It’s Reading Time: Here’s our List of Top 10 Social Media Marketing Books

Do you already have a huge pile of unread books in your room? Get ready to stack some more, because we're going to present 10 great books you don't want to miss.

Updated: May 20, 2022
It’s Reading Time: Here’s our List of Top 10 Social Media Marketing Books

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In the digital marketing universe, social media marketing is a complex system based on views and algorithms that is sometimes hard to crack.

It can be especially hard to know where to get started and which platform is right for you. 

Luckily, there are resources out there to help you crack the code. 

For example, there are many successful business people around the world who have written social media marketing books. 

Their expertise can help you navigate this area in all its complexities. And that’s why we made this list with our top picks of social media marketing books for you to read and evolve in your career.


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    1. The New Community Rules by Tamar Weinberg

    The New Community Rules by Tamar Weinberg

    Tamar Weinberg shook up social media with her book on how to conquer it. 

    The New Community Rules offers amazing strategies to navigate the world of digital marketing

    All of the advice comes from years of experience, and Weinberg has field-tested the strategies outlined in the book. 

    In addition, she uses language that makes it easy for beginners to understand, eliminating industry jargon.

    The book breaks down each avenue of digital and social media marketing, examining what demographic uses what type of social media the most and how business owners can market to them. 

    You will know how to speak “social media” and engage consumers across multiple platforms. 

    2. The Art of Social Media by Guy Kawasaki and Peg Fitzpatrick

    The Art of Social Media by Guy Kawasaki and Peg Fitzpatrick

    If you need an amazing how-to guide to sell more and gain followers for your business, look no further than The Art of Social Media.

    Authors Guy and Peg combine their knowledge for the best tips and tricks that are easy to follow and implement.

    They have both worked with major companies, including Apple and Canva, where they gained the knowledge they have decided to share with readers. 

    The authors employ strategies that help people grow their marketing plan from the ground up. 

    The goal of the book is to help people optimize their profits and time. It cuts out the industry jargon, and gets right to the heart of the matter.

    3. Influencer by Brittany Hennessy

    Influencer by Brittany Hennessy

    It’s no secret that social media influencers are driving a large portion of digital marketing. 

    For people hoping to cash into this form of marketing, this book by Brittany Hennessy is for you. 

    It is backed by the author’s experience as a blogger and as a Senior Director of Influencer Strategy and Talent Partnerships with Hearst Magazines Digital Media. 

    Hennessy directs readers in how to best use social media platforms to gain followers, sponsors, and how to market it all. 

    It also helps future social media gurus learn how to engage their audiences and keep them coming back for more content. 

    4. Everything You Need to Know about Social Media by Greta Van Susteren

    Everything You Need to Know about Social Media by Greta Van Susteren

    If you are new to the world of social media, but want to market your product, then this book is for you. 

    Everything You Need to Know gets down to the basics of social media platforms. The book explains how hashtags are used and the best ways to protect your privacy online. 

    The guide is best for people starting out in the world of social media, and it also offers a humorous take on it as well. 

    It wants readers to have fun with social media, not just use it as a tool. 

    Van Susteren’s years as a journalist also contribute to a unique perspective on social media marketing that gives fresh insight.

    5. Content Chemistry by Andy Crestodina

    Content Chemistry by Andy Crestodina

    If you need visuals to go along with explanations, Content Chemistry offers exactly that.

    The book is more than just a step-by-step guide to getting started in content marketing — it looks at the science and theory that connects social media and content marketing

    It helps readers understand how content influences people’s buying choices and why. 

    Advertising itself has always had a big influence on consumers. The book puts these theories with social media strategies to help readers create content that works. 

    From SEO to Instagram, Crestodina gets into detail with each topic.

    6. See You on the Internet by Avery Schwartz

    See You on the Internet by Avery Schwartz

    Entrepreneurs will enjoy Schwartz’s expertise and tips in See You on the Internet

    The author understands that the internet is flooded with new businesses and their websites. It is easy to be lost in the crowd and search engines. 

    Schwartz lends her experience in the tech field to readers to help them stay ahead of the game. 

    The techniques assist readers in building successful digital marketing strategies for multiple social media channels. 

    Schwartz also provides information on how to track your campaigns, and how to adjust them based on their performance. 

    For those needing help in SEO, the book gives amazing tips on how to make your page reach the top of the search engines.

    7. Fanocracy by David Meerman Scott and Reiko Scott

    Fanocracy by David Meerman Scott and Reiko Scott

    The passion of customers is what sells products. David and Reiko have authored Fanocracy based on this concept. 

    The book explores how “fandom” over products, trends, and celebrities fuel demand on the market. 

    The Scotts fill their publication with step-by-step guides to help create marketing campaigns that succeed. Each one taps into taking fandom and converting it into dollars.

    Both authors have worked with many startup businesses, so they have their experiences to back their arguments.

    8. Digital Trust by Barry Connolly

    Digital Trust by Barry Connolly

    In today’s world, eCommerce businesses dominate the market space. And it is no secret they rely on digital marketing to bring in customers. 

    Digital Trust details each type of social media platform and how online shops can use them to their advantage. 

    Another focal point of the book is the methods to create and retain trust with customers. Connolly emphasizes that the way a company builds brand identity is essential to success. 

    If a company stands by its customers, and stays connected through social media, they have a better chance of growth. 

    9. Run with Foxes by Paul Dervan

    Run with Foxes by Paul Dervan

    The theme of being bold with your social media strategies is the main topic of Run with Foxes

    Dervan’s extensive experience in social media marketing has allowed him to develop techniques that help businesses. 

    The author also incorporates advice from other successful marketers that have learned from their successes and failures. 

    There are lessons from each sector of the marketing world. Failure is one of the best teachers, according to the book, and savvy business owners can grow their business into something else if one method fails.

    10. Faster, Smarter, Louder by Aaron Agius and Gián Clancey

    Faster, Smarter, Louder by Aaron Agius and Gián Clancey

    If you want to know the best ways to combine technology and social media, Faster, Smarter, Louder is the best guidebook. 

    The two authors grew a small two-person marketing firm into a global business.

    They know what works in a strategy and recommend learning what makes your company stand out from the competition. 

    Agius and Clancy tell readers that keeping quiet on social media is not for those who want to grow their brands. 

    The duo also supports each strategy with well-documented research, so you can rest assured you are getting advice from experts.

    Wrap Up: Social Media Marketing Books can Transform your Views

    There are many people out there with great ideas that just need some help bringing attention to them. 

    That is why we have spent time finding the best social media marketing books for people in an array of situations. 

    From beginners to marketers with an eCommerce business, we were sure to cover all the bases. 

    Do you want extra help with your strategy? Read our blog post on which social media channels your brand should be present!


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