How to Import Blog Posts From WordPress to Shopify

There are three primary ways to import your blog to Shopify, including using a professional developer, Shopify migration tools or third-party apps.

Updated: November 4, 2022
shopify import blog posts from wordpress

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If you’re trying to run a site online, WordPress is one of the best platforms available.

Not only is it relatively easy to master, but it has so many features and capabilities that there’s no way your site could take advantage of everything. 

If you’re running an e-commerce business, Shopify is one of the most well-known platforms for new brands to get off the ground.

So, if you’re trying to use both programs, one question may arise: Can you import blog content from WordPress to Shopify? 

The short answer is yes, but the process is a bit complicated and requires some extra software.

That said, once you get the hang of it, it’s easy to import blog posts from WordPress to Shopify. 

How Do I Import a Blog From WordPress to Shopify? 

There are three primary ways to import your blog to Shopify, each with benefits and downsides.

Also, the route you choose depends on factors like the size of your blog, the speed with which you need to migrate, and whether you’re importing all of your blog posts or only a select few. 

Option One: Use a Professional Developer

If you’re open to spending some money to migrate everything correctly, you can work with a web developer.

It’s best to find someone who’s already familiar with this process, so they don’t have to learn as they go.

This option works best if you have a massive blog and want to migrate everything to your Shopify store, and if you’re in a rush.

Option Two: Use Shopify Migration Tools

Shopify’s blog feature allows you to import posts from other sites like WordPress.

The primary app that can do this is called Transporter, and it’s free to use.

But while you’ll be saving money, your content may not migrate with the correct formatting, and Transporter only works for small batches of content.

That said, if you’re not in a rush, you can import sets one by one as you decide which posts are worthy of uploading to your e-commerce site. 

Option Three: Use Matrixify

We’ll go into more detail about using Matrixify later, but this third-party app is often the best option.

Not only can you import lots of content quickly and efficiently, but Matrixify has a free version, so you don’t need to spend much money on the process.

That said, if you want the best results, you’ll need to upgrade to the paid version of the app. 

Export Pages WordPress Plugin

One of the best things about WordPress is that you can download and install a wide array of plugins to perform different tasks.

In this case, you’ll need to install a program to export data from your site. The best option is to export blog posts as a CSV file since it will save formatting data too. 

Many import/export tools are available for WordPress, but one of the easiest and most effective is WP All Export. This plugin works well for blog posts and site data and has an intuitive drag-and-drop interface. Overall, you don’t need to be very tech-savvy to utilize this tool. 

Can You Integrate WordPress Blog With Shopify?

The short answer is yes; you can integrate these two platforms to streamline your business.

However, as with everything else, you’ll need to use plugins and third-party software.

For example, the app ShopWP syncs your WordPress site with your Shopify store so you can promote products on different pages.

Best of all, if you update anything in Shopify, it will update on WordPress, too. This way, you don’t have to keep going back and forth between sites to verify that everything is accurate. 

That said, integration only works one way – Shopify to WordPress. If you’re hoping to set up your WordPress blog on your Shopify website, the technology can’t handle that kind of programming.

Basically, WordPress is powerful enough to use Shopify tools and data, but not the other way around. 

How Do I Show My Blog Posts on Shopify? 

By default, blogs don’t appear on a Shopify storefront. You’ll need to go to the “visibility” section of the blog and check the box that says “visible.”

Shopify blogs are a bit different than what you would find on WordPress. You can create individual blogs based on target keywords and then upload individual posts related to the keywords.

For example, one blog may be centered around “Industry News,” while another might relate to “Product Tutorials.” You’ll need to create these blogs so you can migrate your posts accordingly.

Alternatively, you can just have one central blog where all your content resides. The downside of this is that it’s harder for visitors to find archived content.

Also, if your blog covers various topics, reaching your target audience is harder because everything winds up in the same feed. 

Overall, it might be best to migrate everything to a single blog and then divide content into specific blog categories after the fact.

However, if you’re importing dozens or hundreds of posts, it’s better to organize them as you import them to save time. 

