The Sophisticated Marketer’s Guide: the story behind LinkedIn Marketing Hub

Updated: January 31, 2022
The Sophisticated Marketer's Guide: the story behind the LinkedIn marketing hub

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What if you were presented with a sure way to succeed in your marketing efforts on LinkedIn? 

The Sophisticated Marketer’s Guide to LinkedIn has been, for more than 5 consecutive years, the definitive guide to build a brand using the LinkedIn platform.

Created by LinkedIn, The Sophisticated Marketer’s Guide is a white paper that will give you all the help you need to create killer content this social media.

In this article, you will get to know The Sophisticated Marketer’s Guide to LinkedIn better as we will look into:

Who needs The Sophisticated Marketer’s Guide to LinkedIn?

Once you get started with Digital Marketing, you soon realize one thing: each marketing channel resonates differently with your audience, and to succeed, it is important to understand how. 

The Sophisticated Marketer’s Guide to LinkedIn is the document you need to do so.

In previous editions, The Sophisticated Marketer’s Guide — published first by the Content Marketing Institute and latter by LinkedIn itself — has taught marketers what to expect when promoting their businesses on LinkedIn.

To do so, the document is separated in talking points, like what audience your company can expect on LinkedIn, what type of content it should publish on the platform, which edits should be done to see a profile pop online and how to reach bigger audiences.

This extensive guide has features on how to target, engage and optimize your content for LinkedIn and a simple step-by-step guide that can be followed to get a company’s page ranking at the top of the search results on LinkedIn. 


What can you learn from The Sophisticated Marketer’s Guide to LinkedIn?

Each Sophisticated Marketer’s Guide to LinkedIn focuses on a theme that is most important for the company that year. 

For instance, the 2019 document is packed with content for B2B marketers, but previous renditions have tackled new tools on the platform and how to leverage them in your marketing.

That is why it’s important to keep up with this publication. 

Changes in how LinkedIn works and strategies that shine on their platform appear first in the publication.


3 key points in The Sophisticated Marketer’s Guide to LinkedIn 2019

In its most recent edition, The Sophisticated Marketer’s Guide is packed with content that will help even experienced marketers make the best of their platform. 

Below, we’ve selected the key aspects you should look forward to reading in the guide.

1. Who can I reach with LinkedIn?

If your company is joining LinkedIn or hasn’t invested enough on its profile, to enjoy the benefits of the platform, it might be surprising to find some of the KPIs selected for The Sophisticated Marketer’s Guide to LinkedIn’s latest edition.

In it, the company focuses on selling points that will make every marketer see LinkedIn as an opportunity to grow. 

The Guide shows that, currently, LinkedIn has 46 million B2B decision-makers, 17 million opinion leads, 6 million IT decision-makers, and at least 10 million C-Level execs.

Starting the guide with these stats is no accident as The Guide sets itself ready to show you how this platform will be important in generating conversions for your company, especially if you market for other businesses.

2. What content should I publish?

The Sophisticated Marketer’s Guide would not be complete if it didn’t present data of how you can reach those millions of influencers we have mentioned in the last topic. 

That’s why the researchers responsible for the guide have ranked every single opportunity your company has of going viral on their platform.

According to The Sophisticated Marketer’s Guide to LinkedIn, visitors enter the website looking for:

  • industry news;
  • expert advice;
  • career training;
  • peer insights and recommendations; 
  • personal content published by members.

Because of this heavy focus on industry-related content, The Guide shows 82% of B2B marketers have bigger success stories to tell using LinkedIn, which is better than on any other social media platform.

3. How to optimize your LinkedIn profile?

After introducing the main stats about LinkedIn audiences, The Guide goes on to talk about optimization for LinkedIn. 

It shares many tips and tricks your company can use to establish a wider net on the platform.

According to The Guide, to get ahead, you will need to offer one of the three relevant information types:

  1. professional identity; 
  2. a solid professional network; 
  3. high engagement rates.

LinkedIn ranks how often you appear on searches based on those aspects. Because of that, The Guide lists these as the types of content your profile must have:

  • rich media content like videos and infographics;
  • optimized URLs so you can pop up organically in search engine results;
  • descriptive job titles and detailed information on the work you do;
  • high-value content links from reputable sources; 
  • publications that will help your audience keep interest in your profile.

The Guide goes on to talk about most LinkedIn features, explaining how they work and what kind of engagement they can generate for your brand. 

By reading this content, you will be able to have a deeper understanding of how LinkedIn works, what its audiences want to see when they log in and how you can get everyone’s attention on this platform with simple improvements to your account.

The Sophisticated Marketer’s Guide to LinkedIn will be a great pal to help you along the way if you’re looking for a new job opportunity or only trying to get your company to reach more candidates and broader audiences on social media.

LinkedIn is the main platform for B2B engagement, and your company can benefit greatly from a strong presence on that network. 

Even a complete resource like The Sophisticated Marketer’s Guide to LinkedIn is not enough to help you with all the challenges.

That’s why we’d like to invite you to our webinar “The role of Creativity in B2B Marketing”, on Tuesday, June 16th, at 1 pm EDT.

There, you will learn how to excel on LinkedIn and beyond with Jason Miller (ex-LinkedIn) and Mary Ward (Rock Content). Click here to watch!


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