Using Keywords in Your Content Writing

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Using Keywords in Content WritingContent writing for the Internet is a distinct writing technique that has a specific skill set. This skill set includes the use of keywords. If you are not familiar with the term “keyword,” the definition is a word or phrase that determines how people search and find your content on the Internet. For example, if I am searching for information on research techniques online, I would put that phrase into the search bar on Google or Bing to find articles on that topic. In that case, the keyword is “research topics online.”

A few years ago a writer would have to insert a keyword into their article or blog post several times to insure that search engines understood what the article was about. One of the most exciting recent developments in search engine technology is that you no longer need to spam a reader with a keyword in order for a search engine to find your article. Search engines are becoming increasingly sophisticated which allows a content writer to write more naturally. This change allows a writer to add complexity, details and interest to make their writing more enjoyable for the reader.

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Keywords are still necessary in content writing. Any writing for the Internet including blog posts, website content or retail product descriptions should include the keyword that best represents the topic in the title, and in the content. However, that is all you need. You no longer need to add multiple repetitions of the keyword in your post, and in fact, it is not recommended. While including the keyword will still help the search engine technology understand what you are writing about, you do not need to use a sledgehammer to make your meaning clear. Over time, search engines will consider the overuse of keywords to be a signal for low value content, pushing that content lower in the search queue.

Freelance writers who make their living writing prose for the Internet are all breathing a sigh of relief. With fewer restrictions on how to use keywords, they can use their writing skills to create content for a blog or website that is subtle and inviting instead of point blank and in-your-face. As you look for a freelancer to hire for ghostwriting services, consider an author who is experienced and up-to-date on writing trends. Look for true excellence, someone who will add personality to your site. A professional writer no longer has to be an automaton to write online. They can write content aimed directly at your target audience, in terms that your customers can understand and relate to, inviting your readers to investigate your website in more depth.


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