How to use video in email marketing?

Have you ever thought of using video in email marketing? This is a great way to increase your engagement rate and other results. Check it out!

Updated: July 26, 2021

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Delivering the right elements can greatly enrich your content, especially when you are dealing with video marketing. Never forget that you are in constant competition for your audience’s attention, so you must be creative in delivering value. Using video in email marketing can be highly beneficial in that sense.

Videos can morph into anything you and your brand need. They can become promotional showcases of your products, corporate videos that solidify your company mission, useful tutorials, insightful interviews, and many others. Such variety can supercharge your email marketing strategy.

However, to enjoy all the benefits this combination can offer, you must know how to properly use video in email marketing. This channel is as relevant as ever nowadays and can help you reach your business goals with the right strategy.

In this article, you will learn about the importance of using video in email marketing and the best practices to do that. Follow the topics below:

What are the benefits of video in email marketing?

Are you wondering if working with video in email marketing is worth it? The short answer is: yes. This is a combination of two great marketing initiatives that contribute greatly to your exposure and engagement rate.

Graph Video Stats
Source: WordStream

The stats tell the whole story. According to Campaign Monitor, using video in email marketing can increase your open rates by 19% and your click rates by 65%. Also, it can reduce your unsubscribe rate by 26%.

Here are some other reasons to work with video in email marketing:

  • enjoy higher click and conversion rates;
  • increase the odds of having your content forwarded;
  • obtain a bigger open rate by signaling your video in the subject line;
  • build trust and authenticity via email marketing;
  • embed videos in your email messages;
  • still link to videos in your messages if embedding is not supported by the recipient.

How to use videos in email marketing?

Now that you know how beneficial it can be to use videos in email marketing, the next step involves knowing how to do that effectively. After all, good results only come to good implementations of this strategy. Check out the necessary steps to use videos in email marketing.

Create quality videos for your brand

This sounds obvious, but it needs to be a respected part of your process. Quality is not a subjective concept in this case, as it has everything to do with your ability to come up with the right content to appeal to your audience while contributing to your goals and metrics for content performance.

Source: Humble Bundle

It also refers to the literal quality of your videos, like the image resolution (see above image), lighting and sound. Make sure you use the correct equipment so that everything works well together and your video can be enjoyable by your target audience.

Use the correct video formats

One of the biggest advantages of using videos in your content marketing strategy is that they can become whatever you need them to be. Because of that, an important part of your process involves deciding what formats you will choose.

Imagine a business school is looking to attract more authority and engagement. They can create a series of videos with tutorials on basic subjects or even interviews with former students talking about the course. Do you see how important the choice of format is?

Come up with effective subject lines

The subject line is the first piece of your email marketing content your recipient sees, and it is decisive to your open rates. As such, it needs to be highly effective in making sure your audience feels compelled to click your message and check it out.

While using video in email marketing, your work with subject lines changes as well. Make sure you mention that there is a video inside while making its value clear to your target audience’s needs and motivations. If it fits your brand voice, you can even try to use an emoji!

Embed video in emails

Source: Animaker

Allowing your recipient to play your video right from the message they receive is a great way to increase your engagement rate and make sure your audience watches your content. The good news is that, yes, you can embed videos in emails by using HTML5.

Mail clients such as Outlook, Mac, and iOS Mail support this feature, while it can be limited in others. Bringing your recipient a video embedded into an email can be a highly effective way to make sure your content is watched.

What are the best practices of video in email marketing?

The next steps to building your strategy for using video in email marketing requires learning the best practices of this type of initiative. After all, you need to be able to go beyond the basics and deliver quality to your audience, if you wish to reach your goals.

Here are the best practices you should follow when working with video in email marketing.

Know your audience

No matter what kind of content you are creating and sending through email marketing, you must know what your target audience needs and wants. This will help you come up with the most effective client communication that can generate the highest conversion rates for your brand.

This also applies to video in email marketing. Try to create the best content that will be interesting to the audience you are reaching. Also, make sure to use the right mental triggers to convince them to press play.

Use clear CTAs

Whenever you use video in email marketing, it must be part of a broader strategy to lead your potential customer somewhere. This is done with good CTAs, as they need to be direct, easy to notice, and speak in your audience’s language.

Make sure your videos themselves also have effective CTAs that lead your potential customer to the next stage of the buying process. Never create any piece of content that does not have a clear next step for the audience to follow.

Keep your videos short

An email is an expressway of communication. Most people read like in-between daily tasks. Because of that, it is important to remember not to make your video too long, if you expect your audience to engage with it via email marketing.

People can justify spending a couple of minutes watching a video, which is essential to increase your engagement rate. Be careful not to ask for more of their attention that they are willing to give.

Create anticipation for your videos

You can greatly increase the interest in your emails with video by creating anticipation among your recipients. Such expectations will make sure they do not miss your next piece and will even look forward to it.

This can be accomplished in several ways, one of which is the creation of a series. For instance, send the first part of a larger piece of content in your first email and say the following sections will come in the following days. Brand it like an actual series and enjoy the benefits.

The use of video in email marketing is just one example of how employing the right piece of content can make a whole difference to your results. You can broaden your horizons in that sense by working with visual content that can positively affect your audience and help you reach your goals.

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