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When Writers Take a Summer Vacation

Writing is a lonely, albeit fulfilling, profession. In order to slay the solitude, a writer needs to vacate every so oft(...)

alt Rock Content Writer
| 3 min read

Animated GIF Infographics

Animated infographics are a relatively rare thing, but they can be a powerful way to convey certain types of information(...)

alt Rock Content Writer
| 3 min read

Orders of Magnitude

Infographics often deal with large numbers or large concepts, with the goal of making the viewer understand just how lar(...)

alt Rock Content Writer
| 2 min read

The Role of Integrity in Marketing

The main role of a marketing agency is to find ways to increase brand loyalty and customer sales for a company. Integrit(...)

alt Rock Content Writer
| 2 min read

Building Effective Color Scales

Color scales have always been a tricky topic. They need to look good, and still represent data. And our eyes have some s(...)

alt Rock Content Writer
| 4 min read

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