B2B Content Marketing Platforms: 7 Tools to Try

You need to use a good B2B content marketing platform to create a successful campaign that reaches your potential customers. Meet the top 7.

Updated: December 20, 2023
Content Marketing Platform

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B2B content marketing strategies, as the name indicates, focus on an audience from other businesses. It is necessary to use a good B2B content marketing platform to build a successful campaign that will reach your prospects, which are far more demanding than those of the B2C segment.

These platforms facilitate the production, distribution, organization, and measurement of the content, which is possible because they provide specific tools for that. Some of them also offer a team of specialists to assist their users. Consequently, building and executing a B2B digital content marketing strategy will be less challenging, and your company will be able to get better results.

We listed seven tools of B2B content marketing platforms you can use to improve your marketing campaign results to help you find the best platform for your company. Keep reading and find out!

Seven B2B Content Marketing Platforms

In this section, you will discover seven B2B content marketing platforms. We will present their main features, show for which purposes they can be used, and point out some benefits they can bring to their users.

1. Kapost

Kapost’s platform provides tools to create, centralize, organize, publish, and promote B2B content marketing. Since it also includes analytics features, your company can uncover gaps in its strategy, verify the content’s performance and optimize it.

Using the same resource for all these purposes makes the processes more accessible and allows you to produce content aligned with your business’ strategy, goals, and audience. As a result, your company will deliver relevant content to its audience that can contribute to accomplishing its objectives.

2. StoryChief

This platform offers tools to create content, publish it across multiple channels, manage SEO, social media, and data, and establish an editorial calendar. According to StoryChief, its users can collaborate better, publish faster, and measure quality. It is useful to boost brand awareness, generate organic traffic, and get insights on performance, which helps to optimize the campaign.

3. Percolate

This platform reunites tools to build and manage marketing strategies, coordinate content marketing production, distribute content across several channels, and analyze the campaign’s impact.

As stated by Percolate, the solution that it offers can alleviate some challenges faced by enterprises, such as difficulty in creating effective processes, governing and repurposing content, and lack of measurement.

Since this software streamlines content marketing processes, it allows your company to save time and reduce agency expenses, for example. As a consequence, your organization’s strategy becomes more active, leading to a higher marketing ROI.

4. Uberflip

Uberflip integrates all types of content created by the user, allowing him to create, organize, manage, personalize, target, distribute, measure and optimize his content using only one platform.

Thanks to these features, your company can create content for each stage of the buyer’s journey and deliver the right marketing pieces to your audience, which drives it through the sales funnel. As a result, Uberflip helps to increase lead generation and conversion rates.

5. CoSchedule

CoSchedule presents a set of agile marketing solutions. They are useful to centralize your content, manage social media and brand assets, and establish a marketing calendar. The company claims that its tools help to publish more content, deliver work on time, and stay focused.

All these aspects allow your team to concentrate its efforts on creating great content to generate qualified leads. They also increase productivity and reduce expenses because only one platform is used to perform content marketing management actions.

6. Curata

Curata’s content marketing platform includes features of content creation (ideation, collaboration, calendar), publishing (distribution, promotion, automation), reporting and analytics.

It allows your company to streamline content production and analyze the impact of your marketing campaign. It is also possible to integrate this software with marketing and sales applications such as Marketo and Google Analytics. For these reasons, Curata is useful to enhance your content creation and cause a higher impact on pipeline. 

7. Ion Interactive

Given the fact that interactive marketing is a trend — in 2017, 46% of marketers were already using this asset and 79% of them were planning to increase its usage, as indicated by the Content Marketing Institute (CMI) — we could not forget to present a platform to create interactive content.

Ion Interactive provides a platform that enables companies to produce all types of interactive content without coding, such as quizzes, white papers, infographics, assessments, calculators, wizards, ebooks, configurators, and lookbooks. Its solutions cover all stages of the strategy (planning, creating content, launching, measuring, and optimizing) and include specialists’ support.

Ion not only facilitates these processes, but it also brings competitive differentiation, increases qualified lead generation and conversions as well.

Interactive experiences are 87% more effective than static content to grab your audience’s attention and leads to a higher degree of lead nurturing, according to the CMI study we mentioned above. Given these points, this type of content enhances marketing strategies bringing substantial benefits.

Some Tips to Choose the Ideal Platform for Your Business

Using a B2B content marketing platform is essential to accomplish the goals of your company’s marketing campaign. To choose the ideal one for your business, make sure that it offers what is necessary to achieve your objectives, provides quality service, and useful tools.

In addition to that, do not hesitate to contact the software provider. Experts will answer your questions and give all the information you need to make the right decision. If it is possible, request a demo version to see how the platform works.

At last, two things are essential — to keep your company’s goals clear and get to know different B2B content marketing platforms, learning about their features and their customers’ stories (usually, there are case studies available on their websites).

Now that you saw seven B2B content marketing platforms and understood which aspects to consider before selecting the perfect one for your company, why not explore ION Interactive? Elevate your interactive marketing strategies with ION. Start your 14-day free trial now!


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