Rock Content Writer

Content writer

Content writer at Rock Content.

1703 Posts published

The Maps Are Art

The Map As Art, an exhibition at the Kemper Museum of Contemporary Art, fortifies what many artists and data visualize(...)

alt Rock Content Writer
| 2 min read

Visualizing a Year’s Worth of Time

2013 is here, the world didn’t end, and as always, time marches onward. Time really doesn’t have any units t(...)

alt Rock Content Writer
| 2 min read

Motion Graphics: Q&A with J.R. Schmidt

J.R. Schmidt is a 23-year-old senior motion designer and 3-D artist at Firstborn, a digital ad agency in New York City. (...)

alt Rock Content Writer
| 7 min read

Too Young to Freelance? Not Today

When most teenagers think about writing, it usually involves some torture in high school English class involving a book (...)

alt Rock Content Writer
| 3 min read

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