Stage: Your WordPress Site Hosting Solution

Upgrade your WordPress site with one of the best hosting services around — Stage by Rock Content. Discover everything that Stage has to offer and why it may be a good fit for your business.

Updated: May 18, 2023
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Building a WordPress site from scratch is relatively easy, thanks to the easy-to-use platform and intuitive controls.

However, for your site to be accessible on devices around the world, you also need to utilize a comprehensive web hosting service.

Fortunately, Stage provides a wealth of tools and information to help your business succeed, no matter what stage you’re in (pun intended).

If you’re ready to supercharge your online presence through WordPress, it’s time to see what we have to offer.

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    What is a WordPress Staging Site?

    We understand that you might be wondering about this, so let us explain what a staging site is. However, it’s important to note that the capitalized “Stage” we’re introducing means something else.

    A WordPress staging site is a proxy of your current website that allows you to make and preview edits without adjusting live pages.

    A staging site is necessary for tinkering with specific pages; you won’t have to worry about visitors coming across them while they’re “under construction.”

    In the old days, you would have to take the page down and post a placeholder until you were finished.

    Now, it’s much easier to stage your WordPress site without disrupting traffic or experiencing downtime.

    However, this step comes after you’ve built the site and selected the right hosting plan for it. Before you can get to this phase, you need to build the foundations of your site step by step.

    Using Website Hosting Platforms for Your WordPress Site

    As we mentioned, you need a web host to make your site go live.

    These companies use server networks to ensure that your site loads quickly, no matter where a visitor is located.

    For example, if your site is on a server in Los Angeles, it would take forever for the data to reach a visitor in New York or London.

    However, by utilizing an online network, hosting services can reduce that time, so your site is always accessible around the world.

    Stage is your WordPress site hosting solution, and we focus on delivering content to your audience.

    While text-based pages don’t contain large amounts of data, content pieces (i.e., videos, images, etc.) can have much bigger file sizes. So, our network is designed to reduce lag and put your brand in a better position.

    There are five primary types of web hosting, so let’s break them down:

    Shared hosting

    This is the cheapest option, and it involves renting space on a single server that also hosts other websites.

    So, each client is sharing a limited amount of bandwidth and storage space, meaning that you can’t exceed those limits without incurring substantial fees (or throttling your site speed).

    Managed hosting

    If you want access to your own server and network infrastructure, managed hosting is the best option. In this case, you’re renting physical hardware and digital software to make your site as fully functional as possible.

    This type of hosting is more customizable than shared hosting, though it still involves sharing infrastructure with other clients.

    VPS hosting

    A virtual private server works for businesses that want more control over their site’s back-end systems without paying for dedicated servers.

    A VPS hosting provider utilizes a server network to deliver better functionality and reliability, especially when compared to shared hosting.

    Dedicated hosting

    An enterprise-level business with lots of site traffic and a comprehensive website will need a dedicated server, complete with infrastructure and IT services.

    This hosting option is the most expensive, but it’s also the most powerful and reliable.

    Cloud hosting

    Rather than storing your website on a physical server, it lives in the cloud (a server network).

    The great thing about this option is that you can scale up and down depending on your needs, even if they change hourly or daily.

    This option works well for online-only businesses that want affordable yet flexible hosting.

    Stage is The WordPress Site Hosting Platform Made for You

    Stage is a full-service web hosting platform that offers managed and dedicated hosting for businesses of all sizes.

    We also use WordPress to help you build a site from scratch, so you don’t need to have anything built already.

    That said, we can migrate your current site to our hosting service for a one-time fee.

    Since we cater to businesses both small and large, we have a ton of tools and programs to help make your site as engaging and user-friendly as possible.

    Plus, our comprehensive support team can help you address any issues you may encounter with your site once it’s live.

    Screenshot of Rock Content Stage site. Stage was created to solve your marketing challenges.
    Rock Content

    Why Choose Stage?

    There are many web hosting services out there, but Stage is perfect for businesses that specialize in content marketing.

    If your site is loaded with high-quality content (e.g., blog posts, videos, infographics, webinars, e-books, etc.), you need to make sure you’re using a host that can handle all of that data.

    But if high-quality content isn’t a reality for you yet, WriterAccess can help you. There, with the aid of AI tools, you can get the best content to be hosted on Stage.

