9 tips to generate more leads with webinars

Updated: May 20, 2022
Tips to generate more leads with webinars

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How to generate leads with webinars? One of the greatest tools to use in your Digital Marketing strategy to differentiate your company from its competitors is the webinar

This type of content presents rich ways to engage your audience and generate new leads

Thus, you can develop a relationship with the community based on your company’s expertise and willingness to share it.

While many companies are trying to use webinars to get ahead, plenty of them fall into common mistakes and fail to generate leads with them. 

How to avoid this and make sure your presentation is a success?

In this guide, we will help you understand how webinars can help your company reach its goals and what you should be doing to make sure they generate leads for your brand.

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What is a webinar?

First, let’s start by defining what a webinar is. Webinars are video conferencing tools used by brands to talk to their customers about relevant subjects that might influence how they experience the brand or shop.

These types of online seminars are a great opportunity to share your knowledge, establish trust, and develop a relationship with your customers, which will be fundamental in guaranteeing leads and sales for your brand.


What are the benefits of webinars for your marketing strategy?

Companies host webinars due to their capacity in helping generate leads. 

According to research on the subject, webinars are a perfect opportunity to better understand what drives your visitors and how you can offer them better deals.

According to BeaconLive:

  • 82% of attendees will participate in post-event evaluation surveys;
  • 55% of them will participate in the live event;
  • 73% will sign up for a webinar after receiving an email from a brand they trust.

Therefore, if you are having trouble delivering quality content that generates leads, a webinar might be the best tool to turn that around.


How to generate leads with webinars? Check out 9 steps!

Ready to start building perfect webinars? 

Below, you will find a complete step by step guide from planning to publishing that will help you generate more leads and reach all your KPIs!

1. Identify the audience you want to reach

As with any other type of Content Marketing, webinars must start with a clear understanding of the buyer persona you are building the content to

To gather information about them, you need to follow the usual steps in understanding your audience.

Every webinar needs a clear audience, but if you are intent on selling services with your presentation, you will need to pay even closer attention to this part of your work.

Start by mapping a buyer persona and base your webinar’s persona on the usual sources of information you’d use.

Surveys, online research, customer data, analytics tools, and a list of who registered for your webinar are more than enough to understand how your content should be presented to generate the best results.

A great way to make sure you understand your webinar’s persona is by creating a complete registration form.

Instead of asking your potential customers for only their names and email addresses, try finding out their job function, company name, and business type, for example. This type of data will be very relevant in developing a great webinar.

data on the landing page

2. Make sure your landing page stands out

No matter what your webinar is about, it will need a great landing page to hit its target audience. 

This tool should be built with your webinar persona in mind, targeting the ideal challenges and pain points you have identified while mapping the buyer persona.

At the same time, the landing page should be as simple as possible. Ensure it loads well on all types of devices and set up a confirmation email to guarantee to your visitors their inscription to the webinar has been successful.

3. Use your best SEO skills to gain traction

To make sure your webinar page will reach its target audience, you must put your SEO skills in action. 

Make sure to find the right keywords for your content, create a compelling title, and don’t forget to write a meta description.

All information on the webinar page will help you rank better on Google and other search engines, which, in turn, will allow your content to be delivered to the right people.

Pep up your landing page with an exciting video to explain what your webinar is about, what topics will be covered, and how interaction with the audience will work on the event.

4. Present the customer a clear value proposition

When picking what webinars to attend, customers have one main thing in mind: the quality of the content they will be consuming.

It is in your best interest to make sure they can verify your expertise as soon as possible because this is an important part of your value proposition.

Many tools can be used to provide value for customers, and social proof is a very popular one.

Use testimonials and comments to make sure your webinar’s page really sells and present a biography of the speakers to build rapport with the audience.

biography of the speakers on the webinar page

5. Make sure your webinar is accessible on-demand

Many people will be interested in your webinar, but how many of them will be able to attend to it live? 

Although engagement is an important part of a webinar’s success, you should not require presence at a specified time to get it.

Most webinar viewers look for experiences they can enjoy on-demand, and you should make that option available to increase lead generation.

It isn’t hard to understand why. We are used to consuming content when we want it, and the widespread success of Netflix and Spotify are evidence of that.

Thus, make sure you pick a webinar platform that allows for replays to reach a bigger audience.

semrush webinar's page

6. Bring in additional help to your webinar

A webinar can be a hard thing to do by yourself, so there’s no shame in inviting a partner with the necessary expertise. Thus, it will bring a new audience to your platform.

To make sure your webinar generates as many leads as possible for both hosts, find a partner who has a product or service that matches yours and complements its function.

The goal here is your webinar partner working by your side and not against you. 

Because of that, you don’t want to invite someone that sells products just like yours or that competes directly with your brand.

Make sure to combine promotional efforts with your partner if you decide to go down that road. Co-marketing will be fundamental to guarantee the best performance.

7. Maximize your reach using as many promotional tactics as possible

You want your webinar to get as many people interested in your company’s products or services as possible, right?

For that, you will need to leverage both your current customers and prospects that have already demonstrated interest in your work.

But don’t be shy in using as many resources as possible to make sure you reach your target audience.

Paid promotional efforts on Facebook, Twitter, and Google can help your webinar appear on the timelines and searches of more users and will prove handy in generating more leads.

social media promotion

8. Build a sales funnel for your webinar

You probably already work with a Digital Marketing funnel developed around the type of content you usually deliver to your prospects and customers. 

But when building a successful webinar, you will need to create a specific sales funnel to this channel to get as many leads as possible.

To get started, build a thank-you page or an email for customers who have registered for your webinar. Define a clear CTA for this material, which will help you get to know your audience better, such as a survey or a quiz.

Work with tools like email marketing automation to deliver a series of relevant content pieces to your customers previously to the webinar. That will help them remember the event and get psyched about it.

Event reminders, replays, and follow-ups should also be included in that sales funnel. This way, you will keep in touch with your leads and increase the chances of making more sales.

9. Learn from your experience

Lastly, you should use your experience with this webinar to learn and improve for future events.

You might want to check out the analytics tool on your webinar platform, the feedback received from customers and any other data you can get that is relevant in defining the success of your webinar.

This way, you will be ready to refining your audience and making your content better for the next time you need to use this type of content to promote your brand.

Do you want to make sure everything goes right and generate as many leads as possible with webinars? Download our webinar checklist!


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