Pets Content Marketing Insights

Updated: February 23, 2024

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Pets writing speaks to a universal experience: sharing a home with a pet creates a bond as close as family with that pet pal. Whether you’re drawn to fur babies, feathered friends, sleek reptiles, aquatic wonders, or galloping ponies with built-in horsepower, pet parents are equally devoted to their animals, and their numbers are increasing by day.

If you’re a company targeting the pet industry, you’re in luck. Recent pet content marketing news shows exciting growth in this sector. According to PetCheck, the pet industry is forecast to reach 96 billion in sales by 2020. And that’s in the U.S. alone! Content marketers need one key tool to tap into this thriving industry — excellent writers who can speak to the heart of any animal lover.

Pet Industry Trends

What’s new with pets writing? Whether you’re creating content for a company website, a private pet-related business, a veterinarian, or even a YouTube channel, you’ll want to tune into the trends. Below are some top pets writing insights:

  • Pets are Family – Remember that most people do not consider themselves pet owners but pet parents. Their “babies” are family members. Marketers and writers must keep this in mind to choose relatable language for their pet content.
  • Technical Know-How – Technology makes it easier than ever to post, tweet, and use mobile apps to find and share pet information. Whether they’re millennials or baby boomers, pet parents flock to the internet to find the best pet food, pet toys, or afternoon entertainment in the form of pet YouTube videos. Hire writers who can generate catchy social media posts or create scripts for YouTube videos.
  • Size Matters for Dog Parents – The canine world is seeing an increase of smaller dogs sharing homes with baby boomers. As many boomers downsize to a condo or apartment, they find that smaller dogs adapt more easily to confined spaces. Smaller breeds can also be easier to handle on walks or at a dog park. New marketing opportunities abound for this specific target audience.
  • Pet Insurance – As pets reach seniordom, they, too, are affected by age-related conditions. Consequently, many pet parents take advantage of pet insurance. Major insurance companies, private companies, and even veterinary facilities offer a variety of plans. Help readers compare and contrast their options, and you may become a go-to resource for all pet-related needs.
  • $$ Matters – Pet parents often love to spoil their furry, feathered, and scaly friends. But spending on food, toys, grooming, veterinary services, and medications can quickly add up. Budgeting for these items is essential, just like every other area of life. Your readers will value instruction on how to find bargains, sales, discounts, and coupons to defray these costs.

How to Hire Pets Writers

Before setting out to hire pet writers, consider these key factors: the type of information you want to provide, the tone/style of writing you prefer, and the source you’re using to connect with writers.

Your content might feature anything from up-to-date research in vet medicine to trends in pet products to vet care cost statistics. Think through what type of background your writer will need to deliver on content. For example, a writer who runs a pet rescue facility from their home can write from first-hand experience about costs, feeding, health issues, and behavior versus a writer who relies solely on research. If you need a writer who has hands-on experience in the pet industry, look for someone who’s been a pet business owner, pet store manager, rescue worker, veterinary tech or assistant, or pet groomer. For general content, a writer with SEO experience and by-lined work for reputable pet websites will be a solid bet. If the writer is also a pet parent or general animal lover, consider this icing on the cake.

Equally important to the content itself, make sure your writer can nail the right tone for your target audience. Whether you prefer professional, creative, or humorous, assess what your readers will respond to and communicate that clearly to your writer. Without the right tone, the information may miss its mark for marketing strategies.

Lastly, today’s online market offers numerous ways to connect with quality writers. If you’re using a content creation website, select a reputable company that provides ample information about the writer. Look for writer profiles with details on writing experience, background, and certifications, as well as writing samples. You’ll want to review all of this information to decide which writer is right for you.

Pets Writing Tips

Providing pet parents with accurate information from reputable sources is vital to creating trustworthy content. They’re relying on you to make decisions that impact their pet’s well-being. Fluffy and generic content will alienate pet parents who can easily navigate to another website with more useful advice.

Keep the tone natural and let the wealth of helpful information shine through. You’re writing for an audience with “pet babies.” The content shouldn’t be stiff, impersonal, or lifeless. An upbeat, creative style with a dash of humor and compassion is much more likely to engage pet lovers. This article published on the Mother Nature Network about Eddie the Terrible is a perfect example that combines THC — tone, humor, and compassion.

For a little inspiration on content ideas for pets, these websites are at the head of the pack: Packaged FactsPet BusinessVetstreet.comCutenessPet Food Industry, and Keep your eye on the most popular sites to learn what’s trending and what pet parents find helpful and interesting.

Now you’re ready to take these pets writing tips and get to work! Lean on sites like WriterAccess to hire pets writers who understand your audience and have the right background to create content that shines. There’s no better time to tap into this fast-growing industry and show you can offer value to pet parents everywhere.


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