7 Reasons Why Using Freelancers Can Help You Scale Your Business

Discover the 7 reasons to scale your business with high-quality content and experienced freelancers. Read now!

Updated: November 8, 2023

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You’re looking to sell a product or service, but you’re uncertain about how to grow your business. There are indeed numerous options for strategies and tactics.

With a decade of experience in content marketing, I can attest that I’ve witnessed numerous companies successfully expand their businesses by utilizing high-quality content to captivate their audience.

(If the term “high-quality content” seems unclear, don’t worry—I’ll provide more detail in a moment.)

During one of the interviews for my marketing specialization thesis, the CMO of a technology company (whose name I’ll keep confidential for privacy reasons) stressed, “Even before launching the product, we had a hundred pieces of content ready for publication on our blog.”

This company had a dedicated content review team and partnered with a freelancer marketplace—interestingly, the owner of the blog you’re currently reading. They achieved the remarkable feat of producing a substantial amount of content, both in terms of quality and depth, which enabled them to rank well and attract a highly qualified audience.

Rock Content boasts a pool of 15,000 freelance talents worldwide. We are our own success story, going from zero to over 8 million monthly blog visits in both English, Spanish, and Portuguese, with the majority of content being crafted by freelancers.

In addition to the tech industry leader I interviewed for my thesis, countless other companies have their own narratives of content produced by freelancers, such as food delivery app leader iFood (going from zero to 1 million visits in a year) and the RivalMind agency.

So, I could certainly enumerate a plethora of reasons for choosing freelancers as a means to elevate your strategy. However, to avoid taking up too much of your time, I’ve distilled them down to the seven most essential ones.

1. How many pieces of content do you need to scale your business? 

The first reason is the most obvious: achieving scalability and increasing content quantity without compromising quality. 

If you need 100 pieces of content urgently, an experienced pool of freelancers is the solution. And expect SEO (Search Engine Optimization) as the bare minimum from a specialized content marketplace.

If you’re contemplating the use of Artificial Intelligence in this process, it can certainly enhance scalability. However, content generated by this technology may still require editing. In such cases, you can turn to a group of freelancers for article editing.

Read also: 5 Ways to Use the AI Content Wizard to Enhance Your Campaigns

2. Why didn’t I think of this before? 

The second reason is that, when working on content planning, it’s common for this question to pop up: “Why didn’t I think of this before?” 

When I ask strategic talents to create a content plan, I realize the potential of diversity in teaching and uncovering unexpected paths.

When planning content for a quarter, we always need to consider:

  • Personas
  • Competition
  • Current events

Each time I have someone collaborating in this process, the ultimate beneficiary is the persona, i.e., the individual around whom all efforts revolve: your future customer. It’s remarkable how diversity adds depth to the challenges and qualities of the solution.

Speaking of diversity, that brings us to the foundation of the next reason.

3. Specialized Writers: Engineering, Pharmacy, Mechanics, Medicine, and More

What do all these professional profiles have in common? If they’re all in the same place, which is a content marketplace, the reason is simple: to deliver the best articles, ebooks, websites, social media copies, and anything else necessary within a digital marketing strategy.

Specialized content is the Achilles’ heel of many companies. “How can I scale using freelancers when my content is highly technical and niche?”

If you work for or own an agency, you might also encounter this question: “How can I work with freelance content when I serve so many companies in different niches?”

In fact, if this is your situation, I highly recommend that you check out this article on how the InfoStream agency uses freelancers to produce high-quality content for clients in various industries.

In more than one project, I’ve needed our team of talents to help recruit specialized minds. This is because many of our clients need to engage in deep conversations with their equally qualified audiences. This equal footing conversation is a powerful asset in the quest for alignment between the audience and the solution.

So, yes, I’ve already scaled my teams with freelancers from the fields of engineering, pharmaceuticals, nursing, medicine, and we continue to expand our talent pool for a wide range of content missions.

And when it comes to format, we have the fourth reason on the horizon!

4. You may need various formats: Websites, Landing Pages, Static Creatives, Videos…

To establish a company in the digital world, you require essential elements such as:

  • Websites
  • Landing pages
  • Static creatives (graphics, infographics, illustrations)
  • Dynamic creatives (audio or video)

And let’s not forget about the written content that supports each of these elements, right? Now, here’s the question: Can you or your team handle all this content without being overloaded in terms of time or resources?

If the answer was anything other than “yes, we’re good here,” having 15,000 opportunities to find someone who can help makes a lot of sense, doesn’t it?

That’s why freelancers with diverse expertise, such as designers, writers, editors, and many other talented professionals, play a significant role in scaling your business.

Read also: Freelance Writing and Content Services: 6 Tips for Choosing the Best Platform

5. Why do we call freelancers “talents?”

Talented professionals are those who have demonstrated their ability to perform their roles with mastery. They possess knowledge, skills, and experience in the tasks they undertake. Therefore, it’s only fair to refer to professionals who contribute to the success of the content strategy as “talents.”

The title of “talent” is reserved for freelance professionals with proven experience. A complete portfolio and positive client reviews keep freelancers in our talent pool, ready to help you scale your business.

And there are individuals in our talent pool who hold master’s, doctorate, or specialist degrees, all pursuing the fundamental aspect that I’ll explain to you in the sixth reason for scaling content with freelancers.

6. Quality content, especially SEO-centric

Breathing SEO is essential to being a freelance content producer in Rock Content’s marketplace.

I dare say that even the messages our freelancers send to their family and friends might be optimized for some keyword. After all, it makes it easier to search in our histories and find that information our memory can’t quite recall.

Jokes aside, freelance professionals are always seeking improvement since this is a competitive market. They need to have the main SEO techniques at their fingertips.

Each of the 15,000 specialized freelancers in our database has undergone a rigorous selection process to be there, and we continue to closely monitor this.

But beyond the technique, what does the freelancer have? The final element that, in my opinion, along with good optimization, makes a difference for quality content:

7. Originality

Originality is an element that can be somewhat controversial, mainly due to the old saying: “There is nothing new under the sun.”

In reality, creating something usually starts from a reference point. But I believe that originality lies in the difference.

Doing things differently. Going beyond what the technique suggests. Being intuitive enough to take a step toward something new. As human beings, we possess this transformative power of originality.

This is something that, for example, Artificial Intelligence still struggles with. It helps scale content production but lacks the original and intuitive power typical of sentient beings.

In an exclusive interview for Rock Content, Mordy Oberstein, Head of SEO at Wix, summed it up: “AI will never be able to, for example, replicate actual experience. It may attempt to mimic experience but that will inherently always come up short.”

In other words, the best of both worlds would be to combine Artificial Intelligence to enhance efficiency in content marketing, alongside the unique human touch of originality.

Well, Rock Content’s content marketplace has a few tricks up its sleeve regarding this: we offer more than five AI tools to assist your process, combined with our extensive talent pool.

In this article, I’ve listed seven reasons to use freelancers in your content marketing strategy that closely align with my daily experience. But there’s much, much more to be said.

I’m always in touch with talents and content strategies from various fields. That’s why I’m confident that 15,000 heads think better than just one.

If you’re interested in learning more, know that our marketplace allows you to test the platform for 14 days for free. To find out more, simply click here.


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