People, Community, and Diversity Governance: Check out the Social Impact and DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) Report 2022 by Rock Content now

How did we intentionally act in our mission of making marketing better while having a positive impact on the world in 2022?

Updated: August 1, 2023

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Today, we are thrilled to launch our 4th Social Impact & Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Report for the year 2022. 

Aligned with our corporate purpose of making marketing better while having a positive impact on the world, our impact strategy centers around three core pillars: people, community, and DEI governance.

Rock Content’s Social Impact report is a primary source on our Company’s global diversity, inclusion, equity, and social impact initiatives. It features data and highlights our progress so far in line with our main impact areas. 

In 2022, once again, we work in support of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, specifically:

  • Quality Education (Goal 4)
  • Gender Equality (Goal 5)
  • Decent Work and Economic Growth (Goal 8)
  • Reduction of Inequalities (Goal 10)

Our Highlights


In 2022, we faced a challenging market landscape, we had to slow down hiring, and even with these challenges, we remained accountable to maintain the representation, and drive our efforts to work on education, empowerment, and inclusion of our team.

Our efforts were focused on better educating our leaders, promoting internal learning events, mandatory training on DEI aspects, and reinforcing what the code of conduct means in practice. 

  • 57% women representation in our team, a 4% increase compared to 2021
  • 85% of the leadership team completed the Inclusive Leadership and Inclusive Mindset training
  • 42 hours dedicated to DEI events: a 100% increase compared to 2021, with 21 hours dedicated

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Governance

We created a Governance structure for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. We reinforced the transition of affinities groups to employee resource groups. 

Now the Rocker Network Groups — AfroRock, Inclusion Rocks, Rock. org, Roqueer, and Women Rock — have leaders that compose our Governance and DEI Committee.


In addition to internal efforts, we also worked to empower the community by leveraging the impact of non-profit organizations. 

To make that happen we developed an Acceleration Program in Digital Marketing for NGOs that works with education and employability for underrepresented people in Brazil. 

The whole initiative impacted 13 non-profits and 72,842 students and young people were impacted indirectly through those organizations.

Check out the results in our community:

  • Over 18 thousand students from socially underrepresented and/or economically vulnerable groups received free access to our online courses on marketing and sales
  • 61% team engagement in volunteering, totaling 596 donated hours
  • Supported 22 nonprofit organizations
  • R$141,669.60 (US$27,461) in financial donations (Brazilian Incentive Law)

How we make marketing better while having a positive impact on the world

All these results were made possible and are dedicated to our Rockers, partners, customers, investors, and the community who contribute to our mission. 

Even in scenarios with changes and challenges, the support and shared purpose empower us to continue making a difference.

As we enter 2023 and the years to come, we are committed to reinforcing our ESG plans and continuously offering solutions to make marketing better for all.

We want to inspire the world through better marketing by connecting brands to the best creative talent, developing the best products to support marketers with their daily challenges, generating job opportunities, providing support and educating new marketers, and sharing free digital knowledge via our blog, newsletter, and other publications while offering a series of products and resources that are highly aligned with our philosophy.

In the words of our CEO, Diego Gomes, in his opening letter of the 2022 Report:

“Our vision for the future is to become the world’s first content cloud, offering an integrated global solutions portfolio and talent network. We aim to empower businesses worldwide by solving timeless marketing challenges and delivering a seamless customer experience for all creative marketing activities. 

Moving forward, our goal is to inspire the world and improve marketing by fostering human creativity in the era of artificial intelligence. We strive to make people believe in their full potential and become the main protagonists of their own achievements.”

“Making marketing better,” means for us, doing all we can to generate value in our business, and distribute it to others. We advocate that marketing is a force for good and inclusive, existing primarily for the benefit of others.

Explore our results now in three versions: Full Report, Interactive, and Fact Sheet!


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