to go it alone, you should know that there are lots of these tools that can free up your time and even—gasp!—sometimes do a better job than you could all by yourself!

Here are 33 of them to check out.

    Understanding What an SEO Optimization Tool Is

    An SEO optimization tool is any software or a service that assists website owners and online marketers in optimizing their websites for search engines such as Google, Bing, and Yahoo. 

    These tools may assist in identifying and analyzing technical and content-related concerns on a website, as well as providing ideas for fixes that might boost the website’s search engine rankings.

    Google Offers Some Free SEO Tools

    Google offers some pretty amazing SEO optimization tools that are absolutely free of charge. 

    So put the checkbook away because you won’t need it for some things like:

    • Analyzing site speed
    • Analyzing traffic Behavior
    • Improving search issues on your site
    • Planning keywords
    • Putting data into visual form
    • Getting local traffic
    • Keeping your thumb on the pulse of searches
    • Testing for mobile-friendliness
    • And more

    Check out our big list of 33 SEO optimization tools to improve your ranking on Google in 2024, below.

    Why You Need SEO Tools

    If you have a website, you’re only going to get so far without using at least some SEO tools. 

    The tools are there to help you achieve your online goals, so why not take advantage of them? 

    Here are a few reasons why you might want to use SEO tools:

    Analyze Your Competitors

    In business, you need to know what your competitors are doing in terms of their search engine optimization. 

    SEO tools give you insight into what keywords competitors are targeting, how they’re structuring their websites, and what kind of content they’re producing. 

    This is incredibly helpful when you’re trying to figure out how to outrank them, right?

    Keyword Research

    SEO keyword research tools can help you identify the keywords that are most likely to drive traffic to your website. 

    They can also help you see how difficult it might be to rank for a particular keyword and can give you suggestions for other keywords you might want to target.

    Optimize Your Website

    SEO tools can identify technical issues, such as broken links or slow page load times, that could be hurting your search engine rankings. 

    They can also help you ensure that your website is structured in a way that makes it easy for search engines to understand. You can’t beat that.

    Measure Your Results

    SEO tools offer valuable metrics that can show you how your search engine rankings are changing over time and can help you track important data, like your website’s traffic, bounce rate, and conversion rate.

    SEO tools help you to make sure your website is in tip-top shape, as well as identify new opportunities for growth.

    33 SEO optimization tools to improve your ranking on Google in 2024

    Now that you know why you need these SEO tools, let’s get on with the big list.

    1. WriterAccess

    Our platform bundles many SEO services you need, including:

    • vetted writers to create SEO content
    • Copyscape tool to avoid plagiarism (a big SEO no-no)
    • Keyword planner tool for planning content
    • meta title and meta description field content options
    • free trial to get started
    • and much more!

    2. Google Analytics

    This is a web analytics service by Google for tracking website traffic. It gives a wealth of useful information on websites, including the number of site visitors, traffic sources, and demographics by area. Take control of your data with our free Google Analytics guide.

    3. Lighthouse

    Lighthouse is a Chrome extension that audits web pages against a set of best practices for performance, accessibility, progressive web apps, and SEO. You get a report with detailed information and suggestions for improvement.

    4. Google Mobile-friendly Test

    This is a free tool that checks if a webpage is mobile-friendly, meaning that it is optimized for smaller screens and touch-based navigation. It provides a report on whether the page is mobile-friendly and if there are any issues, such as text that’s too short, links that are too close together, and if the page is using mobile-friendly technology.

    5. PageSpeed Insights

    PageSpeed Insights measures and reports the performance of web pages and provides recommendations for optimization relating to the page’s loading time, the size of the page, and the number of requests made by the page.

    6. Backlink Checker

    This is for analyzing backlinks and identifying potential link-building opportunities, showing the number of backlinks to a website, the quality of the backlinks, and the anchor text used in the links.

    7. Google Tag Manager

    This is for managing and deploying marketing and analytics tags on a website without having to modify the code.

    8. SEOquake

    This provides SEO metrics and other useful data for any webpage, displaying data on a webpage such as the number of internal and external links, the number of headings, and the age of the domain.

    9. Ubersuggest

    Use this for researching keywords and analyzing competitors. View top-ranking pages for a keyword, the keywords that the pages rank for and the estimated traffic to the pages.

    10. Buzzsumo

    This is for researching popular content and identifying influencers in a particular niche. See the most shared content on social media for a particular topic and identify influencers who have shared the content.

    11. Google Search Console

    Monitor your website’s performance on Google search and receive alerts for any issues such as crawling and indexing problems, security issues and search appearance.

    12. Google Keyword Planner

    Research keywords and their search volume for use in SEO and PPC campaigns.

    13. SEMrush

    Use this for tracking keyword rankings, analyzing competitors, researching backlinks, and identifying potential advertising opportunities.

    14. Ahrefs

    Use this for analyzing backlinks, researching keywords, tracking website traffic and monitoring the performance of organic search and paid advertising campaigns.

    15. Moz Pro

    This is a whole suite of tools for tracking keyword rankings, analyzing backlinks, identifying technical SEO issues, and monitoring the performance of organic search and paid advertising campaigns.

    16. Majestic

    Use for analyzing backlinks, researching competitors, tracking keyword rankings, and providing data on the trust and popularity of a website.

    17. Raven Tools

    This is a group of tools for tracking keyword rankings, analyzing backlinks, managing social media campaigns, creating reports, and monitoring the performance of organic search and paid advertising campaigns.

    18. SERPstat

    Use this for analyzing competitors, researching keywords, tracking website traffic, and identifying potential advertising opportunities.

    19. SpyFu

    Research competitors’ keywords and PPC campaigns. See the keywords that competitors rank for, the ads they run, and the estimated cost-per-click of their ads.

    20. Woorank

    Use this tool for analyzing website performance and providing recommendations for optimization.

    21. Yoast SEO

    Operates as a WordPress plugin that helps to optimize website content for SEO and readability.

    22. All in One SEO Pack

    Yet another WordPress plugin that helps to optimize website content for SEO.

    23. The SEO Framework

    This is another WordPress plugin that helps to optimize website content for SEO.

    24. GTmetrix

    Use this tool for analyzing website performance and providing recommendations for optimization.

    25. Bing Webmaster Tools

    This is a set of tools for monitoring website performance on Bing search, receiving alerts for any issues, and submitting sitemaps.

    26. DeepCrawl

    This is a tool for crawling and analyzing website structure and content.

    27. Google Structured Data Testing Tool

    Use this for testing and validating structured data on a website.

    28. Ahrefs Content Explorer

    Used for researching popular content and identifying influencers.

    29. Moz Link Explorer

    Helpful for analyzing backlinks, researching keywords, and tracking website traffic.

    30. Majestic Site Explorer

    Useful for analyzing backlinks, researching competitors and tracking keyword rankings.

    31. SEMrush Site Audit

    Use this for identifying and fixing technical SEO issues.

    32. Screaming Frog

    This is for crawling and analyzing website structure and content.

    33. Google Trends

    This is a popular tool for researching the popularity of keywords and topics over time.

    The beauty of this list is that many of them are free.

    You can even get started free with WriterAccess, taking advantage of the free trial opportunity. Why not sign up today and get started making 2024 your best year yet for your website?


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