Write About Human Resources – It’s Everywhere!

Updated: February 24, 2024

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Human Resources (HR) is a broad and absorbing field. Anyone with an interest in HR can write specific and informative pieces directed towards appropriate readers, and there are countless organizations who hire Human Resources bloggers.

Defining “Human Resources” is as simple as it sounds: the business function that handles the human, or people, resources working for a company, industry or institution. Formerly called “Personnel,” HR has evolved from purely recordkeeping duties like time-keeping and payroll to partnering with executive management at the highest planning levels.

There is enough variety in the sub-functions of HR to attract writers of many talents:

  • Are you a people person? Employee Relations deals with employees on a day-to-day basis. Write about conflict resolution and goal-setting.
  • Techie? Compensation and benefits planning are complex areas, and the bedrock of any organization is its HRIS (HR Information System). Provide a piece on the latest HRIS technology.
  • Enjoy a legal challenge? HR professionals work hand in hand with legal teams, and all HR programs, policies and procedures are backed up by formal documents. Describe the advantages of instituting a policy that rewards good attendance.
  • Rule-follower? HR Compliance requires knowledge of Federal, state and local laws as well as internal policies. Create a position piece on the effectiveness of Affirmative Action in a specific industry.

Plus, the HR function is everywhere: small and large businesses; hospitals, research centers and universities; Federal and state governments and the military. You’ll find clients everywhere ready to hire Human Resources bloggers.

As with any writing, careful research is a must, and the internet has many good and reliable sources. Check out the Society for Human Resources (SHRM) website for everything related to HR. The U.S. Department of Labor’s website contains information on laws governing workplaces. And you can find top-rated HR blogs at mastersinhumanresources.org, organized by sub-function.

Finally, as always, know your audience. A piece written in legalese jargon with advice for managers dealing with troubled employees is much less effective than one that speaks in a direct, confident tone, giving them real, actionable items. Likewise, taking a casual, joking tone won’t work when writing about the return on investment of benefit outsourcing options.

Take some time to learn about Human Resources functions. With careful research and speaking in the right voice for your audience, you’ll soon be confidently writing about these timely and fascinating topics!


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