Content Marketing Services: Content and SEO Strategy for Success

Discover how content marketing services can help streamlining your strategy by using professional writers and high-end tools on demand.

Updated: May 11, 2023
content marketing service

Need content for your business? Find top writers on WriterAccess!

The Content Marketing Institute defines content marketing as “a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience — and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action.”

Of course, the keyword in that definition for any business is “profitable.” No company can afford to spend its marketing budget on content marketing services that don’t produce results and add to the bottom line.

But that’s where Rock Content comes in.

We’re a leading content marketplace with the experience, systems, tools, and an amazing team behind us (if we do say so ourselves) to provide a professional content marketing service that can help you create and distribute quality content so you can achieve your marketing objectives and make a profit.

We can help you with everything from planning your content strategy and allowing easy collaboration across your marketing team to standard content creation and forming interactive content experiences.

Or, if you want to be completely hands-off, you can enjoy our managed services option, where a professional, dedicated account manager will take care of everything, from choosing your writers and topic ideas to quality checking and publishing your content.

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    What Are Content Marketing Services?

    You can see a small sample of just some content marketing services above. Content marketing covers various strategies and tactics, which all work together to gain attention for your company, build your brand, foster trust, and attract your ideal customers.

    We’d go so far as to say that you can’t afford not to have content marketing at the center of your marketing strategy nowadays.

    With a professional content marketing service on board, your company can either enhance your own content marketing efforts or hand everything over to professionals for top-quality results and a visible return on investment.

    Examples of Content Marketing Services

    We mentioned creating your content marketing strategy above, and that’s really where it all starts.

    Your content marketing won’t be as effective without a clear content marketing strategy, including creating your buyer personas and establishing your marketing goals for the current year.

    You’ll also need a content calendar to help you plan what new content to add and when to include older content that you’ve refreshed and updated. The content calendar should include content types like videos, infographics, interactive content like surveys and quizzes, and more.

    You’ll also want to add your social media marketing and email campaigns. Everything needs to be planned and work smoothly together to build your business.

    A big part of content marketing is lead generation.

    With a clear content plan, you’ll have the right content available to potential customers at every stage of the sales funnel. From introductory blogs about your services and how you can help to highly-detailed product and service descriptions, to guide visitors who may be strangers who just found your company to highly-qualified leads.

    You obviously can’t have a content marketing plan without expert content creation. You need content in various formats and on a range of relevant topics to help people get to know your business and what you can offer. Every piece of content should work toward educating your audience and building trust.

    Plus, your content creation process needs to be optimized for SEO. You need writers who know what they’re doing when adding the right keywords and phrases in the right places in your content to ensure your content climbs the search engine results pages and gains visibility.

    Rock Content can help you with all of these services (and more).

    Following on from our discussion of content marketing service examples, we have included further articles that may interest you:

    What is WriterAccess?

    WriterAccess is Rock Content’s content creation platform, allowing our clients to either expand their content production or hand it off completely.

    We have over 15,000 vetted writers, and with teams of editors and translators, Rock Content can help you reach your target audience, even in countries where people speak a different language.

    Our Artificial Intelligence tools will help you find top-quality writers with the right experience for you, and then you can create a content brief and wait for your content to be written, run through Copyscape, quality-checked, and delivered.

    What Are the Benefits of Using a Freelancer Marketplace in a Content Marketing Strategy?

    With a professional freelance marketplace, you can scale your content marketing efforts to suit you as your company grows.

    Instead of paying employees salaries and benefits, finding desk space, and training them, you can easily find specialist writers to produce your content whenever you need.

    If you need more content one month and less the next, you have the flexibility to make that work. And you don’t have to worry about leaving employees with insufficient work. Hire the freelance writers you need each month and enjoy top-quality content from writers with the experience you need.

    This flexibility also extends to your budgeting needs. If you have a larger budget one month and a reduced budget the next, you can adjust your content orders to suit your budget and keep the content flowing.

    You have complete control over what content you get and on what subjects, all while being secure in knowing that you’re benefiting from professional writers and quality-checked content.

    What Are the Benefits of WriterAccess?

    In addition to the above benefits, WriterAccess can take your content writing to another level. We choose our writers carefully and understand that every business is different, with its own content marketing needs.

    Here are just some of the benefits of trying out Writer Access for your content creation needs:

    Access to Talented and Specialized Writers

    We have a full range of writers available to cover every subject you could think of.

    Many are also experts in their chosen fields and highly specialized writers. For example, if you need very technical or complex content, you’ll get a selection of writers who can deliver that.

    Whatever your niche and the topics you want to cover – at every level, from beginner to expert – we have a choice of writers to meet your needs.

    Project Management Tools

    Not only do you get access to talented writers, but membership to Writer Access also includes access to the right tools to make managing and optimizing your content creation far easier.

    We use AI-powered text analysis to match you up with your ideal writers. Depending on your membership level, you can also get ideas for new content and discover trending topics with BuzzSumo, optimize your content with Surfer SEO, and track your results on the search engines with SpyFu.

    These tools give you every advantage over your competitors when creating and optimizing content.

    We also have a range of classes and training to help you learn more about every aspect of content creation and marketing.

    Content Review

    Every article our writers produce is run through Copyscape to ensure originality.

    We also use Grammarly within our writing dashboard to improve quality and accuracy. Your content is also reviewed and checked to ensure it flows well and meets the brief.


    In addition to writers, we also have designers, editors, strategists, and translators to cover every aspect of your content marketing.

    You can add your content requests to the Crowd list for any writer to pick up or use the Love List feature to curate a list of writers you can’t wait to work with again. You can then send your orders only to your Love List or choose a particular writer for a Solo job.

    We also have a Casting Calls area where you can post content requests and have a range of writers pitch why they’re the best person for the job.

    However you want to manage your content, you can do it on WriterAccess.

    How to Make the Most of WriterAccess Services

    You can do so much with Writer Access that you might need some help finding your feet and making the most of the content marketing service.

    Here are a few tips to help you get the most out of the platform:

    Define Clear Objectives

    Refer to your content marketing strategy, or create one if you don’t yet have one. It’s essential to know what you want to get out of your content marketing and content creation before you start.

    You’ll get better results and be able to measure how much closer you are to achieving your objectives if you decide what you want to accomplish before you start ordering content.

    Choose the Right Writers

    Our AI will help you find writers with the right experience level for the topics you want to cover. Read their bios and look at their samples to ensure they can write in the style and tone of voice you want for your business.

    We know all our writers are talented, but you need to make the final decision based on your knowledge of your company, your marketing plan, and what you need.

    Take Advantage of the Tools

    We offer a range of tools to help you optimize your content, find ideas, and see how you’re doing in search engine results. Take all the advantage you can with the tools included in your membership. We want you to get everything you can out of them.

    Rock Content and Writer Access provide a top-quality content marketing service, covering everything you need. Use our platform and services, and watch your content marketing results grow higher and higher.

    Why not try our free two-week trial and get access to vetted content marketing professionals to amplify your strategy?


    Human Crafted Content

    Find top content freelancers on WriterAccess.

    Human Crafted Content

    Find top content freelancers on WriterAccess.

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