5 Tools for Creating Interactive Assessments

5 Tools for Creating Interactive Assessments

Need more conversions and sales? Create interactive experiences with Ion!

Interactive assessments consist of a series of questions meant to provide personalized results and feedback according to the respondent’s answers.

They are useful tools to get to know your audience, obtain valuable data, and discover gaps. This helps you to improve your marketing campaigns through customization, making them more compelling and, consequently, more effective.

In addition to that, interactive assessments are great at grabbing attention and differentiating your company in the market. Therefore, they can help your company to increase lead generation and gain a competitive advantage.

In this article, we will show you five interactive assessment tools and resources that can help you to improve your company’s interactive assessments.

Besides that, we will present successful use cases, and explain how this type of content can enhance your business’ marketing campaigns and bring a more competitive advantage.

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    Why use Interactive Assessments

    Interactive assessments are meant to evaluate an aspect within your company’s field of expertise that is relevant to the audience, helping them to identify issues and presenting insights that will solve them.

    Build Trust and Boost Brand Awareness

    After each question, or at the end of a questionnaire, your business provides personalized feedback that indicates solutions and shows that it has extensive knowledge, which proves your capability of effectively helping customers.

    As a result, you build trust, boost brand awareness, educate your prospects about your services, and encourage them to consume more of your content. They will be more likely to do this because they see that your company can offer something valuable to them.

    Increase Lead Generation and Engagement

    Among the benefits, there is also an increase in lead generation and engagement. When they know more about your business and the solutions it offers, your audience tends to be more interested and engaged, which makes them advance in their purchasing decisions.

    As a consequence, interactive assessments can impact positively your conversion rates and revenue.

    Create Highly Personalized Content

    Another advantage is that interactive content enables your company to gather detailed data and information about your prospects.

    Analyzing these specifics and the answers to the assessment’s questions, you can identify their interests, and find out their issues and needs. 

    Consequently, you have a wider view of their profile, which allows you to create marketing campaigns that will be focused on them (leading to better results), and uncover the gaps that your company can fill.

    In addition to that, your company can deepen the connection with customers.

    5 Interactive Assessment Tools for Creating Content

    After explaining some benefits of using interactive assessments in your company’s marketing strategy, we will show you 5 interactive assessment tools and resources that can help you to create this type of content.

    1. Lead Quizzes

    Lead Quizzes is an online tool to build numerous types of quizzes, surveys, and lead forms, but it can also be used to create assessments. The platform offers over 75 pre-made templates and allows you to customize the design of your content.

    In addition to that, it is possible to use branching logic on your assessment, that is, to show specific questions or results according to your audience’s answers, redirect the users to your website at the end, and integrate it with other marketing tools, such as Aweber, Active Campaign, HubSpot, and Mailchimp.

    2. Typeform

    This platform is specialized in forms and surveys through its versatility enables its users to easily create different types of content, such as questionnaires, quizzes, polls, or assessments.

    Besides that, integrating it into other platforms, to track analytics, for example, you can get relevant data about your audience. Typeform also offers a template gallery you can choose from to facilitate your work. 

    3. Survey Anyplace

    Survey Anyplace is a responsive online software to create quizzes, assessments, surveys, and other types of tests. It is focused on the user experience, both to its users who use it to create content and to its respondents.

    Considering this, it is easy to distribute the content, that adapts to different devices, by embedding it on websites or blogs and sharing it on social media.

    Moreover, this platform allows its users to collect data from the respondents and analyze it, though it is limited to the basics, and the respondents receive immediate feedback in the assessment, via email or PDF.

    4. Riddle

    Riddle enables its users to create a wide variety of questionnaires, supports branching logic, and the inclusion of several types of content, like images, GIFs, YouTube videos, for example.

    In addition to that, it also makes it possible to gather very specific data from the respondents, collect leads, insert CTA buttons, among other features. It also has native integration with Mailchimp and AWeber.

    5. Ion Interactive

    The services offered by Ion Interactive cover all the steps to create several types of interactive content, including interactive assessments. Ion provides a platform that facilitates the process to create your company’s content.

    For instance, some of its templates require minimal effort to personalize and publish. It is not necessary to know to code.

    Besides that, Ion’s team of specialists includes writers, designers, marketers, web producers, and account managers, among others, that are ready to assist its customers in all steps.

    With the aid of specialists and a platform that provides everything that your company needs to create, publish, and analyze the results of an interactive assessment, your content will achieve the best results possible. 

    Moreover, with all the collected data, that will be more reliable and broader if you use the appropriate tools, your marketing department will be able to better understand your company’s prospects, which makes it easier to create campaigns that will reach and engage them, driving them through the buyer’s journey.

    Successful Cases of Marketing Strategies with Interactive Assessments

    Now that you know why interactive assessments are useful in an inbound marketing strategy and learned how you can create them, let’s dive into some successful instances of companies that used this type of content in their campaigns.

    HubSpot’s Website Grader

    This is a simple tool to evaluate the quality of a website. It only requires the URL of the user’s website and its email address. After filling in this form, HubSpot’s Website Grader attributes a grade and provides a detailed report that presents how well the page works regarding four aspects:

    Using this tool, the users get valuable information and discover what they need to improve without making efforts or paying for it. In the meantime, the company obtains the same information and sees what leads need.


    As a part of its digital marketing strategy, FedEx created an interactive assessment on its website to allow small business owners to determine if they are ready for international expansion, to identify problems in their shipping models, and to discover resources that can help them to improve their processes concerning these matters.

    The whole campaign, that encompasses several types of interactive content, was a success and was pointed as one of the “10 Top Small Business Blogs” of 2016 by The Huffington Post. There was a remarkable increase in traffic on the FedEx website, sales, and revenue.

    RM6 Assessment

    The detailed Pedowitz Group assessment allows its users to evaluate their company’s marketing maturity and obtain customized feedback showing insights to improve their strategies and advance.

    By offering this type of analysis, the enterprise gives a sample of its expertise and indicates, through the suggestions, how it would help the audience to solve the issues that it identified during the assessment.

    Korn Ferry

    The organizational consulting firm used an interactive assessment in its marketing campaign that could show how salaries would rise in 2017 according to different job levels, countries, and regions.

    The campaign helped Korn Ferry to provide useful insights to its prospects while increasing engagement with their content and gathering data from their interaction. The information allowed the firm to personalize future strategies, offering content that is aligned with their audience’s needs and interests, which makes it more relevant.

    Wrap Up: Why you need appropriate interactive assessment tools

    To build a successful interactive marketing campaign, it is vital to find the appropriate interactive assessment tools and resources because they require technical knowledge.

    Those assets facilitate the creative process and allow you to create quality content.

    Keeping that in mind, make sure that your company will have everything necessary to implement plans, create content, and measure results. In addition to that, we strongly suggest becoming familiar with case studies, as they can inspire you.

    Interactive experiences, such as interactive assessments, are engaging, grab the audience’s attention, and differentiate your company from its competitors. For these reasons, you should consider adding it to your business’ marketing strategy.

    Do you want to see another successful marketing strategy to get inspired? Check out Centermark’s case study and get the chance to see an interactive assessment they created with Ion Interactive.


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