Writing about Relationships: The Freelance Relationship Copywriter

Updated: February 25, 2024

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From casual dating to working every day with the coworkers, daily life includes navigating relationships. While many relationships remain positive, everyone encounters occasional bumps in the road. Minor misunderstandings and major disagreements can blow up and ruin an otherwise beneficial relationship. Freelance relationships copywriters address common issues and provide workable solutions that help restore friendships between family members, friends and coworkers.

Getting Started as a Relationships Writer

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics projects a six percent increase in writing careers over the next few years. If you’re a good listener, like helping people and want to work from home, consider a relationships writing career.

To get started in the field, hone your writing skills. Study and follow the AP style guide. You’ll gain more readers and clients when your work is free of grammar and spelling errors.

Along with writing ability, you should be able to discuss common relationship issues and suggest possible resolutions. It’s not enough to discuss the problems. People already know the pitfalls they face when they deal with a roommate or spouse. Readers want to know how to fix their problems, and you can help.

Consider finding a niche that suits your experience and training. If you’re a parent, for example, your experience might qualify you to address issues surrounding parent-child relationships, marriage or blended families.

Building Your Writing Career

Within your niche, start a blog and build a website. Share solutions to problems and use your posts as writing samples for potential employers.

You can also start commenting on other relationship blogs. Be sure your posts answer a question and add value to the blog. As you share your knowledge, you’re establishing yourself as an expert in your field. These comments also attract traffic to your blog and website.

To make a living as freelance relationships copywriters, find paying gigs. Counseling centers, community youth groups and business organizations often hire freelancers to write regular relationship articles. Additionally, submit content to local newspapers, national magazines and online freelance content sites.

There are tons of people out there looking for relationship advice. Use your experience, wisdom and perspective to work as a freelance relationships copywriter. Find your niche, start writing and launch your career today.


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