The Ultimate Guide to Engaging Tweet Ideas for Your Brand

Do you need help coming up with ideas to share on your brand’s Twitter account? It can be hard to continually think of posts when you have already been posting diligently. Here are 24 great tweet ideas that can help you fill out your calendar.

Updated: May 10, 2022
The Ultimate Guide to Engaging Tweet Ideas for Your Brand

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We all know the value of social media marketing in today’s business world. 

Social media helps brands share important information, increase their brand recognition, and generate new followers and leads. However, it isn’t easy. 

Marketing for social media requires a high amount of dedicated time to be done right. That’s why successful brands will often have a social media team as part of their marketing department. 

That way, they can spend all their time replying to messages, tracking brand mentions, and planning and creating content to post. 

A posting schedule or content calendar is key to social media success, but after a while, it can be hard to generate new ideas, especially on platforms like Twitter. 

Twitter has limited character counts, meaning that posts need to be brief, informative, and quickly digestible. 

If you are struggling to come up with tweet ideas for your brand, look no further. We’ll go through our list of the top 24 best tweet ideas to strengthen your content calendar and delight your Twitter followers.

    1. Customer Reviews

    When a customer praises your brand, it’s an opportunity for celebration. 

    You can use your Twitter account to thank people who give you a positive review and showcase the positivity that your brand has received. This can encourage other positive interactions.

    2. Thought-Provoking Questions

    Rather than come up with content yourself, you can create relevant and thought-providing questions to ask your audience. 

    You can ask questions about industry updates, what their favorite products or services are, how they feel about trending topics, or problems they might be having.

    3. Interesting Videos

    Try changing up the format of your tweets with interesting videos

    They can be relevant to your brand and a chance to reference your products/services.

    That could also help you find new opportunities to showcase your brand’s voice and humor on your social media platforms.

    4. Promo Sales or Flash Sales

    Twitter is a great place to share information about promo sales or even flash sales that your brand has. 

    That encourages your followers to keep up with your account and check-in when you post to see if there are opportunities for them to catch a great deal.

    5. Blog Content

    Sharing your blog content on your Twitter account is an easy way to attract new people to your blog.

    It also helps you plan out your content calendar by having your blog content and social media content work together to create momentum and interest.

    6. The View From Your Office

    Sharing what you see from your desk can help you appear more approachable to your audiences. 

    It helps them see your team as people, not just a brand name. Whether you work from home or at the office, a simple picture is an example of a great tweet idea.

    7. Polls

    Polls are a tool within Twitter that can be used to ask questions and gather information and feedback from your audience. 

    You’ll be able to gather valuable insights while you are creating opportunities for engagement within your follower base.

    8. Industry News

    If you are starting to run out of tweet ideas, you can also start researching and seeing what is trending in your industry. 

    You can share articles to spark interest and get conversations started about big trends in your space.

    9. Shout-Out Your Employees

    It’s always a great idea to show appreciation to your employees, and Twitter is a great platform to do this. 

    Whether it’s a birthday, an anniversary milestone, or just a way to show your employees that you care, sharing a photo and a kind message is a great way to make content on Twitter.

    10. Industry Events

    If there are any upcoming events in your industry, you can use Twitter to promote and build excitement. 

    If you are participating in the event, you can even sneak peek previews of your booth or the products you’ll be demonstrating to keep audiences interested.

    11. Fun Facts

    Twitter’s character limits and limited posting options make it a great platform for short, informative pieces of information. 

    Tweeting out fun facts related to your brand or your industry is a great way to keep audiences engaged and fill your content calendar.

    12. Job Openings and Opportunities

    Social media isn’t just for brand recognition and lead generation opportunities. 

    You can also use it to help you find new talent by posting about any new job openings or career opportunities that your organization wants to highlight. 

    This shows audiences that you care about including them in the journey.

    13. Brand Milestones

    You can use Twitter to share important milestones for your brand, and help garner more interest in your brand. 

    Things like product launch anniversaries, brand birthdays, or reaching charitable goals are great tweet ideas for your business.

    14. Retweet Favorite Accounts

    Your Twitter feed doesn’t have to just be posts that come from your team. 

    You can also spend time searching on Twitter to find interesting posts from your favorite followed accounts to retweet and share with your own audiences. 

    Who knows, you might even get a retweet in return!

    15. Trending Hashtags

    You can also bulk up your content calendar on Twitter by partaking in things beyond just your industry news and events. 

    You can join in on trending hashtags and trends to become part of a larger movement or conversation. You’ll see many major brands do this regularly to engage with their audiences.

    16. GIFs and Memes

    Similarly, you can try other formats like popular GIFs and memes to create interest in your brand’s opinions and showcase your brand voice. 

    By joining into the fun sides of Twitter, you can improve your brand’s reach and reputation online.

    17. Infographics

    Keeping in line with the idea of visual tweet ideas, you can also post infographics from your brand.

    If you have a new piece of research or interesting blog posts, create a quick infographic to share with audiences. Images often have better engagement results than just text posts.

    18. Upcoming Launches

    Another tweet idea is to tease upcoming product or service launches that your brand is planning. 

    You can hint that something new is coming, show teaser images from your upcoming campaign, or give a timeline to your audience about when they can expect the new launch.

    19. Motivational and Inspirational Quotes

    If you still find yourself struggling for tweet ideas, try adding in some opportunities for inspirational quotes and motivational sayings. 

    This can help you encourage your audiences and provide retweetable content that any viewer can relate to.

    20. Industry or Brand Tips

    Audiences are always interested in helpful tips that make their experience with your industry or your brand more enjoyable. 

    You can start finding inspiration in your FAQ pages, or use your brand knowledge to provide useful tips to your network.

    21. #WisdomWednesday or #ThrowbackThursday

    Twitter often has recurring weekly hashtags like #wisdomwednesday or #throwbackthursday that different accounts partake in. 

    While you certainly don’t have to make a post every week, it can be a fun way to play into those weekly trends when you need good tweet ideas.

    22. Internal Office Events

    Twitter is a great place to show some of the office events you partake in. 

    Birthday photos, shout-outs to caterers who brought in lunch, and important meetings are all ways you can use the events of the office to build up your Twitter posting calendar.

    23. Holiday Posts

    Whether it’s a major holiday like Thanksgiving or Christmas or a smaller holiday like National Pancake Day, playing into the holiday events is a great way to engage with audiences and bring awareness to your brand. 

    You can have a lot of fun with the calendar of national holidays when you look it up!

    24. Behind the Scenes

    Another tweet idea is to show behind the scenes of the office. 

    You can take a picture from behind the scenes of a product photo session, or show how the editing process for your social media accounts works. 

    By creating interest behind the scenes, you can also build excitement for the brand.

    Social media is an essential part of a well-rounded digital marketing strategy, and keeping your audiences interested and engaged with your content is the key to social media success. 

    Without a strong social plan and strategy in place, you can risk losing out on key benefits like improved brand recognition and new leads.

    Social media is one of the best tools you have available to get new leads and prospects in your sales and marketing funnels. 

    If you want to learn more, check out our blog on social media lead generation

    There you’ll learn all about why social media is a great channel for lead generation, and explore different tactics and platform ideas to increase your lead count. 


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