What Specific Tool Would You Use to Migrate the Blog From Shopify to WordPress? 

As we mentioned, Matrixify is the best blog migration tool for pulling content from WordPress and importing it to your Shopify store.

One of the best reasons to use this app is that it will pull images from your WordPress blog and migrate them with the text, thus saving tons of time and hassle.

The process works like this: 

  • First, you must export your WordPress blog posts to a CSV file using a plugin like All Export. 
  • Rename your file to reflect the content, such as “WordPress Blog Jan 1st, 2020 to Dec 31st, 2020.”
  • Upload the file to Matrixify. 
  • Next, you’ll need to either do a “dry run” or import “old server URL data.” If you want to test the program before importing, use the dry run option. However, it’s much better to use old server data to save time. 
  • Download the Matrixify files. 
  • Then, upload images to your Shopify blog. Matrixify will make sure that each image goes to the right spot within your blog posts. Be careful not to rename anything, as it won’t connect to the source file on your WordPress site. 
  • Once the images are uploaded, you can import the blog posts. Matrixify will handle this process and notify you when it’s complete. Once the migration is finished, you can go into Shopify and see your posts. Verify that they look correct, and you’re ready to go!

Is Shopify Better Than WordPress?

If your goal is to sell products online, Shopify is an excellent choice.

However, WordPress can sync with WooCommerce, which is another e-commerce app.

That said, if you’re just comparing Shopify to WordPress itself for running a digital storefront, Shopify might be better. 

Is Shopify Better Than WooCommerce?

If you’re a beginner and don’t know how to do some basic coding, Shopify is a better choice than WooCommerce.

However, if you know a few things about modifying your site on the back end, WooCommerce is much more powerful.

WooCommerce has more tools and plugins, you can do much more with your digital storefront.

But the trade-off is that it takes a lot more practice to master. 

Is Shopify Good for Blogging? 

The answer depends on what you’re trying to do with a Shopify blog.

Keep in mind this platform is designed for e-commerce, so the blogging function is more of a secondary feature.

While you can get a bit of mileage from a Shopify blog, WordPress will be more engaging and reliable. 

That said, while the blogging tools are less comprehensive, many stores have successfully utilized them.

We’ll look at a few examples in the next section. 

Shopify Blog Examples

To help you understand how valuable a blog can be on Shopify, here are some of our top picks: 

  • Digest by Great Jones – Great Jones sells cookware, so it makes sense that its blog is focused on cooking so customers can see how to use these products to make their favorite meals. 
  • The Squeeze by Press – Press sells juices and cleanses to help customers get healthy and feel their best. Press’ blog is called The Squeeze, and articles are related to health and wellness, so it fits nicely with the shop’s aesthetic. 

Can I Use the Same Domain for Shopify and WordPress?

Technically, no, you can’t. The problem is that domain servers can only connect to one website with a unique domain name, so having both with the same URL is impossible.

Instead, you can post your WordPress blog as a subdomain, such as This way, the URLs are similar enough to look the same, but the servers won’t force you to choose one or the other. 

Is Shopify Good for SEO?

Yes, Shopify has many tools to help your products rank highly in search results.

Even better, there are tons of tutorials and FAQ pages to help you master these tools and get as much mileage as possible with SEO marketing. 

Is WordPress More Expensive Than Shopify? 

Technically, WordPress is free, so it’s much cheaper than Shopify, which requires a monthly subscription fee.

However, because you need so many tools and plugins to make your WordPress site work, you’ll wind up paying more overall.

One of the best things about Shopify is that it can host your e-commerce site and comes with tons of proprietary tools. With WordPress, you have to build everything from scratch, which can take longer if you need to familiarize yourself with the software. 

Make Your Blog Better With High-Quality Content From Rock Content!

Content marketing helps drive traffic to your website, so it pays to have a high-quality blog on your Shopify store.

If you’re trying to get the most mileage from your blog content, let Rock Content help. We can deliver high-converting posts that will engage readers and build a broader audience. We can also help you master your WordPress blog, so it works as efficiently as possible. Contact us today to learn more. 


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