Supercharge Your Content Strategy with the AI Content Wizard at WriterAccess

Say goodbye to the hours or even days spent researching content ideas and generate valuable insights in a fraction of the time with AI Content Wizard.

Updated: October 5, 2023

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At WriterAccess, Rock Content’s content marketplace, our primary objective is to empower our clients with the ability to create exceptionally high-quality content. With the introduction of the AI Content Wizard, we’ve unlocked a new level of productivity. 

We’ve been closely monitoring the exciting developments in AI that can boost productivity and transform content creation. At WriterAccess, we’re ready to take the next big leap and tap into the tremendous potential of AI to make your content even more relevant and impactful.  

Streamlining content research and gap analysis seamlessly, we’ve cut down the time to find the best content creation opportunities from hours or days to just a few minutes.

This game-changing feature will ultimately link your content strategy with top organic traffic opportunities. Let’s dive into how it works and how it can help you create better content.

Enhance your content strategy

Identify gaps in your current strategy and explore new opportunities to grow your audience. 

Based on your inputs, data, and AI, we will research the best keyword opportunities for you and compare your keywords with your competitors to identify gaps and opportunities. 

You will be able to discover untapped potential and bridge existing gaps to expand your audience effortlessly. 

Find the best content opportunities faster

What takes this to the next level, is how AI Content Wizard can speed up your work by helping you overcome writer’s block, and finding effective solutions more quickly.

During our early customer interviews, we identified that content research is not only crucial but can also be time-consuming when developing a robust content strategy. 

Content strategists dedicate hours and weeks to understanding the business and audience, and researching keywords and topics that have the potential to become relevant clusters within a content editorial plan that is effective in attracting qualified readers.

What if you could perform extensive content research based on reliable data in minutes instead of hours? That’s what we aim to deliver with the new AI Content Wizard

Say goodbye to the days or even hours spent researching content ideas and generate valuable insights in a fraction of the time. 

Leverage reliable real-time data

Today, it’s not enough to simply create content. 

Marketers face increased pressure to showcase its tangible impact regarding business outcomes and revenue. 

Stakeholders expect content that will go way beyond being well-written and relevant or complying with Google E-E-A-T guidelines. 

Content teams must effectively captivate the right audience for every funnel stage. 

Organic traffic volumes are the minimum expectation for top-of-the-funnel content. However, the specialized bottom-of-the-funnel content is increasing in importance and is expected to convert even more into leads, MQLs, deals, and revenue. 

Achieving this kind of result requires a well-crafted content strategy, where efficiency is critical in achieving success. And to be efficient, you need to rely on accurate data.

AI Content Wizard will allow content teams to find the best content opportunities based on real-time metrics such as the difficulty index of keywords and search volume. 

You can rely on accurate data from our proprietary Web Crawler and up-to-date metrics like the ones used by specialized SEO tools like SEMRush, Hrefs, Moz, SimilarWeb, Backlinko and more to quickly identify the most promising opportunities for success.

WriterAccess also integrates with many other tools. Click here to know more about them!

Increase organic traffic that resonates with your audience

Create persuasive, compelling copy that speaks to the needs of your target audience while exploring the best organic ranking opportunities. The AI Content Wizard will craft theme and article suggestions considering the best organic opportunities according to your persona and industry information. 

Our algorithms not only assist in generating clever ideas to expand your audience reach but also provide comprehensive content briefings.

Our briefings provide accurate keyword data and a comprehensive outline that can be used to develop content drafts or place article orders through our extensive talent network. 

With more than 15,000 freelancers, our vetted talent network contains only the most talented professionals. We hand-review portfolios, host screening tests, and assign star ratings for pricing based on performance and customer reviews.

Want to get to know who our experts are? Check out our top talent here.

Rest assured that professionals with real-life industry expertise will craft your content. With over 75 talent pools covering various industries, we ensure relevant and engaging content tailored to your audience. Experience the difference that real human expertise makes in creating compelling content for your readers.

With WriterAccess and our new AI Content Wizard, you can build high-quality content and drive more organic traffic to your website with ease.

Count me in! How does it work?

AI Content Wizard makes it a breeze. 

Just input your domain, pick your competitors and keywords, and write a brief description of your audience. Sit back and watch as the tool generates a comprehensive list of opportunities. 

Leverage this valuable resource to create content order drafts or even place article orders directly through our vast talent network. Try out WriterAccess and our new AI Content Wizard absolutely free with a 14-day trial. Unleash the power of effortless, captivating, and results-driven content creation. Sign up today.


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