Content marketing software: 9 tools for 2022

Do you want to know the best content marketing software to help you drive your sales and give you more brand awareness? Then check out our new article!

Updated: January 3, 2022

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Digital marketing has evolved over the last decade up to becoming one of the most influential industries on the globe. Because of that, marketers have to update their knowledge to keep up with the constant incoming solutions. So, to face that challenge, content marketing software may help quite a lot.

As we enter the third decade of the millennium, new trends set the way of the future for online businesses. At the same time, known fashions keep on growing audiences and communities around their channels. Therefore, if you also want to be at the party, you must pay attention to what is going on.

In this article, you will understand how content marketing software may come in handy to cope with this revolution. Read on to discover what this kind of software does and what are the top 9 best content marketing platforms for you to boost your strategy in 2022. Check it out!

What is Content Marketing software?

Did you know that User-Generated Content (UGC) is a super force to produce brand awareness? Besides, interactive marketing is, at best, the leading feature of the upcoming paradigm of the digital marketing industry. So, video content, visuals, podcasts, data-driven content, will all stand out in the best strategies.

However, even though the segment is making astonishing progress, many professionals still expect to do most of the job manually. And, believe it or not, they will get results! Obviously, not as much as they could from taking advantage of the available resources the market offers (not even close!).

Though, if you want your company to profit fully out of what is on hand, you must consider leveraging. Regarding that, dozens of companies have designed various systems to meet strategic needs for online business. We are talking about content marketing software.

Content marketing software is a program designed to be a solution for a variety of issues marketers face when they want to implement their content strategies. With these platforms, professionals can:

  • automate tasks;
  • have insights on how to improve content;
  • collect accurate data of customers’ behavior;
  • set, test and measure strategies performances;
  • manage customer service;
  • integrate multiple content media and much more.

What are the 9 best content marketing platforms for 2022?

As a result of building such a sharp strategy with the help of these tools, you can focus primarily on creating remarkable and fit content for your consumers. This way, your competitors can’t have a chance! So, let’s cut to the chase and check out the top 9 best content marketing software to rocket up your business.

1. ION

ION is the content marketing software made to enrich consumers’ experience and empower an enterprise’s authority over its audience. A full pack of solutions for interactive marketing, ION serves as a code-free platform to help professionals build data-driven content strategies.

Designed to create engaging online experiences, ION offers a wide range of possibilities, from planning the perfect landing page to making quizzes, infographics, assessments, and more. Also, it allows marketers to improve their content performance by comparing results through A/B tests. It is not by chance, then, that companies like Deel, DHL, and FedEx are ION case studies.

2. Visually

Looking for means to scale your business? Maybe counting on is the way to go. The website helps to develop a strong marketing strategy as well as provide a creative service with over 1,000 capable professionals that work as an extension of your team. 

They hand in content specially tailored to fit your business’ needs. Videos, infographics, ebooks, and social media content are delivered through a platform in which you only need to fill a brief. Later you will be able to provide feedback and ask for possible adjustments to finally launch your campaign. 

With the number of social channels available today, the market is as competitive as it gets and each day it is harder to retain your audience’s attention. Quality and relevant content are key in doing that and counting on partners such as and its collaborators is a way to scale your business through a valid cost-benefit investment. 

3. Engage

Engage is a content marketing software destined for those of you who work with e-commerces and need to respond to a great number of interactions through chat support. The tool provides chat memory, chat analytics, chat log retention, chat keyword searches, and much more. 

If you are struggling with people coming to your website and abandoning charts for no apparent reason, it might be the time to bet on real-time chat software such this one. 

4. HubSpot

HubSpot mixes up the main applications marketers need to carry out a great content strategy. As an inbound marketing platform, HubSpot offers much more than a simple way to manage and measure the performance of your campaigns.

Full of integrations, this platform combines marketing with sales, allowing professionals to have overall control of details such as performance, buyers funnel, and leads generation. HubSpot also provides users with a CMS, through which marketers can create a whole website. It is an all-in-one tool!

5. Acrolinx

Acrolinx brings the power of artificial intelligence to learn about your business and how to improve your content. With this platform, you can define guidelines to ensure a single voice to your company’s brand, no matter what medium you share your content.

As a result, you get to understand how your audience perceives your company’s brand, enabling you and your team to create the most effective content to increase engagement. So, the more you feed your audience, the better Acrolinx will tune your message to be on-brand.

6. Yoast

Yoast is a well-known plugin for WordPress designed to help content producers optimize their results with blog posts. Its simple interface allows anyone to use with little or even no experience in digital marketing.

With Yoast, it is much easier to write a blog post more readable, clear, engaging, and able to be ranked in the first pages of search engines, such as Google and Bing. It is a simple and easy-to-use cloud-based software with the potential to help you increase a lot the number of visitors.

7. CoSchedule

Producing great content might be rather frustrating sometimes, especially if your company’s brand has already reached a certain level of authority. So, not to rely on spreadsheets, CoSchedule comes as a great alternative. For instance, a company that has, with the aid of CoSchedule, increased nothing less than 1,412% in organic traffic may be evidence.

CoSchedule is a platform that helps teams of content streamline workflow to get things done rather than managing chaos. The software has grown popularity on account of its intuitive calendar, but today it has several services to automate social media posts, track results, manage content, and more.

8. Ceros

This drag-and-drop cloud-based canvas is the perfect tool for marketers to design immersive content. Simple to use, Ceros offers users a great deal of flexibility in building animations, visuals, infographics, and other interactive forms of content.

The system of Ceros software also allows content makers to publish their creations on social media or even in blogs and landing pages. Moreover, its indicators provide marketers with an overview of the audience’s response to the content, which may lead to even better and converting content.

9. Outgrow

Another powerful content software designed for interactive marketing, Outgrow brings a pack of tools to help content makers see indicators go up. The platform has a complete toolkit that grants creators an easy way to make and deploy interactive content such as quizzes, polls, surveys, calculators, giveaways, and other sharable materials.

As you could see throughout this article, a content marketing software not only simplifies your life as a creator but also saves a lot of time and costs. Besides, a great strategy, aiming for interactive marketing, for example, may put your company aligned to profit unimaginable rates of income.

How about learning a little further on smart ways to make your content more interactive, then? So, take a look at our 3 Ways to Personalize Your Content with Interactivity and find out how to ensure higher levels of engagement with your consumers!


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