    Here are some of the top reasons why Stage may be the best option for your brand:

    Content delivery network

    Using a CDN means your content lives on servers around the world.

    This way, when users click on an article, video, or infographic, they don’t have to wait for it to load from across the globe.

    Our CDN also caches content so that it loads immediately when a visitor returns to your site later on.

    Customizable solutions

    Your business is unique within your industry, which is partly why you’re so focused on delivering high-value content to your audience.

    Whether you have a massive library or are just starting, we have solutions to meet your needs.

    We also make it easy to upgrade your service to accommodate more content, increased web traffic, and even more websites (if necessary).

    Our support team can work with you to determine your needs and identify the best options.

    Built for marketers

    Digital marketing is essential for businesses to thrive, but many web hosting options focus on the bare bones of running a website.

    Stage is unique because we also offer tools and services to help you promote your brand and convert more leads to customers.

    This way, you don’t have to figure everything out on your own. Instead, you can rely on proven methods that have worked for thousands of our clients.

    Even if you’re a brand-new startup, you can immediately begin developing your following with these tools.

    How to Use Stage: Step by Step

    Great! Now you know the benefits of using Stage as your WordPress site hosting solution, and you may be considering giving it a try.

    We’ve made the onboarding process extremely easy for everyone, whether you’re familiar with website hosting or not.

    Plus, our sales and development teams can walk you through each step in case you have any questions.

    Here’s a rundown of the three-step process involved in hosting your website through Stage.

    Step one: determine your hosting needs

    We have a range of plans to suit your needs, regardless of whether you’re a startup or an established enterprise-level business.

    On the low end of the spectrum, our Starter plan gives you 50 GB through our CDN, allows up to 25,000 visitors per month, and comes with one full WordPress site.

    If you upgrade to our Pro plan, you can receive up to 250,000 visitors per month, have access to 300 GB of CDN storage, gain personalized access to our specialists, and even have up to 12 WordPress sites.

    If you’re not sure what you need, we’ll discuss the options so that you can consider your current situation and where you’re going in the future.

    Step two: build or migrate your site

    If you already have a website, you can simply use our migration service to put everything on our WordPress hosting network.

    Depending on the scope of your site, this migration may take a while to complete, but it will be seamless for your visitors.

    They won’t have difficulty accessing the website.

    If you don’t have a site already, we can help you build one from scratch using the WordPress platform.

    Even if you’re not sure what to do, our team can go through every step so that your site looks and feels as professional and high-quality as possible.

    Step three: automate your CRM tools

    Building a site is just the beginning. Even if you have tons of valuable content, you need to make sure that people know about it and can access it.

    Fortunately, Stage has plenty of conversion and customer relationship management (CRM) tools to help your site prosper.

    Even better, you can integrate your existing marketing programs for a seamless and stress-free experience.

    Stage plans and pricing: starter is $69; Growth is $139 and Pro is $279. You can also get custom pricing
    Rock Content

    Tools Available On Stage

    Our primary goal is to help you get the most site traffic and convert as many leads as possible.

    So, our tools are designed to make your brand thrive.

    Here are some of our most powerful options:

    Audience segmentation

    As you place buttons and banners on your site, our system will automatically segment visitors based on your customized triggers.

    This way, you can personalize all of your marketing tactics to increase the conversion rate.

    Cybersecurity tools

    Hackers and computer viruses are all over the place, so you have to protect your site data (and customer information).

    We offer comprehensive cybersecurity tools like firewalls and SSL encryption, so you won’t have to worry about a breach.

    Marketing integrations

    Are you already using marketing tools?

    Integrate them with your website so that you won’t have to log into multiple services simultaneously.

    Our integration tools will enhance your site dashboard and empower your staff to maximize their productivity.

    Optimized layouts and CTAs

    Are you struggling to craft high-converting CTAs on your landing pages, or not sure which layout will generate the most leads?

    We can help with all of your marketing needs so that you can focus on serving your customers.

    Launch Your Website With Stage By Rock Content!

    Building a successful website has never been easier!

    Get in touch with our friendly sales team today and let’s discuss our unbeatable web hosting options.

    With our top-notch hosting services, your website will reach its full potential and perform at its absolute best.

    Don’t settle for mediocre hosting when you can have the best. Stage is also part of our marketing tool bundle, the Content Cloud. Contact us now to get started!


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