How (and Why) to Write Your Own Obituary

Updated: February 24, 2024

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Never mind daily exercise or vitamin B12. If you really want to stay focused and motivated, try writing your own obituary.

Yeah, I know. The very idea of writing any obituary can make some people grimace – even moreso if it’s their own. As the final summary of an entire life, that’s totally understandable. Yet it’s also a powerful process that comes with massive benefits – especially if it’s your own.

Lighting a fire under your bum is the first perk. How many times have you pushed things onto the back burner – things like finding an agent, writing that book, or getting a daisy tattoo on your shaved skull? Obituaries don’t come with back burners. You either did it or you didn’t. And if you didn’t do it, it doesn’t get mentioned.

“Here lies Lila Delilah. She always meant to write that book.” Not happening.

Miss Lila went and died without fulfilling one of her dreams. If she had instead taken the time to write her own obituary, it could have been a whole different story.

The first thing to do is list out everything you want to do before you leave this earth. Make it as wild and crazy as you wish. And don’t stop at tasks you want to complete, either. Be sure to include where you want to live, the type of lifestyle you’re living, and whether or not you finally taught your dogs to stop barking.

The next step is the artistic one. Craft all your information into a smooth and beautiful story. Writing obituaries is an art, one that’s been kicking around since at least 59 B.C. Take your time and give it the attention it deserves.

Step three is to get moving. You got stuff to do! Before you go too nuts trying to cram all your lifelong achievements into the next two weeks, keep in mind that writing your obituary opens to door for a level of magic to happen.

You’re familiar with the Law of Attraction, right? Well, you just created a big, juicy wish list for the universe to help you fulfill. You need to do your work here on earth, but you also want to stay open and alert for opportunities the universe is now going to send your way.

Because writing your obituary can help you fulfill your big list of dreams, it’s important to update it regularly so there is always something more to do. You want to keep moving and growing.

For example, two of the wishes from one of my earlier obits were to live in New York City and make it to age 30. Once that was done, my new obit pegged me as an award-winning journalist with pet goats.

After a soggy stint in coastal Oregon, the next one had me living in a place that never rained (Hello, Tucson desert!). One of my most recent helped snag my dream home in Florida. And my current obit has even more goodies in store.

The goal is to keep writing, updating and fulfilling your dreams. And do that, you need to keep living. So note the big warning: Never state when, why or how you’ll die. Remember, you’re calling on the power of the universe whether you mean to or not. No use stirring up the Grim Reaper for no good reason.

You want to keep him asleep so you have plenty of time to get all those dreamy things done. And you’re going to need quite a bit of time if one of things is quieting those barking dogs.


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